Think with your own mind instead?

you follow like sheep=people=sheeple, simple.
the world needs critical thinkers, we have enough sheep.
Yes, but we also need to show them compassion and understanding and not treat them like lepers and idiots.

Medicine Wombat -

Unlike the berating they are getting from practising atheists who think there is only one way to live. You don't think for yourself, based on your own stupid, ignorant generalizations. Why should they?
agreed, clockwood, but theres a few more than on the theist side.

kotoko M*W has been here a long time, I think with respect. she has a lot more experience of people on this board, than you have you at least took the time to reads some of her earlier posts. she has not always been an atheist.

you have to agree the fundi is the most dangerous creature on this planet.
if someone is spreading stupid dogmatic rubbish then they need to be curtailed.
No, I do agree. But I don't think you teach people with a baseball bat as well as you teach someone with intelligence and patience.

I've also been here a long time (as another unnamed person), and to other sites where she preaches with all the fervor and anger of the best Baptist ministers. I don't think she's qualified to judge the masses so harshly, and her broad generalizations are ignorant and cruel. And no less one-sided than those she hates the most.
Kotoko: No, I do agree. But I don't think you teach people with a baseball bat as well as you teach someone with intelligence and patience.

I've also been here a long time (as another unnamed person), and to other sites where she preaches with all the fervor and anger of the best Baptist ministers. I don't think she's qualified to judge the masses so harshly, and her broad generalizations are ignorant and cruel. And no less one-sided than those she hates the most.
M*W: What "other sites" are you talking about? The only other forum I've posted on is the sciforums refugee forum -- The Science Forum -- when sciforums was down. And who are you to say I judge people? My "broad generalizations" are findings I've learned from scholars who did the work. There are two sides to everything, and I don't hate anybody. I just don't believe in fairy tales.
Your "broad generalizations" come from hardcore atheists like yourself. No less jaded by religion and no less ignorant. You judge religious people when you make such generalizations, and it's ignorant. Not all Christians are stupid and blind, as you concede that they are so very many times. You beat people up about their faith, as if you have some vested interest in their future, when really it's your own selfish and destructive way of making others as jaded and rude as you are.

Bottom line is that you are just as full of shit as they are. You make shit up as you go along, and beat people over the head with it as if it's fact. You rarely site sources, and you hold anyone who utters a word in the religious ideology as someone who is the enemy. When you are your own worst enemy, because so much anger and so much energy is spent on dismissing everyone else as stupid for living their lives the way they choose. Not all Christians want to fuck up the world, only the Fundies. You need to get that straight.

It's all well and good that you don't believe in fairies... but what's the serious harm in letting others believe. Other than the fundies, who does it hurt? Them? If that's what you think, then your ego and idiocy are complete and you are no better than the Pope himself.
Some other of your broad generalizations and judgments that did not come from scholars as you so deceptively insist and are all from the last month or so;

Medicine Wombat said:
"But those "born-agains" are fruitcakes. They talk obsessively about the rapture and Armageddon."

"You sound as if you've been thoroughly brainwashed by your false religion."

"Religious people are largely weak minded"
Oh and these are gems;

Quoth the Wombat said:
"No, dumb ass. I've never even watched that show. I'm a medical practitioner."

"Well, seeing as how the creator is omnipresent, I believe he's already fudge packed up Jadon's ass."

"superluminal, I'm afraid he's going to need a strong anti-psychotic... something like thorazine,..."

"Were you that girl who somebody knocked up, got AIDS from, along with gonorrhea, syphillis, chlymidia, trichinosis, etc.? Have YOU ever killed another human being... set some fires... and did you die at the age of 24 from TB? Are you a NeoNazi white bitch who's been raped by a gang? Are you in your own little prison of insanity? It sure seems so!"

"water, you are a deranged, fucking whore. Child perpetrators don't usually have one PhD less many. You will never be able to convince the rest of us that you have any education at all! You are a sick woman, and I use the word "woman" very loosely. You're not a "woman," because you have a dick. People like you like it hard and sadistic. That's why you seem so wanton on these forums! You want a hard dick shoved up your ass, and then you'll be happy. I wish you luck, you scumbag. I pity the children that have cum in contact with you!"

"water, you are insane. I see you as a little old withering away woman who never got enough sex, so you're mad at the world. Have you never tried to masturbate? You might be more kind if you did. Certainly, no man with any sense would ever want to be with you!"

"water, you are a vampire. You suck on the blood of our posters. You said it yourself, you "are ugly." It's pretty obvious that you are as "ugly" as you believe you are."

"If you want cordial, mother fucker, have a tea party."

How pleasant you are. No, you don't sound angry at all. No, you don't sound hateful at all. No... you sound insane, actually. Completely insane.

The Speaker for the Forums said:
"Then get the hell of this forum if you think you're too good to communicate with the rest of us. There is no one here who desires to be converted to xianity."

Really, most people know you are full of shit almost all the time, and do nothing but sling insults and unkind words. Perhaps, when you are done being a complete and utter fucking nut case, you might actually learn something from their patience and tolerance. Thought I doubt with your current neurosis you'd ever really learn anything at all. Good news is that when your family starts to realize, after the paranoid schizophrenia leaks out into the "real world", what your real problem is, you'll get enough Thorazine that you will see God and want there to be a heaven. Karma is a bitch, you should try not being such an utter asshole all the time and let people live as they wish to live.
So.. the best way to teach was...?

But I'm quite certain it didn't include dropping to their level. Here you are having a go at M*W for insulting people whereby you end up calling her a fucking nut case asshole who needs thorazine? Way to go.

I doubt she will learn anything from your "patience and tolerance".
You are right, I am stooping to her level. To prove a point that nothing that I said, even if it IS the truth will sink in because of the way I am presenting it. Talking the way I am speaking to her in my last post is exactly what she does to others. Do I mean what I say? Only I can know really but I will say that in the parts where I speak of karma, I mean every word. You'll see the lesson when it's done really.
Well, I personally think the quotes made your point sufficiently. Little need for the overkill. But hey, it's your uhh "lesson", do as you please.

Actually the established beliefs of western culture have become secular: practical atheism, relativism, and consummerism, even paganism and witchcraft.
We should distinguish clearly between European western culture and US western culture. They are fundamentally different. The US established beliefs are overtly Christian , whereas in Europe and especially the UK, Christianity is fading rapidly, and is now merely tolerated. Only in the US do we see aberrations like televangelism and creationism. To the Europeans these facets of US culture are unfathomable and laughable, yet so many Americans think these are of value.

Secularism is a good idea for government since such bodies should be neutral if the citizens are multi-religious and non religious – it cannot be fair otherwise. Practical atheism? Perhaps because activities free of religious dogma are being seen as more comfortable than the guilt ridden intrusions of religions like Christianity ad Islam.

Consumerism? That’s the basis of our economic system. It’s what stimulates invention and innovation. I don’t see that this is either good or bad, it is just a currently effective economic system.

Paganism and witchcraft – I’m not aware of these being in any form significant in my daily life or that of anyone else I know. These are simply not prevalent to warrant special attention. Unless of course you are referring to recreational escapist amusements like the movies or TV. But there even I find the TV series Charmed quite appealing, and I even used to enjoy Highway to heaven many years ago. They are creative stories of fiction and essentially harmless.

HELLO????????!!!!!!!! TIME TO WAKE UP FOLKS, we are not in the 18th century any more.
The difference now is that we tend to laugh at mystical claims rather than be as gullible as our predecessors 200 years ago, who lacked the knowledge from science that we have now.

If you doubt me, take a look at what they are teaching in elementary and highschools, as well as colleges and universities, where the mainstream of godless modernist thought like EVOLUTIONISM is indoctrinated into your mind as a youth.
Evolution is simply a branch of established science like every other branch of science. And science teaches proven methods for discovering knowledge. Evolution is no different in this respect. Why not pick on physics or inorganic chemistry as examples of indoctrination? It is simply that these parts of science do not conflict with your own personal uninformed belief system.

But apart from a few loud religious fundamentalists in the USA, the fact of evolution is now accepted throughout most of the world. If you take the time to study the subject properly (clearly your claims of school indoctrination failed on you) then you should have little difficulty appreciating the overwhelming evidence and facts of evolution. Evolution has occurred and is occurring, this is fact, stop banging your head against a brick wall and hoping it is not true. You need to move on.

The Christian goes against these trends and indoctrinations. He learns to think for himself.
Clearly not so. The Christian source of information is the bible and not independent thought, hence the reason you still think that Adam and Eve is a true story. If you really thought for yourself then you wouldn’t be a Christian.
I think people should think with thier own minds. Most christians, I'm sorry to say, are lemmings. They believe thier faith without thinking about it. I have met a few christians, however, that are more true to the original thought, and who really think it through, and then believe.
You, law-i mean, lapdog, are not one of them.
Kotoko said:
Really, most people know you are full of shit almost all the time, and do nothing but sling insults and unkind words. Perhaps, when you are done being a complete and utter fucking nut case, you might actually learn something from their patience and tolerance. Thought I doubt with your current neurosis you'd ever really learn anything at all. Good news is that when your family starts to realize, after the paranoid schizophrenia leaks out into the "real world", what your real problem is, you'll get enough Thorazine that you will see God and want there to be a heaven. Karma is a bitch, you should try not being such an utter asshole all the time and let people live as they wish to live.
Well well, if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black. You were quite gleeful when you were trying to convince another poster that he was not the father of his child because you'd figured out his wife's menstrual cycle and then becoming oh so angry when he refused to listen and not do as you say... Yet here you are having a whine at someone for not letting others live as they wish to live.

You claim yourself to be a nurse. Tell me Kotoko, do you speak to patients that way? How about the one's who are on their death beds? Do you tell them that Karma's a bitch? You judge her as being judgemental. The irony is... delicious..

You are right, I am stooping to her level. To prove a point that nothing that I said, even if it IS the truth will sink in because of the way I am presenting it. Talking the way I am speaking to her in my last post is exactly what she does to others.
No. You've stooped below her level. You're getting quite close to hitting rock bottom and the only point you're proving is that you are crass.

Do I mean what I say? Only I can know really but I will say that in the parts where I speak of karma, I mean every word.
So now when you post we should just ignore you because you may not mean what you say? Or are you trying to portray yourself as being a hypocrite? How do we know that you mean every word about Karma? After all, you stated yourself that only you can really know whether you actually mean what you say.

You'll see the lesson when it's done really.
Is this your way of trying to prolong the agony?
kotoko, are you a sock puppet of water/rosa, she changed her name before.
as you seem to have the same dislike that she has for M*W.
as hard as I look, I cant find any other person, arguing against M*W, in the same way, than water and you.

If you are who I think you are, then you know I like and respect you (if not, oh well...).

It's all well and good that you don't believe in fairies... but what's the serious harm in letting others believe.
Generally, none. But...

Other than the fundies, who does it hurt? Them?
Certainly not. I believe that they thrive on us "non believers".

The problem seems to be that the rabid "fundies" are not the ones who will have the power to dictate religious policy to the rest of us. The rationalist theist will make a very strong impression on the majority of people. They understand science, are intelligent, and are convinced they are right about god and the need to have god in your life.

What is to stop such a leader from imposing biblical morality on the populous? Just as in your example of the nine year old girl? I feel that a strong and concerted effort by humanists/atheists to keep religion completely out of public affairs is the least we can do.

And that entails just as much devotion to advertising on our part as it does on the theists part. You know what I mean. You see us as morally suspect, because all theists, without exception, believe that morals are handed down by god. We see you as morally suspect because all atheists, without exception, believe that true ethical morals are inherent and that biblical "morals" lead to nine year old girls being forced to give birth.

I, like Medicine Woman, have my moments of utter frustration with theists (And let's note one thing. Most theists here are of the fundie variety). I want to conk them on the head with a copy of "The Descent of Man".

Some here think that "fundies" are the most dangerous creature on the planet. I don't agree. I feel that, while you may be a wonderful person and would never evangelize, your brand of subtle theism is the more likely to result in a theocracy (not that you would have it that way) than the ravings of Lawdog or Jadon.
audible said:
kotoko, are you a sock puppet of water/rosa, she changed her name before.
as you seem to have the same dislike that she has for M*W.
as hard as I look, I cant find any other person, arguing against M*W, in the same way, than water and you.

Well, I really agree with Kotoko, I just don't care to argue with M*W so much. Maybe I'm also a version of water/Rosa. Like I've said before, it's just you and me here. No one else. I write everything on this forum.