This is what bible says about worshipping other Gods

Lemming3k said:
Then in the parts of the bible where god is supposedly speaking about himself, why does he say 'we', as if there is more than one god?

Why don't you provide some of these alledged texts for discussion?
Umm maybe Jesus was created as a convenient cover for the absurdity ?

Even 2000 years ago someone figured that out.

This fence has a good foundation...... Thank God....

Where can I read about Jesus without Pauls writings ???? Can anyone help me out there ?
OliverJ said:
Umm maybe Jesus was created as a convenient cover for the absurdity ?

Even 2000 years ago someone figured that out.

This fence has a good foundation...... Thank God....

Where can I read about Jesus without Pauls writings ???? Can anyone help me out there ?
M*W: Unfortunately, OliverJ, there isn't much, if anything, out there concerning Jesus outside of Paul's writings. Jesus never wrote anything he could be credited for. Perhaps,Mary Magdalene may have written about Jesus, and I believe she did, but of course, Christians would not accept anything written by her. The difference is, she actually knew Jesus. Paul didn't. Simple things made easy.
Hello ERK :)

I will do my best to explain.

TheERK said:
Are you saying that 'spiritual death' and physical death are the same thing? By saying that the punishment is the same today, this is what you are admitting.

I am saying that sin is still sin and there is still a penalty to be paid for sinning. When i said nothing has changed i am referring to the penalty of suffering. of course the eternal suffering is far more terrible than the suffering of death, because the suffering of physical death is only temporary whilst the suffering in the lake of fire is for ever and ever.

TheERK said:
Show me a passage in the Bible where it says 'Alright, don't follow those commandments anymore; leave it up to God.' If it is better to leave the punishment up to God, then why wasn't it that way before, in the OT? Why did the commandment EVER exist?

There is not verse in the bible that says don't follow those commandments anymore. I did not say that the breaking of those laws was now ok or that sin is no longer sin. Yes sin is still sin, Jesus said:

Matthew 5
17 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

What we are leaving up to God is the delivering of Judgement/punishment for breaking of the Law.

Jesus said:
Matthew 7
1 "Judge not, that you be not judged. 2For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

and again:

Luke 6:37
"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Paul said:

Romans 2
1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. 2But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.

So followers of the Messiah are not to pass judgement on anyone. but we are to witness to the righteousness of Gods Laws that they are good. Letting someone know what sin is, is not judging. The point of the Law is to reveal to all men that they are sinners. Once a person admits that they are a sinner they are then open to the message of Jesus and too accept forgiveness through Him. For once we believe we are doing wrong in our lives, then we are righteous in Spirit. Because we agree with God that what is good, is good and what is evil, is evil.

So why did God call on the OT jews to carryout punishment for the breaking of His Law? I will be interested to find out myself one day. :) That may sound like a cop out, but irrespective of the reason, those who follow God will follow His directions, then, now, and into the future.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Unfortunately, OliverJ, there isn't much, if anything, out there concerning Jesus outside of Paul's writings. Jesus never wrote anything he could be credited for. Perhaps,Mary Magdalene may have written about Jesus, and I believe she did, but of course, Christians would not accept anything written by her. The difference is, she actually knew Jesus. Paul didn't. Simple things made easy.

Personally I am in the camp of those who don't believe Mary Magdalene actually wrote her gospel. First of all, women at that time were illiterate. The contents are too weird. It doesn't look like anything in the bible but rather someone from the Christian gnostic movement. More than half of the contents have been mutilated by Roman catholic church.
Why don't you provide some of these alledged texts for discussion?
As you wish though I was mistaken he doesnt say 'we' he says 'us' and 'our'.
From genesis:
And god said let us create man in our image
So whos he talking to? Should he not say let me create man in my image? Us and Our are words that suggest the presence of at least 1 other person.
Since there is only one God, I would expect no such conflict arises.
So, whatever one worships, in any respectful way, by any name should be OK with Christians, as long as it is thought of as only one thing? Hindus could worship Brahman, because for all you know, that is God, too. By this reasoning, the essence of Christianity is "worship something, somehow", even if you don't know what it is exactly.
spidergoat said:
So, whatever one worships, in any respectful way, by any name should be OK with Christians, as long as it is thought of as only one thing? Hindus could worship Brahman, because for all you know, that is God, too. By this reasoning, the essence of Christianity is "worship something, somehow", even if you don't know what it is exactly.

Hindus do not worship the only triune Deity. That is serious heresy and must NOT be allowed, for it is rebellion in the face of the Spirit of Holiness.
OliverJ said:
Umm maybe Jesus was created as a convenient cover for the absurdity ?

Even 2000 years ago someone figured that out.

This fence has a good foundation...... Thank God....

Where can I read about Jesus without Pauls writings ???? Can anyone help me out there ?

Gospel of Barnabas...peace
Lemming3k said:
As you wish though I was mistaken he doesnt say 'we' he says 'us' and 'our'.
From genesis:

So whos he talking to? Should he not say let me create man in my image? Us and Our are words that suggest the presence of at least 1 other person.

From the Matthew Henry Commentary
He called a council to consider of the making of him: Let us make man. The three persons of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, consult about it and concur in it, because man, when he was made, was to be dedicated and devoted to Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Into that great name we are, with good reason, baptized, for to that great name we owe our being.

This is as I was saying in my above reply, for I suspected as much.
Where can I read about Jesus without Pauls writings ????

Try Matthew (written by Matthew), Mark (written by John Mark), Luke (written by Luke), John (written by John son of Zebedee), and Acts (written by Luke). Revelation also, it was written by the apostle John/
Enigma'07 said:
Try Matthew (written by Matthew), Mark (written by John Mark), Luke (written by Luke), John (written by John son of Zebedee), and Acts (written by Luke). Revelation also, it was written by the apostle John/

You forgot to mention the Old Testament. :(
Hindus do not worship the only triune Deity. That is serious heresy and must NOT be allowed, for it is rebellion in the face of the Spirit of Holiness.
You don't know that. The God hindus worship could be the same God you worship.
He called a council to consider of the making of him: Let us make man. The three persons of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, consult about it and concur in it, because man, when he was made, was to be dedicated and devoted to Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Into that great name we are, with good reason, baptized, for to that great name we owe our being.
Why does he need a council? He is all powerful all knowing god, he knows the outcome before its happened, a council where you know the outcome is illogical, is god illogical?
spidergoat said:
You don't know that. The God hindus worship could be the same God you worship.

Well, unless any Hindus admit to worshipping the triune God, and ONLY the triune God, adhering to His edict in love and faithfulness, they are damned heretics. :(
The Hindus worship several gods. Evan if you take just one, that cannot be the same because the "god" would require two seperate things from two seperate people groups. That is not just!
Enigma'07 said:
The Hindus worship several gods. Evan if you take just one, that cannot be the same because the "god" would require two seperate things from two seperate people groups. That is not just!
Even within Christianity, there are separate things required from separate groups. Perhaps God tailors his message to his audience. In the past, with less media coverage, he would almost have too.

§outh§tar said:
Well, unless any Hindus admit to worshipping the triune God, and ONLY the triune God, adhering to His edict in love and faithfulness, they are damned heretics.
Jews and Muslims believe in God, too, the same God as the Christians, and no trinity. The trinity is unified anyway, so what's the difference? It merely implies God comes in different forms, something the Hindus believed all along. Perhaps the other Hindu "Gods" are actually angels, the difference being one of semantics (wording).

So, it is not enough to believe in God, now you have to think of him as three-in-one? Perhaps the Hindus worship the same God, and they just got the triune thing wrong. Or, maybe you got the triune thing wrong. I don't think the God of everything would be that picky about it. Since there is only one God, all worship must certainly be about him, and they differ only in the details.

§outh§tar said:
Since there is only one God, I would expect no such conflict arises.
It seems you are not so sure about this statement. I still say you don't know that their God is different, just the way they worship is different.
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This might be worthy of a different thread, but I thought I'd mention it.

The Early Church of the Bible knew nothing of a Trinity Doctrine. The very term "Trinity" or the teaching of it as a Christian doctrine did not start until 180 A.D. This is almost 150 years after the Church, under the new covenant, started in A.D. 33 on the day of Pentencost. One can search the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible which is the true History of the early Church thoroughly and not find any of the Apostles teaching the Trinity. We find some very enlightening historical statements in the Catholic Encyclopedia under "Trinity". "In Scripture there is no single term by which the Divine Persons of a Trinity are denoted together. The word TPIAS (of which the Latin word TRINITAS) is first found in Theophilus of Antoich about A.D. 180.