This subforum needs another moderator

The very fact that you call them "woo woo"'s is proof that you're not qualified to moderate.
Oh dear. The fact that I use a catch-all term which accurately describes the vast majority disqualifies me? It's proof? What poor validation you use.

You can't remove your own bias.
False assumption. I have in the past stuck up for and defended posters who have been relegated to Pseudosci.

As for merely repeating the same arguments... you "scientists of sciforums" seem to give me the same morbid thrill I expect many nascar fans find addicting. There's nothing but the dross of endless circles but who knows? maybe we'll get lucky one day and there'll be a crash :D
Maybe someone will actually post something that hasn't been shown to be wrong many times previously. Maybe someone will post something with more evidence than "I definitely saw it" or "My neighbour told me about it and I trust him".
Oops: why do you think I have such a large collection of pseudo books?
Why do you think I turned to science? And philosophy? And half a dozen other subjects? Could it be because because I want answers?
If that was true then the only noble course of action is to admit that there are questions that we don't have the answers for and that the only possible answers come from speculation, and from speculation upon speculation. Then do a quick review of the ideas that appear in Pseudo, whether originated here or relegated to here, and try to disqualify the "idiots that persist in posting stuff that's already been debunked" by pointing out the science that debunks them. If that fails to dissuade the idle fantasy then simply let them rant and ignore them, leaving their threads to provide the amusement that a special forum like this can afford.

But to be truly honorable you must deal further with the ideas that cannot be debunked so easily. If they cannot be refuted but are clearly fairy dust isolate the key phrases or earliest statement that prove your point and clearly point them out and make some reasonable and responsible case for why they are fairy dust. Saying you are a professional is the weakest proof that you have the ability to distinguish between reasonable and responsible speculation that is connected to some scientific consensus, and some fantasy that emerges from what could be a drug induced stupor. Taking on the mantel of professionalism should result in the exercise of professional ethics even in dealing with pseudo idiots.
Over? OVER?? Fickle person. :p
Meh? It's a Sciforums (at least that's where I first came across the word) term. It's a sort of verbal shrug. "Whatever"/ "However"...
OK then, but don't expect me to be sending that Valentine next year.

Actually I would like to see you resign from the mod ranks and start participating in threads with your hard science knowledge and you pseudo library background as lubrication for ideas that are at the edge of the scientific body of knowledge.
Hello.. I will only post in my own thread. :) I only posted in other threads because somebody asked a question that only I could answer. It's hard not to respond in that case, but I'll ignore those questions.
Yes, you have proven to have a more ethical set of standards than the idiots who hound you without a shred of appreciation for you brand of humor and talent.
If that was true then the only noble course of action is to admit that there are questions that we don't have the answers for
Is that not understood?
At least by anyone who's actually bothered checking...

If that fails to dissuade the idle fantasy then simply let them rant and ignore them, leaving their threads to provide the amusement that a special forum like this can afford.
And let them take up band width?
And, this is merely my personal take on this: we have members who aren't up on science, we get newbies looking for answers - if we simply leave the crackpots to post without rebuttal then what wrong ideas get filtered back those who don't know?
Personally (and yes, I am working on it) I'd like to see a "What you don't know about XXX but should" series of threads, either with or without the participation of woo woos - an explanation of what is wrong with certain woo woo topics/ claims, and why they're wrong. One example would be here, but it doesn't go far enough.

But to be truly honorable you must deal further with the ideas that cannot be debunked so easily. If they cannot be refuted but are clearly fairy dust isolate the key phrases or earliest statement that prove your point and clearly point them out and make some reasonable and responsible case for why they are fairy dust.
And isn't it usually the case that when that has been done the woo woo will plough on regardless?

OK then, but don't expect me to be sending that Valentine next year.
Now I'm sulking.

Actually I would like to see you resign from the mod ranks and start participating in threads with your hard science knowledge and you pseudo library background as lubrication for ideas that are at the edge of the scientific body of knowledge.
Resign? GeoffP will be in like a shot!
Can't I participate and still be a mod? :confused:
And let them take up band width?
And, this is merely my personal take on this: we have members who aren't up on science, we get newbies looking for answers - if we simply leave the crackpots to post without rebuttal then what wrong ideas get filtered back those who don't know?
Personally (and yes, I am working on it) I'd like to see a "What you don't know about XXX but should" series of threads, either with or without the participation of woo woos - an explanation of what is wrong with certain woo woo topics/ claims, and why they're wrong. One example would be here, but it doesn't go far enough.

To be honest though, I could do that with science compared with my theory. Like the two slit experiment. You have it behaving like a liquid.. what if it was a liquid? What if a slow pulse was like a diver with his arms, and legs straight, and a large pulse was like a belly flop? This of course indicates the Aether inside the experiment. So indicating that a wave particle duality is actually a particle crashing into a wave is a common sense solution to put QS back into normal science.

What if I said that action at a distance was caused yet again by a liquid. We know that liquid follows streams, just because you bend over a waterfall doesn't mean that you were attracted to the bottom of the waterfall, you were actually bent at the top of the waterfall by the free space 1 particle below you.

Proving my theory is wrong is proving nature wrong, or proving that I am struggling to figure something out.. like DNA... which is bugging me.
To be honest though, I could do that with science compared with my theory.
No you couldn't.

Like the two slit experiment. You have it behaving like a liquid..

What if a slow pulse was like a diver with his arms, and legs straight, and a large pulse was like a belly flop?
What if you actually made sense for once?

This of course indicates the Aether inside the experiment. So indicating that a wave particle duality is actually a particle crashing into a wave is a common sense solution to put QS back into normal science.
The fact that you're ignorant of "normal" science and lack common sense doesn't help your case.

What if I said that action at a distance was caused yet again by a liquid.
You can say whatever you like: you're still wrong and still ignorant.

Proving my theory is wrong is proving nature wrong, or proving that I am struggling to figure something out.. like DNA... which is bugging me.
You don't have a theory, what you do have is a load of disconnected waffle and no clue.
No you couldn't.


What if you actually made sense for once?

The fact that you're ignorant of "normal" science and lack common sense doesn't help your case.

You can say whatever you like: you're still wrong and still ignorant.

You don't have a theory, what you do have is a load of disconnected waffle and no clue.

Well you have proved my point. You are doing exactly what you say that Woo Woo's would do when shown that they are wrong. You are continuing to go ahead with posting the same refutes, and lack of knowledge. To me you are a woo woo, and that's pretty ironic.
Hello.. I will only post in my own thread. :) I only posted in other threads because somebody asked a question that only I could answer. It's hard not to respond in that case, but I'll ignore those questions.

Yes, you have proven to have a more ethical set of standards than the idiots who hound you without a shred of appreciation for you brand of humor and talent.

Well you have proved my point. You are doing exactly what you say that Woo Woo's would do when shown that they are wrong. You are continuing to go ahead with posting the same refutes, and lack of knowledge. To me you are a woo woo, and that's pretty ironic.
I take back my generous comments and remind you that you have posted your ideas in yet another person's thread. The right course of action if you must post on threads other than your own is to stay on their topic. In the cases where it is appropriate you can invite people to your thread or link to it respectfully but those cases would be rare considering your thread material.
Well you have proved my point. You are doing exactly what you say that Woo Woo's would do when shown that they are wrong. You are continuing to go ahead with posting the same refutes, and lack of knowledge. To me you are a woo woo, and that's pretty ironic.

Hear hear! Throw down the unbeliever!

* shakes pitchfork again *

This message supported by the Throw down Dywddyr and Elect GeoffP Foundation.
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I take back my generous comments and remind you that you have posted your ideas in yet another person's thread. The right course of action if you must post on threads other than your own is to stay on their topic. In the cases where it is appropriate you can invite people to your thread or link to it respectfully but those cases would be rare considering your thread material.

I'm about to help you out big time in my thread...
And let them take up band width?
You must know that sounds like a lame excuse. How much band width can a person consume in a normal thread. If they start posting hi res pics and cut and paste large references, reserve the right to delete the offending material.
And, this is merely my personal take on this: we have members who aren't up on science, we get newbies looking for answers - if we simply leave the crackpots to post without rebuttal then what wrong ideas get filtered back those who don't know?
I'm sorry but who exactly is going to be misled by woo woo's posting stupid crap in a well labeled Pseudoscience forum. And I didn't say don't rebut them, I said point out where their ideas have been falsified by science and then ignore them. If you feed the trolls they will breed.
Personally (and yes, I am working on it) I'd like to see a "What you don't know about XXX but should" series of threads, either with or without the participation of woo woos - an explanation of what is wrong with certain woo woo topics/ claims, and why they're wrong. One example would be here, but it doesn't go far enough.
Where did Oli go? I found him to be pretty reasonable in an obnoxious sort of way.
And isn't it usually the case that when that has been done the woo woo will plough on regardless?
I don't think so. Note that when I have actually taken the time to address threads proposing radical cosmology, the originator appreciates a rational hearing and discourse and lightens up.
Now I'm sulking.
YOU'RE sulking. Put yourself in my shoes. I thought you were a babe with the fine mind of a tolerant attitude toward fringe ideas. Now I find you are just another dude with a way with woo woos :bawl:.
Resign? GeoffP will be in like a shot!
Can't I participate and still be a mod? :confused:
He'll have to pass my interview first it I have my way around here ... OH, wait, I'm one of the woo woos who's on the road to being banned :eek:.

And I don't think you can participate and still be a mod. When I am not setting a good example by refusing to return flames, I want to be able to flame back in Trumps, and I don't think there is a mod who will take that from me or anyone without putting on the Mod hat.
You must know that sounds like a lame excuse. How much band width can a person consume in a normal thread. If they start posting hi res pics and cut and paste large references, reserve the right to delete the offending material.
I'm sorry but who exactly is going to be misled by woo woo's posting stupid crap in a well labeled Pseudoscience forum. And I didn't say don't rebut them, I said point out where their ideas have been falsified by science and then ignore them. If you feed the trolls they will breed.
These two go together: are you telling me that someone won't turn up and see that we're Sciforums, not notice (or even ignore the Pseudosci title) then go away thinking they've found an answer? I'm afraid that you overestimate people, or underestimate irrationality.
I didn't mean band width on the forum so much as band width for reading and checking for boundaries overstepped...

Where did Oli go? I found him to be pretty reasonable in an obnoxious sort of way.
Reasonably obnoxious?

I don't think so. Note that when I have actually taken the time to address threads proposing radical cosmology, the originator appreciates a rational hearing and discourse and lightens up.
If I may say so, you tend to be an exception: witness, for example Anita Meyer or Pincho... Refuted time and time again and STILL they come back with specious crap.

YOU'RE sulking. Put yourself in my shoes. I thought you were a babe with the fine mind of a tolerant attitude toward fringe ideas. Now I find you are just another dude with a way with woo woos :bawl:.
So just because I'm a guy you're dumping me? That's sexist!! :p

And I don't think you can participate and still be a mod. When I am not setting a good example by refusing to return flames, I want to be able to flame back in Trumps, and I don't think there is a mod who will take that from me or anyone without putting on the Mod hat.
Meh, your idea of flaming isn't what I've put up with in the past. You do tend to be (and I hope you'll forgive me - it's not intended as a slur) fairly mild-mannered even when roused.
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Uh, no! The man thought he was god's gift to women. So arrogant about how good looking he was. :rolleyes:
You are one of the few people who's opinion I take without question. Oli must now be considered an obnoxious egotistical womanizer. Good riddance! I stand corrected.
Didn't know his tanks, either. Sort of an appallingly bad identifier of most military equipment. I tried not to say anything too overt about it, but it was a nagging embarrassment that I often had to overlook. Still, now that he's gone, I feel it's all right to brutally stab him in the back.
These two go together: are you telling me that someone won't turn up and see that we're Sciforums, not notice (or even ignore the Pseudosci title) then go away thinking they've found an answer? I'm afraid that you overestimate people, or underestimate irrationality.
I didn't mean band width on the forum so much as band width for reading and checking for boundaries overstepped...
Please. I am on top of irrationality ... wait ...

No, seriously, I don't think that happens but if it does let them learn from that experience. The lesson that the Internet is a can of worms could come in a much more severe way than to be misled about the cause of gravity.
If I may say so, you tend to be an exception: witness, for example Anita Meyer or Pincho... Refuted time and time again and STILL they come back with specious crap.
Give me time. When their hot threads cool down and I get bored, I will reengage them.
So just because I'm a guy you're dumping me? That's sexist!! :p
Can't we just be friend :shrug:.

Meh, your idea of flaming isn't what I've put up with in the past. You do tend to be (and I hope you'll forgive me - it's not intended as a slur) fairly mild-mannered even when roused.
Only because of the threat of getting a mod mad. I have already seen how quick other mods are to "moderate" and how the professionals who slum here are allowed to act without recrimination. If there were no rules and someone flamed me I could give anyone a run for their money if they didn't have the power to ban me.
No, seriously, I don't think that happens but if it does let them learn from that experience.
Ah, we have differing ideas.
For me I'd rather not let woo woo concepts get ingrained from the start: some are hard to shake.

Can't we just be friend :shrug:.
Seeing as it's you.

Only because of the threat of getting a mod mad. I have already seen how quick other mods are to "moderate" and how the professionals who slum here are allowed to act without recrimination. If there were no rules and someone flamed me I could give anyone a run for their money if they didn't have the power to ban me.
Pfft, Pseudosci is pretty much an "anything goes" zone.
Most forums on this board have more than one mod....just to give an extra pair of eyes. While I think Stryder is an excellent mod, and a fair man, he is only one man, and could use some backup.

To me the obviously selection is Dywyddyr, as he is a world class woo wrangler. If Dy doesn't want it...I'm sure there are others.

Just my $.02.

I agree! :itold:
Ah, we have differing ideas.
For me I'd rather not let woo woo concepts get ingrained from the start: some are hard to shake.
So rebut them. And as for ideas being ingrained and hard to shake, that part is true. My mom told me that butterflies could fly to the sun and I still hope they are careful not to get too close to the flames.
Pfft, Pseudosci is pretty much an "anything goes" zone.
As it should be.
So rebut them.
But but but... Didn't you just advocate letting them continue to post unheeded?
"If that fails to dissuade the idle fantasy then simply let them rant and ignore them, leaving their threads to provide the amusement that a special forum like this can afford."