Think with your own mind instead?

Too bad noone took much notice of this:

spidergoat said:
It is impossible to think with your own mind. Mind is not your own creation, but inherited from all who went before you. Only when we reject culture and beliefs can we realize our full potential as individual human beings. You are capable of greater things than thinking. The body has it's own natural intelligence.
its obviously true for spidergoat.
i always thought he made some well thought out contributions to threads then he goes and confesses he never had a thought of his own all along.
Ask yourself: "Who am I?"
And try to answer in ways that are not in one way or another depending on what you have learned.
water said:
Too bad noone took much notice of this:

It is impossible NOT to think with your own mind.

How much you borrow from others still yields an individual, though one may have to look deeply to find differentiation from the herd.

So while we certainly borrow what we gather from others, it's still YOURS once you claim it.

What you do with it... or what you CAN do with it is a different topic. While you are always thinking with your own mind, perhaps this thinking is unoriginal or uninspired.
what i have learned has come from experience of my self and that which is not myself but i have gained that experience i posses it and i utilize what it left me.
no one else has the same experience as me, no one else percieves the world exactly as i do, or has the same patterns of language as i do. there are many things that are me that i could say are uniquley mine. my thoughts are me, more so than most things. they are the formative of my self and they are highly active in the formation of not self.
cottontop no, it was an image i used for a painting and i have become quite fond of the little guy.
Quote Water
Ask yourself: "Who am I?"

Funny you should ask!. I'm the pain on your ass!. :D

Just couldn't resist that one.

Quote Bells
No. You've stooped below her level. You're getting quite close to hitting rock bottom and the only point you're proving is that you are crass.

Kotoko crawls from under a freaking rock, and attacks my friend M*W, as if she/he actually knows this person. M*W used to be a fundi, thanks to sciforums she has seen better days. She is ruthless, yes, I agree with that. But with as many fundis she has to deal with in her daily life, and on these forums I can relate where the anger is coming from. Look at the mindless twits one has to deal with here, Yorda is a nut, Lawdog a communist fundi, Water don't know what the hell to believe in, but likes to criticize anyone that does not agree with her point of view, (which ever that may be from day to day) And now You Kotoko a past poster hiding behind a new alias. :confused:

whats this 'fundie' business? is there some sort of U.S. campaign at the moment?