This is what bible says about worshipping other Gods

10:33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;...

Thus Jesus implies the divinity of all beings. This is similar to the idea of Brahman; the devine as playing the part of human beings like in a play.
spidergoat said:
10:33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;...

Thus Jesus implies the divinity of all beings. This is similar to the idea of Brahman; the devine as playing the part of human beings like in a play.
M*W: How could we be anything inferior to our own creator? The Master and the Masterpiece are One. If something divine creates another being, that being would also be divine. How could we expect anything less from our creator? Creators can create inferior beings that aren't divine, but they neither are themselves. There is no other purpose for humanity to have been created except to be one with our creator and divine.
spidergoat said:
Even within Christianity, there are separate things required from separate groups. Perhaps God tailors his message to his audience. In the past, with less media coverage, he would almost have too.

What manner of heresy is this? Where in the Bible was this edict given that separate things are required from separate groups within Christianity?

Jews and Muslims believe in God, too, the same God as the Christians, and no trinity. The trinity is unified anyway, so what's the difference? It merely implies God comes in different forms, something the Hindus believed all along. Perhaps the other Hindu "Gods" are actually angels, the difference being one of semantics (wording).

Well that would be wrong since God does NOT "come in different forms". Also, angels are not God, or gods at all. True, they are of a higher form than man, but we must certainly not fool ourselves.

So, it is not enough to believe in God, now you have to think of him as three-in-one? Perhaps the Hindus worship the same God, and they just got the triune thing wrong. Or, maybe you got the triune thing wrong. I don't think the God of everything would be that picky about it. Since there is only one God, all worship must certainly be about him, and they differ only in the details.

God is not "three-in-one".

the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma.

That is much different from thinking of "Him as three-in-one". The preposition 'in' is incorrectly used.

It seems you are not so sure about this statement. I still say you don't know that their God is different, just the way they worship is different.

I would then advise you to look at the statement again. There was no shadow of turning, wavering or hint of uncertainty in it and it is as steadfast as a rock in a high place.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: How could we be anything inferior to our own creator? The Master and the Masterpiece are One. If something divine creates another being, that being would also be divine.

Not necessarily as this is not the current case. In mere speculation, such a thing is however plausible.

Creators can create inferior beings that aren't divine, but they neither are themselves.

Such a sentence makes no sense to me.
spidergoat said:
10:33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;...

Thus Jesus implies the divinity of all beings. This is similar to the idea of Brahman; the devine as playing the part of human beings like in a play.

Read this
MOHAMMED's ALLAH - by Ahmed Hulusi


The meaning of the statement "La ilaha ill-Allah" constitutes the basis of Islam.

"La ilaha ill-Allah" can be interpreted simply as; "there is no god, there is only ALLAH."

If we analyze the meaning of each word:

La ilaha: "La" means "there is no"; "ilah" means "god," that is "a being to be worshipped." Hence, "la ilaha" means "there is no being to be worshipped."

Now, let us pay attention to this fact at this point: The "Word of Oneness" begins with "La ilaha" and so, a definite degree is emphasized right in the beginning: "There is no being to be worshipped" (LA ILAHA)

Then, ill-Allah follows as an explanation: "illa" meaning "only," "ALLAH." It does not even say "there is ALLAH"; it simply says "only ALLAH."

There is an extremely significant point that should be mentioned in particular, now.

Regardless of the title that they bear, there is a serious error that some people, who approach to religion through memorization without an effective thought (tafaqqur), fall into.

Because of interpreting the message "La ilaha ill-Allah" through the application of customary translation methods in the Arabic language, they result in a serious mistake.

It is such that:

For instance, if the statement is "La rajula illa Ali,", it might be translated as "there is no man but Ali" or, "there is not such a man as Ali" or else, "there is no one as Ali as a man" ["illa" suggesting a comparison between Ali and an existence besides Ali].

However, when used in association with the word "ALLAH," "illa" can never be interpreted as "there is no god such as ALLAH . . . that which suggests a separate existence besides ALLAH in comparison with HU, as if "there is another god -ilah, but it never matches ALLAH."

It is necessary to understand the following point clearly, as well:

As the word "kana" in Arabic —which means "was"— loses its common meaning when it is associated with the word "ALLAH" and is understood as "IS" in its simple present tense form, the same way the word "illa," too, exceeds its message in customary usage and is understood as "ONLY."

Let us now give an example to mention the word "kana":

Since the qualities denoted by the noun "ALLAH" are free from being restricted within the past time passages, we can never translate the statement "kana-ALLAHu Gafur’ur Rahiyma" in the way as "ALLAH WAS Gafur (Forgiving) and Rahiym (Merciful) [in the past]." The same way, the word "illa" in "illa-ALLAH," must only be interpreted and understood as "ONLY," but neither as "other" nor "but!"

Because, the qualities of the being denoted by the noun "ALLAH", not only decline the recognition of an existence apart from HU, but the consideration of any other being beside HU, either!

For these reasons, if such words as "illa", "kana" and the like, which refer to a conception of time or place, were encountered as in association with the name "ALLAH," they should be understood connected with the meaning that the name "ALLAH" refers to, and they should not be taken as what is understood form their customary usage.

Unless this is applied properly, the interpreted concept will come out to be a GOD-out-there, that is an ILAH concept beyond us and even beyond the universe.

Taking this fact into consideration, if we focus our attention in grasping this point truly, we will see that:

"There is no god to be worshipped, only ALLAH is!"

* * *

This is the fact revealed from this statement first as a primary meaning: "There is no god to worship!"

After definitely stating that there is no god afar off somewhere that to be worshipped, "illa ALLAH" follows.

As we have tried to explain above, the word "illa" can be understood as ‘but’, as well as "ONLY" as seen in its usage here.

When using "illa" with the word "ALLAH," it must be definitely understood as "ONLY"; because there is no other existence apart from "ALLAH" that ALLAH could be compared with it, or could be measured and defined in connection with it. This theme is widely explained in our coming book entitled "WHAT MOHAMMED READ".

It is clear now that if the word "illa" comes in connection with the name "ALLAH," it must always be translated as "ONLY."

From this point of view, the translation of the Word of Oneness into English should not be as "there is no god but ALLAH," but "there is no god, ONLY ALLAH."

Only after then that the concept of wahdat (UNITY - ONENESS), which is the system [fundamental principal] of thought and belief that the Deen of Islam informs, should be grasped accordingly.

This statement informs that there exists only "ALLAH" and ALLAH is not a god to worship. Because it is definitely stated at the beginning that "la ilaha" — there is no being to be worshipped! Therefore, what is denoted through the noun ALLAH is not a GOD afar off, outside human that to be worshipped, nor a GOD-afar-off, outside, far away from all existing things that we perceive are there!

So in this case, the question is, what is "worshipping" and what is "servitude?"



First of all, we must focus our attention on the meanings of these two words, "worshipping" and "servitude", now.

The word "worshipping" refers to a connection with a "god." The act of "worshipping" is based on a dual existence such as a "worshipper" and a "worshipped."

"You" and also "your God" are under consideration. In other words, "you" have a "god." so that you may worship your god.

Therefore, what is known as "worshipping" is a manner of behavior that occurs between two separate beings. "Worshipping" in this sense is a name given to various pactices of a person who believes in some sort of a god off in the sky or on earth. ‘Your’ actions aimed toward someone else, are under consideration!..

As for the meaning of "servitude" (abdiyat)...

"Servitude" is a name given to "the fulfillment of acts by an individual in connection with the disposition and reason for which it exists."

The following sign will help us understand this fact as it is emphasized in Chapter 51 (Sura Al Dhariyat), sign 56 in the Koran:

"And I have not created jinni and mankind except that they should serve Me."

No doubt, it is impossible for a being created by One who is mentioned by the name ALLAH, to outpace its purpose of existence.

Also let us remember the meaning that the following sign implies, right at this point:

"There is not a moving creature on earth but HU holds it by its forelock." (11:56)

Likewise, in the Chapter of Opening (Sura Al-Faatiha), the phrase "To You alone do we serve" makes it clear in this sense that: "we fulfill our function owing to the program and reason for which You created us" just by performing what is to be done accordingly.

Also, examine the sign:

"Kul kulluny-ya 'malu ‘alaa Shaaqilatihi" meaning "Say: Everyone acts according to his own disposition, i.e., everyone operates in accordance with the manner in which he was fashioned" (17:84)

The fulfillment of actions by individual beings as a result of their constitution (fitrat) that is built by the Nature-Maker (FATIR) through the convenient expression of HU's own qualities in accordance with HU's will WITHin their existence, is called their "abdiyat" (servitude).

Essentially, regardless of the difference between forms of serving either as "obedience" (taat) or "disobedience" (masiyat), the behaviors of all individuals are their "constitutional (fatri) servitude!

It is the form of servitude only that is called either as "obedience" or "disobedience" in connection with people’s understanding, that all is nothing other than servitude (abdiyat) as we have explained above.

"The seven heavens, the earth and all those who dwell Therein; and there is not a single thing that does not give Glory to HU; all creatures celebrate HU's praise. Yet you cannot understand how they declare their praises!" (17:44)

This sign clearly declares that all things in existence carry out their servitude in the way explained.

In other way of saying, what is known as "obedience" is a servitude that involves a person’s practices and acts aimed at realizing his essential and original being; while "disobedience" is a [name given to the form of] servitude that involves a person's behavior acted toward losing the treasure found in his own essence and that bring regretfulness as a consequence.

In short, "abdiyat" (servitude) is to carry out the behavior pertaining to the reason for which one exists. However, "worshipping" is the attribution of praises to a god that the worshipper assumes is there, by dedicating a period of his time for him at his own convenience and "at his own free will," with the hope of getting something from him in return.

As a final word we shall state that, "worshipping" relates to a "god" and "god" is worshipped," but "ALLAH" is served.

* * *

Well, how and why is ALLAH served?

To understand this we must truly comprehend the meaning of the key concept "ALLAH is AHAD," first!

If we precisely understand that "ALLAH is AHAD," we will then see through insight (basirat) that there is not a duality of "an ALLAH" and "a separate universe" all aside!

That is to say, it is not such that there is ALLAH and also there are universes [that exist independently]!

In other words, such a consideration as there are some universes we live in, the cosmos (alam), and there is a separate GOD-out-of-all-things and at the farther side, is absolute nonsense!



Having infinite expressions ???meanings ? (mana), MOHAMMED's ALLAH is in a state of contemplating them fully at every moment!

The domain (mahal) for such a "contemplation" (sayr) is known as the "Universe of Actions" (Alam-i Af'al).

With respect to HU's Zhat (ESSENCE): HU is Wahid-ul AHAD;

Considering HU's attributes (sifat), HAYY, ALIM, MUREED, QAADIR, SAMI, BASIR, QALIM is HU;

And with respect to the qualities found in Hu's self: HU encompasses infinite meanings (mana), the leading ones of them have been informed by Mohammed aleyhessalaam under the title of "Beautiful Names" (Asma-ul Husna).

The Universe of Actions known as "Alam-al Af’al" is a dimensional level of universe where angels, jinni and humans reside. Such a universe comes into existence by the observation through the perception instruments of men, jinni and angels.

However, they are nothing more than "images of knowing (surat ilmi)" existing at the SIGHT of ALLAH (indAllah), "by" the "KNOWLEDGE (ilm) of ALLAH."

In other way of saying, everything that exists is only "INFORMATIONAL (ilmi) IMAGES" in truth (haqiqat) that nothing has ever had a particular body or a separate being in true sense.

To put it briefly, everything known to belong to the universe we live in only exists in ALLAH's KNOWING (ilm) without having any individual existence or any being in reality. Put more simply for our understanding: all EXISTENCE is IMAGINARY (khayal).

* * *

MAN can never experience the ORIGIN - the reality of existence as long as he is depended on data he perceived through the five senses, no matter what century he lived in and no matter what information he possessed.

Information gained through the five senses carries man away to countless cosmic spaces and dimensional universes in the macrocosm or in the microcosm! You are transported away from stars to galaxies, from galaxies to blackholes, and to whiteholes out of blackholes, to altered states of universes out of whiteholes; and then being got lost in the wasteland of such JINNAL - DEMONIC - ALIEN type of opinions, you waste all your lifetime with a misbelief that there is a GOD-OUT-THERE!

In our book entitled "SPIRIT- MAN- JINNI," as we have discussed the methods used by that beings known as JINNI in old religious terminology, that are assumed as ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE by the people of our day, to deceive and mislead humans, we have also informed that one of their methods is to keep people away from "ALLAH" by providing some types of ideas and visions that specifically relates to "RELIGIONS" and seems "VERIFIABLE". On this occasion, I want to touch this same subject in terms of its connection with our theme here.

That beings assumed as "ALIENS" (also as extraterrestrial beings or UFO) — which are known as JINNI in Islam — are definitely incapable of two points of comprehension. Thus, they try to keep the people with whom they associate always away from these two points. I speak of the conception that "ALLAH is AHAD" and the point of "DESTINY" (Qadar)!

In point of fact, DESTINY phenomenon is the absolute result of the fact that "ALLAH is AHAD!"

The "ONENESS" (tawhid) principal in Islam that is the BELIEF SYSTEM notified by Mohammed aleyhessalaam that "THERE IS NO GOD TO WORSHIP, there is ONLY "ALLAH" who is AHAD, and therefore no GOD ever existed," is based on the fact that every person will be responsible for the result of his actions that are carried out through himself all through his lifetime.

Accordingly, the following signs in the Koran emphasize that every person will directly receive the return of his own deeds:

"And that man shall have nothing save only that for which he made effort." (53:39)

"You are requited nothing save what you did" (37:39)

"You are rewarded nothing except for your deeds." (36:54)

"And for all there are degrees from what they do, that HU may pay them for their deeds and they shall not be wronged" (46:19)

"Most surely you will taste the painful punishment-, this you will be responded nothing save what you did" (37:39)

As seen from the signs above, since man will see only the return of practices he or she has done in this world, it must be the most urgent task for a man to make investigation about life beyond death and to understand what "ALLAH" means!

Because, the theme of religion is mainly based on the concept of "ALLAH!"

* * *

We should firstly and definitely notify that it is impossible for a person to know the original structure of existence through its basic value unless he understands the meaning of the name "ALLAH."

In point of fact, we can understand the structure of man and the universe only after we understand what "ALLAH" is. Without this, we will always have to be distracted with localized evaluations and will always be missing the essence of point.

Hence, considering this fact, let us now dwell on the meaning of words in the Chapter of ONENESS (Sura Al- Ikhlas) at a level of our understanding, that explains "ALLAH, with each word in it representing a code, so to speak.


as i said, read.
§outh§tar said:
Well that would be wrong since God does NOT "come in different forms". Also, angels are not God, or gods at all. True, they are of a higher form than man, but we must certainly not fool ourselves.

Its just a question of semantics. Angels are seen as devine beings under one master, just as Hindus think of many gods under one Brahman. I'm just using Hunduism as an example. Other languages may not have the exact vocabulary to express the subtle difference between angels and gods. Notably the Jews used the word gods to describe what you would call angels. said:
Many of the Jewish writers, by "gods", understand "the angels".
See? That's from your source.

Originally Posted by Medicine Woman
M*W: How could we be anything inferior to our own creator? The Master and the Masterpiece are One. If something divine creates another being, that being would also be divine. ”

SouthStar said:
Not necessarily as this is not the current case. In mere speculation, such a thing is however plausible.
Well said, medicine woman, that's the real "good news" of Jesus. You and the Father are one. Its not just a trinity, that's a Christian cover-up, its a multitude! They say, ok, Jesus was a devine human, but THAT'S IT, we draw the line there, nobody else. But Jesus' revelations have happened to many throughout history. They call it "cosmic conciousness" or enlightenment, or feeling one with everything. Jesus had this experience, but could only express it using the language and ideas that were available, those of the near middle east, and people got all worked up about it; must be the heat. If he had lived in India, he would have been just another guru.

Well that would be wrong since God does NOT "come in different forms". Also, angels are not God, or gods at all. True, they are of a higher form than man, but we must certainly not fool ourselves.
God does not come in different forms? Then why the "triune"? The trinity implies that God has appeared/is now, three forms.

“ It seems you are not so sure about this statement. I still say you don't know that their God is different, just the way they worship is different. ”

I would then advise you to look at the statement again. There was no shadow of turning, wavering or hint of uncertainty in it and it is as steadfast as a rock in a high place.
“ Originally Posted by spidergoat
How do you know if you are worshipping the right God? Because of the name? People have different names for God in every culture. God didn't define how to worship correctly, people did. So, I can define for myself what is appropriate worship, and what I call God, right? ”

SouthStar says:
Since there is only one God, I would expect no such conflict arises.
You say you expect no conflict arises as to which God you are worshipping, but then introduce a conflict about how Brahman cannot be God, because there is no idea about the Three-AS-One God.

What manner of heresy is this? Where in the Bible was this edict given that separate things are required from separate groups within Christianity?
There are many interpretations of the bible. These differences about what is required of a Christian result in the separate groups known as Baptist, Catholic, Puritan, Shaker, etc...

Well, unless any Hindus admit to worshipping the triune God, and ONLY the triune God, adhering to His edict in love and faithfulness, they are damned heretics.
So, everyone is damned except Christians? Doesn't that seem to be a strange situation, since they only make up a small percentage of the human population?
spidergoat said:
Its just a question of semantics. Angels are seen as devine beings under one master, just as Hindus think of many gods under one Brahman. I'm just using Hunduism as an example. Other languages may not have the exact vocabulary to express the subtle difference between angels and gods. Notably the Jews used the word gods to describe what you would call angels.

See? That's from your source.
Then you should know that he concludes that by "gods", the Son referred to judges.

Well said, medicine woman, that's the real "good news" of Jesus. You and the Father are one. Its not just a trinity, that's a Christian cover-up, its a multitude! They say, ok, Jesus was a devine human, but THAT'S IT, we draw the line there, nobody else. But Jesus' revelations have happened to many throughout history. They call it "cosmic conciousness" or enlightenment, or feeling one with everything. Jesus had this experience, but could only express it using the language and ideas that were available, those of the near middle east, and people got all worked up about it; must be the heat. If he had lived in India, he would have been just another guru.

Jesus, quite clearly, revealed that He is God. He also noted, "Before Abraham I am". Who else forgave sins and raised the dead to the glory of the Holy Father?

God does not come in different forms? Then why the "triune"? The trinity implies that God has appeared/is now, three forms.

The Holy Trinity is/are not different forms of God. "He is God", NOT "They are God".


You say you expect no conflict arises as to which God you are worshipping, but then introduce a conflict about how Brahman cannot be God, because there is no idea about the Three-AS-One God.

I see no conflict, as He is God.

There are many interpretations of the bible. These differences about what is required of a Christian result in the separate groups known as Baptist, Catholic, Puritan, Shaker, etc...

That is simply idiocy as God's slaves are clearly one in the body of Christ. Certainly some of these denominations are invariably heretic but refuse to see the error of their ways. Remember, one must NOT add or take away from the perfect Word of God.

So, everyone is damned except Christians? Doesn't that seem to be a strange situation, since they only make up a small percentage of the human population?

Not everyone who crys, 'Lord, lord'..
Jesus, quite clearly, revealed that He is God.

-No, that was not the gospel. The gospel was that he and you are of the same devine nature.

The Holy Trinity is/are not different forms of God. "He is God", NOT "They are God".

-If Trinity does not refer to different forms, then the term is meaningless. If all three descriptions were manifestations of God, then God might manifest himself in more than three ways, couldn't he, and some of those ways might have been revealed to other cultures around the world.

Not everyone who crys, 'Lord, lord'..

-Elitism, its very appealing isn't it?
spidergoat said:
Jesus, quite clearly, revealed that He is God.

-No, that was not the gospel. The gospel was that he and you are of the same devine nature.

Where may I find this alledged 'gospel'?

The Holy Trinity is/are not different forms of God. "He is God", NOT "They are God".

-If Trinity does not refer to different forms, then the term is meaningless. If all three descriptions were manifestations of God, then God might manifest himself in more than three ways, couldn't he, and some of those ways might have been revealed to other cultures around the world.

There is only one God, if I must say so again. Here is the definition again:

the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma.

Not everyone who crys, 'Lord, lord'..

-Elitism, its very appealing isn't it?

The term is actually predestination and it refutes elitism.
§outh§tar said:
Not necessarily as this is not the current case. In mere speculation, such a thing is however plausible.

Such a sentence makes no sense to me.
M*W: I wouldn't have guessed that it would.
...but you see, he knew that would happen, that's why the prediction of a second coming, he could see they were not intellectually ready for his wisdom, and things haven't really changed all that much...
spidergoat said:
Jesus, quite clearly, revealed that He is God.

-No, that was not the gospel. The gospel was that he and you are of the same devine nature.

The Holy Trinity is/are not different forms of God. "He is God", NOT "They are God".

-If Trinity does not refer to different forms, then the term is meaningless. If all three descriptions were manifestations of God, then God might manifest himself in more than three ways, couldn't he, and some of those ways might have been revealed to other cultures around the world.

Not everyone who crys, 'Lord, lord'..

-Elitism, its very appealing isn't it?
M*W: Jesus, quite clearly, revealed that all humanity is God. No, that is not the way the NT is translated, but that is the way I translate the NT. Humanity, including Jesus, have the same humanity that is the One Spirit of God.

The "holy trinity" in the body of "the Son," is an example that humanity is the second personality of the Godhead.

The "holy trinity" in the body of "the Holy Spirit," is an example that humanity is the third personality of the Godhead.

Without humanity, "God" would be nothing. Without "God," humanity would be nothing.

God and Humanity are One and the Same.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Jesus, quite clearly, revealed that all humanity is God. No, that is not the way the NT is translated, but that is the way I translate the NT.

Considering you have admitted to harboring a hatred for Christianity, I dub thy post blasphemous.

- Defender of the Faith
§outh§tar said:
Considering you have admitted to harboring a hatred for Christianity, I dub thy post blasphemous.

- Defender of the Faith
M*W: I have admitted to no such thing! I do not "harbor" a hatred for Christianity -- I live it, and I will profess it all the days of my life.

You can dub my posts whatever you like. I am not in this world to please or agree with you and the lies you believe. You're too blind and brainwashed to see that what you call "Christianity" is blasphemous to the philosophy of Jesus because Jesus was no "Christian," he was a Jew. What you call "Christianity" should more truthfully be called "Paulianity," because you have inspired me to officially refer to Paul, the Liar from Tarsus, as simply "PauLiar" for short and abbreviate that to "PLT" who created the myth of Jesus from all the previous myths of earlier dying demigod saviors. Also, you blaspheme the spirit of humanity, which you don't deserve to belong because you are a perpetuater of the big lie!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I have admitted to no such thing! I do not "harbor" a hatred for Christianity -- I live it, and I will profess it all the days of my life.

You can dub my posts whatever you like. I am not in this world to please or agree with you and the lies you believe. You're too blind and brainwashed to see that what you call "Christianity" is blasphemous to the philosophy of Jesus because Jesus was no "Christian," he was a Jew. What you call "Christianity" should more truthfully be called "Paulianity," because you have inspired me to officially refer to Paul, the Liar from Tarsus, as simply "PauLiar" for short and abbreviate that to "PLT" who created the myth of Jesus from all the previous myths of earlier dying demigod saviors. Also, you blaspheme the spirit of humanity, which you don't deserve to belong because you are a perpetuater of the big lie!

This "spirit of humanity" that you speak of is heresy of heresies. Would you care to provide the evidence for this spirit which disproves the truth of the risen Christ? Why do you call Paul a liar, he was persecuted for the gospel's sake and labored in humility. Does someone who got whipped and beaten and imprisoned sound like he is simply propagating a lie?

If we deserve anything, it is hell, for we are iniquitous rebels who have mocked God. The blood of the Christ surely saves. Other writers in the NT corroborate what Paul was saying, mind you. Were these also "liars"?
Who decided what is heresy? Getting killed in a gruesome and humiliating way does not automatically prove one's case. The early bishops of the church decided what is the true gospel, and ever since, christians have accepted the authority of their interpretation. Who were these bishops and what were their motivations? Where is the book that details their devine inspiration? They were associated with the Roman empire, and you can be certain there were politics involved in the decision of which gospels to include, and which to leave out. I think they only included gospels that strengthed their position of authority, and left out those gospels that encouraged truth-seeking in the individual. The later custom of only using latin in church is a great example of this- keeping the power in the "family". They would have found alot in common with the godfather.
Pick and choose what you wanna do and not wanna do from the Bible, rofl too funny