Thiaoouba Prophecy?

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What makes you think those people are "advanced"?
They deserve ridicule. They cannot prove one single claim they make.
Much like yourself and this idiotic book.
They are advance because majority of the people cannot understand their claim
WHY do you restrict yourself to your own rules?
Because we have a topic to discuss (after a fashion). If you want to talk about something else start a new thread.
I'm still trying to get a rational response from you on your original "claims".

our latest post are about ideas.
No, they were about you holding incorrect ideas as espoused in that ridiculous book.
Holidays in Australia aren't relevant.
Because we have a topic to discuss (after a fashion). If you want to talk about something else start a new thread.
I'm still trying to get a rational response from you on your original "claims".

No, they were about you holding incorrect ideas as espoused in that ridiculous book.
Holidays in Australia aren't relevant.

You are not conscious enough to comprehend thats why the book is so ridiculous for you. Your reality is distorted.

Have you tried meditation? it will help you relax your mind and get in touch with reality.
You are not conscious enough to comprehend thats why the book is so ridiculous for you. Your reality is distorted.
And now you're having to resort to fantasy yourself.

Have you tried meditation?

it will help you relax your mind and get in touch with reality.
My mind is as relaxed as it needs to be, and you're the one that needs to get get in touch with reality. It would make a change from the nonsense you currently subscribe to. Who knows? You may even learn something.

And I note that you still can't come up with any reasoning as to why you think the book is valid...
And now you're having to resort to fantasy yourself.


My mind is as relaxed as it needs to be, and you're the one that needs to get get in touch with reality. It would make a change from the nonsense you currently subscribe to. Who knows? You may even learn something.

And I note that you still can't come up with any reasoning as to why you think the book is valid...
Why are you so sure that the book is invalid?
Why are you so sure that the book is invalid?
As I have previously said: it's a fantasy. It has nothing whatsoever to support its claims and goes directly against known facts.

And since I have had the good grace to answer your question (albeit with information I have already given you) would you now answer what I have been asking you for many pages?

Why are you so sure it is valid?
And since I have had the good grace to answer your question (albeit with information I have already given you) would you now answer what I have been asking you for many pages?
What are these information?
Why are you so sure it is valid?
As I said before, the book is valid because I understand it is valid. Its in the mind, the explanation is beyond words. I feed my mind with many information and ideas. The book is just an information. And I just know which is valid and not valid
What are these information?
It's a fantasy. It has nothing whatsoever to support its claims and goes directly against known facts.

As I said before, the book is valid because I understand it is valid. Its in the mind, the explanation is beyond words.
In other words you don't even have the decency to answer my questions. You believe because you want to believe. And you rely on ignorance to "support" that belief.

I feed my mind with many information and ideas.
Obviously not, since the book is not "information".

The book is just an information.

And I just know which is valid and not valid
Apparently you don't, you just think you do.
The book is NOT information. To say it is is false.
Yes it is.

Information in its most restricted technical sense is an ordered sequence of symbols that record or transmit a message. It can be recorded as signs, or conveyed as signals by waves. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. As a concept, however, information has numerous meanings.[1] Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and especially entropy.

what you need is the right information
Information in its most restricted technical sense is an ordered sequence of symbols that record or transmit a message.

Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and especially entropy.
Instruction? Knowledge? Meaning?

what you need is the right information
What you need is an education.

Can you provide me with one single example of something in the book that wasn't previously known and has since been shown to be true or real? Anything at all?
Hey Dwy,

I am certainly not going to read this book, and I jumped after reading a few pages of the beginning of this thread to here.

What I did see reminded me a great deal of Carlos Castaneda and books from the late 60's. You are probably familiar with him, but here is the Wiki.

So is that what this junk is? Some sort of "reincarnation" of Castaneda?

Carlos Castaneda was a Peruvian-born American author who graduated from the University of California with a PhD in Anthropology. Starting with The Teachings of Don Juan in 1968, he wrote a series of books that described his training and awareness expanding experiences, sometimes inaccurately described as traditional Mesoamerican shamanism. Initially his books were considered works of anthropology, but five years after the first book was published, critics such as Joyce Carol Oates began to consider them fiction.

While today his publisher Simon & Schuster still publishes his popular books as non-fiction, Oates called his writings into question, concluding that his books were fiction. She cited inconsistencies and contradictions, discrepancies between the books and anthropological data, alternate sources for Castaneda's detailed knowledge of shamanic practices, and the lack of corroborating evidence. Critics of the works believe that there is little evidence to suggest that Castaneda's books were the result of actual field work as he claimed.

One possible (rather large) difference remaining...
Castaneda was very protective of his privacy and until recently little was known about him outside what was learned from his twelve books. He rarely spoke in public except toward the end of his life, and gave very few interviews.
I am certainly not going to read this book
I've read couple of chapters, but it's all the same: the story of his "visit" - not one single thing to link it to reality or explain why we're supposed to accept it. If it weren't published as "fact" then it would largely indistinguishable from, say Michael Moorcock's Warrior of Mars (but not as well-written). I.e. supposedly a narrative of an actual visit to an alien planet and what he did there.

I particularly *cough* enjoyed the part where he writes:
(Alien speaking to him: )
‘At this instant, time has stopped for you, and you could remain here twenty or fifty of your Earthly years and then return as if you hadn’t left. Your physical body would remain absolutely unchanged.’
Er, if time has stopped how are they conversing? Why, and how, is anything happening?

What I did see reminded me a great deal of Carlos Castaneda and books from the late 60's. You are probably familiar with him, but here is the Wiki.
So is that what this junk is? Some sort of "reincarnation" of Castaneda?
Hmm, or maybe T. Lobsang Rampa. :D
I haven't read any Castenada, it's hard enough to get my local library to get me Borges' books!
Ha! I just noticed - every check I've done of "Who's Online" for the last 20 minutes has shown liv4ever as replying to this thread. I had assumed he was going to attempt to answer my last question.
Looks like it was one question too many, he's logged out...
Thanks for the conveying the general idea.

This section has collected extensive extracts from the spiritual wisdom from the INITIATED Tibetan LOBSANG RAMPA - who wrote many books on the ancient wisdom - nearly half a century ago. This, after he had entered the spiritual and seen the ignorant western world in a manner that was not understood by the average reader, when the books were published. He was the first who in a logical way, described the WALK-IN process - where higher developed beings have the ability to take over a body of a person who voluntary wants to leave this world...
Yeah, this sounds somewhat familiar as well.

I haven't read any Castenada, it's hard enough to get my local library to get me Borges' books!
I read all sorts of stuff when I was a teenager, trying to figure out what makes "sense".

Remember, this was during a period when all of American society was going through a tremendous paradigm shift evolving from the Vietnam war and associated counter "Hippie" movement up through new age mysticism.

The basic premise seems similar, Castenada ran into "Don Juan" who enlightened Carlos in many ways. For example, he [en]lightened him so much that he was able to jump over houses or barns. And so on... IIRC

The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge was published by the University of California Press in 1968 as a work of anthropology. It was written by Carlos Castaneda and submitted as his master’s thesis in the school of anthropology. It reportedly documents the events that took place during an apprenticeship he claimed to have served with a self-proclaimed Yaqui Indian Sorcerer, don Juan Matus, between 1960 and 1965. The authenticity of the book, along with the rest of Castaneda’s series, has been a topic of debate since they were published.

The book is divided into two sections. The first section, The Teachings, is a first person narrative that documents Castaneda's initial interactions with don Juan. The second, A Structural Analysis, is an attempt, Castaneda says, at “disclos[ing] the internal cohesion and the cogency of don Juan’s Teachings.”
Emphasis mine...

This was the first book. So instead of Aliens we have "Yaqui Indian Sorcerers". Just think, this stuff was published as fact not fiction! Still technically is, see my linked info in the previous post... :confused: