This should probably be in the physics section but.......

IOW if I hold wiki in contempt (and remain blissfully recalcitrant to the suggestion of taking a serious interest in practical physics)
Do you think that would be a reasonable attitude, or willful ignorance?

I'm guessing that you maintain that all atheists "refuse to approach the practices that verification requires" as far as God is concerned?

What are the practices that the verification of God requires?
Do you think that would be a reasonable attitude, or willful ignorance?
ignorance of course
I'm guessing that you maintain that all atheists "refuse to approach the practices that verification requires" as far as God is concerned?

What are the practices that the verification of God requires?
the first step would be treating persons who advocate a practice with respect. For instance if I think that anyone who has anything to say about the existence of electrons is simply a deluded fool, I won't make much progress in physics
In short, if I insist on verification and stubbornly refuse to approach the practices that verification requires, I will remain a difficult customer to please.

Engaging in those practices requires more than just overcoming one's pride, though.

There are the fears that one will be let down, that one will be made a fool of, that one will become more lonely than one can bear, that one will become insane.

What do you suggest that an atheist do about these fears?
Engaging in those practices requires more than just overcoming one's pride, though.

There are the fears that one will be let down, that one will be made a fool of, that one will become more lonely than one can bear, that one will become insane.

What do you suggest that an atheist do about these fears?
I think a lot of these fears can be addressed by good association (or perhaps a preamble to that would be to first know what good association is) - In otherwords if you can see the practical example of someone who is not these things, one can develop the proper determination

BG 3.21 Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.
the first step would be treating persons who advocate a practice with respect. For instance if I think that anyone who has anything to say about the existence of electrons is simply a deluded fool, I won't make much progress in physics

Of course. Go on...
Of course. Go on...
If you examine the general tradition of persons who are the central teachers of any religious tradition you see that they all tend to have two essential elements to their recommendations

the do's - usually involves coming into contact with the positive aspect of god's nature/transcendence - like chanting the name of god for instance, eating sanctified food stuffs, etc

the do not's - usually involves not cultivating (or if thats not possible, at least regulating) things like lust, wrath, envy etc

Generally they indicate that by adopting these processes one becomes purified, and in that purified state, the nature of god becomes apparent
I don't see how that leads to demonstrating that "something" exists with a physical basis with very predictable behaviour?
From experience, I suggest that it leads to demonstrating that "something" exists with a psychological basis with somewhat predictable behavior, and that the "something" is to do with the nature of the human mind rather than external factors.

How would you suggest using these practices to investigate the properties of God, and can you be sure that such investigations are objective and reliable?

What would you say to someone who, after spending years engaged in those activities, finds them to be mostly dissatisfying meaningless rituals, with occasional gems of useful social values?
I don't see how that leads to demonstrating that "something" exists with a physical basis with very predictable behaviour?
if you don't take the practice up, it wouldn't be expected that you could see what it entails

From experience, I suggest that it leads to demonstrating that "something" exists with a psychological basis with somewhat predictable behavior, and that the "something" is to do with the nature of the human mind rather than external factors.
hence different experiences lead to different demonstrations

How would you suggest using these practices to investigate the properties of God, and can you be sure that such investigations are objective and reliable?
basically there is an element to the practice that involves coming to an objective state of mind (purity of consciousness etc)

What would you say to someone who, after spending years engaged in those activities, finds them to be mostly dissatisfying meaningless rituals, with occasional gems of useful social values?
That they are probably messing up on a few aspects of practice or possibly even theory
SpiderGoat said:
but it's physicality is easily demonstrated

And this is precisely my point!!!

All the rest of the conversation here only inspires thought about the first statement, which lightgigantic is falling for. Allthough the bible is great and says things such as whatever a great man does common men will follow.......... doesn't really matter at this point in time.
And this is precisely my point!!!

All the rest of the conversation here only inspires thought about the first statement, which lightgigantic is falling for. Allthough the bible is great and says things such as whatever a great man does common men will follow.......... doesn't really matter at this point in time.
it does if its only the "great men" in question who find the physicality easily demonstrated
if you don't take the practice up, it wouldn't be expected that you could see what it entails
You appear to assume that I have not taken up such practices.
But regardless, you're jumping to the second level of investigation. Demonstrating that "something" exists with a physical basis with very predictable behaviour is the first level - like looking at a TV, and seeing that "something" exists that puts images on the screen.

hence different experiences lead to different demonstrations
Do they lead to the same properties, the same description of God?

basically there is an element to the practice that involves coming to an objective state of mind (purity of consciousness etc)
And reliability? How do you test the reliability of this investigation?

That they are probably messing up on a few aspects of practice or possibly even theory
But how is that possible, if approached with a yearning heart, a devoted mind, and a devout guide?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
if you don't take the practice up, it wouldn't be expected that you could see what it entails

You appear to assume that I have not taken up such practices.
basically the more subtle the claim, the more involved the practice - kind of like you can learn a multiplication timestable in a few moments and you can learn what it takes to verify an electron in a few years. The ease that you dismissed the process after simply working with a very simple explanation of it led me to believe that you haven't applied it

But regardless, you're jumping to the second level of investigation. Demonstrating that "something" exists with a physical basis with very predictable behaviour is the first level - like looking at a TV, and seeing that "something" exists that puts images on the screen.
so the equivalent in this scenario (ie the raw object/s of investigation) would be the phenomenal world and one's consciousness

hence different experiences lead to different demonstrations

Do they lead to the same properties, the same description of God?
there are numerous ways that god can be described but they should not be contradictory, at least for one who is claiming complete knowledge.

For instance one person may describe a person called fred. Another may describe a person who is a baker. Another may describe a person who's wife is called mary. If it is understood that fred is baker who has a wife called mary there is no contradiction. If we have only a partial understanding of this knowledge, issues may arise (Fred is a baker but we don't know who is wife is, so we can't verify the "mary" thing)

In this way the variety within monotheistic claims can be sorted and even worked along side polytheistic, animistic or even the claims of cargo cultists. (IOW they can all be attributed some element of truth in regards to the nature of god, but only from the vantage of complete knowledge)

basically there is an element to the practice that involves coming to an objective state of mind (purity of consciousness etc)

And reliability? How do you test the reliability of this investigation?
well suppose we were discussing a practice that required purity of water. To test the reliability we would adopt a standard for testing that purity (taste, colour etc). Some standards might be more comprehensive than others (perhaps all that is required is that you take a swig of it and see if you drop down dead)

So similarly, when one is discussing purity of consciousness (needs of the soul vs the needs of the body), one adopts a standard, and some standards will be more effective or complete than others.
Here's one such standard

NoI 1: A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.

That they are probably messing up on a few aspects of practice or possibly even theory

But how is that possible, if approached with a yearning heart, a devoted mind, and a devout guide?
quite easily

NoI 2: One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: (1) eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required; (2) overendeavoring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain; (3) talking unnecessarily about mundane subject matters; (4) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically; (5) associating with worldly-minded persons who are not interested in god consciousness; and (6) being greedy for mundane achievements.
Enmos, you're the only one around here making BS claims and showing them off as productive.

Huh ? Like what ?

What I meant with that smiley was that LG won't make you look like a fool.
But thanks for your opinion :bugeye: