This is what bible says about worshipping other Gods


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
Deuteronomy 13:6

If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying "Let us go worship other gods", do no yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certain put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of land of slavery. Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one amoung you will do such evil thing again.

You suppose to kill your brother, son, or daughter, or wife if they worship other Gods.

Edit to add: If you are another Christian apologists who are going to say don't interpret this literally, please spare me. I have heard that too many times. Basically interpret good things from bible literally and not bad things. Give me a break.
Actually, it seems to point more towards trying to convert you away from your worship of the "true" god. But, by these standards, many of us in here would be dead already...
So, Jojo, this is another example of read some parts but not other parts? Doesn't this strike you as hypocritical?
If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend . . .

Says nothing about your sister or father or any other people. Any other people notice that?
what make you say it as hypocritical?

scriptures were written from different time place and purpose, our time is different from the time of Moses. God spake to us in different time and manners as written in Hebrew 1:1-2

1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds

example 1: If God instructed Noe to build a ship for the salvation of his family then thats was for Noe, and not for you. You don't have to build your own ship!

example 2: God in the old time accept the sacrificial burning offerrings, but now God does not need it anymore because God has new instruction offereing to God through Jesus Christ. If you follow this new instruction then you are practically not following the old method of offering (which was also written as the law of Moses). Its God Himself instructed you not to follow other parts (old law). you can not follow the old law simultaneously with the new law.
as the Bible said:
Hebrews 18:8-9
10:8 Above when he(God) said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;
10:9 Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first (old law), that he may establish the second (gospel).

===== CONCLUSION =======
there is no hypocritical in my response, you also have to understand who are those people where the Bible is talking to.

member of Church of God International
§outh§tar said:
That would be closest friend Athelwulf.

Who? Your sister or your father? He's just pointing out human error in the writings. Ooops, I forgot, you think these are actually what "god" said!
GuitarToadster said:
Who? Your sister or your father? He's just pointing out human error in the writings. Ooops, I forgot, you think these are actually what "god" said!

Gee, how nice of you to tell me what I think. :rolleyes:

I am tempted to use the word - .
jojo said:
===== CONCLUSION =======
there is no hypocritical in my response, you also have to understand who are those people where the Bible is talking to.

Of course it is hypocritical, if "god" said to stone your brother if he wants to worship another "god" then, by "god" that is what you should do if you plan to live your life by the scripture.

You can't pick and chose what you want to, then you are deciding for yourself what "god" wants you to do. Kinda not what "god" had in mind, is it? He told you not to covet your neighbor's wife but you think that was then and in today's free world people like to sleep around so now that doesn't apply to you, now does it?

The examples could go on for days but no matter what, you seem blinded by your own faith. Get a life, put the book away, go have fun, and live your life as "god" intended. Stop wasting time at church and find your own way in life. "God" has nothing to do with it.

"God" also said construct no golden idols in my likeness or something like that and live poor but I don't see too much of that happening at most churches.

Religion is usually just an excuse for those who sin to make themselves feel better... "maybe if I pray for forgiveness, I will go to heaven." Even though you are a habitual offender.

Sin. Pray. Repent. Sin. Pray. Repent. (repeat as neccessary)
§outh§tar said:
Gee, how nice of you to tell me what I think. :rolleyes:

I am tempted to use the word - .

I have read your posts. I understand english pretty well and interpret what people say or write fairly well also. From what I gather your are religious to some degree. Which means you would believe that there is some truth to religious writings. That would about sum up how I interpretted your response.

Don't scare me with your temptations to use vulgar language!!! My god! Speak your mind or forever hold your peace.
Joeman said:
You suppose to kill your brother, son, or daughter, or wife if they worship other Gods.

Edit to add: If you are another Christian apologists who are going to say don't interpret this literally, please spare me. I have heard that too many times. Basically interpret good things from bible literally and not bad things. Give me a break.

Ok Joeman try this:

In the Old Testament times the Penalty for worshipping Gods other than the God of Abraham was death.

likewise today the penalty for worshipping Gods other than the God of Abraham is death.

So why did the OT jews carried out that death penalty while today’s followers of Jesus do not carry out this death penalty today?

The OT jews carried out the death penalty because they where instructed to do so by the God of Abraham. They where being obedient to the Will of God.
You see the Law is still the Law, But for followers of The Messiah Jesus the punishment of the Law has been taken away from us and is now held by a judge who is perfect in its application. You see the penalty for Sin is still death. It is the eternal death of the lake of fire. So when it comes to the penalty nothing has changed. What has changed is who and when that penalty is carried out.

So there you go Joeman :) and my answer did not include one mention of "literal interpretation" .... opps :( :D LOL

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I like how the bible doesn't say anything about there being only one god, just one true god as far as you followers are concerned. The Christian God aknowledges the existance of other gods to be worshipped, but don't you dare.

Is there in fact a piece of scripture which denies the existance of other gods? One that I missed over the years? To the best of my recollection this viewpoint is accurate, but I'm always more than willing to be proven wrong.
How do you know if you are worshipping the right God? Because of the name? People have different names for God in every culture. God didn't define how to worship correctly, people did. So, I can define for myself what is appropriate worship, and what I call God, right?
spidergoat said:
How do you know if you are worshipping the right God? Because of the name? People have different names for God in every culture. God didn't define how to worship correctly, people did. So, I can define for myself what is appropriate worship, and what I call God, right?

Since there is only one God, I would expect no such conflict arises.
§outh§tar said:
Since there is only one God, I would expect no such conflict arises.
Doesn't appear the bible supports that outlook.
Adstar said:
Ok Joeman try this:

In the Old Testament times the Penalty for worshipping Gods other than the God of Abraham was death.

likewise today the penalty for worshipping Gods other than the God of Abraham is death.

Are you saying that 'spiritual death' and physical death are the same thing? By saying that the punishment is the same today, this is what you are admitting.

So why did the OT jews carried out that death penalty while today’s followers of Jesus do not carry out this death penalty today?

The OT jews carried out the death penalty because they where instructed to do so by the God of Abraham. They where being obedient to the Will of God.
You see the Law is still the Law, But for followers of The Messiah Jesus the punishment of the Law has been taken away from us and is now held by a judge who is perfect in its application. You see the penalty for Sin is still death. It is the eternal death of the lake of fire. So when it comes to the penalty nothing has changed. What has changed is who and when that penalty is carried out.

No, you're making all of this up. Show me a passage in the Bible where it says 'Alright, don't follow those commandments anymore; leave it up to God.' If it is better to leave the punishment up to God, then why wasn't it that way before, in the OT? Why did the commandment EVER exist?

Complete nonsense.

what make you say it as hypocritical?

scriptures were written from different time place and purpose, our time is different from the time of Moses. God spake to us in different time and manners as written in Hebrew 1:1-2
So what are implying is that it was OK for us to kill our brothers, sisters, wives in ancient times but not now right? Because wev'e learnt how to interpret God's word differently now, right?

uhm, i think you peoples forget that religion is the invention of man to set up a stable society back in the day where belief was the only way to do it. uhm, notice a "second coming" of religion in the middle ages when the prior governments fell apart? notice the decline of religion in our nation state world?
Since there is only one God, I would expect no such conflict arises.
Then in the parts of the bible where god is supposedly speaking about himself, why does he say 'we', as if there is more than one god?