There's life on Venus, in spite of NASA

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Being an incest borg is a good sort of thing if you truly believe our NASA/Apollo actually utilized Kodak film as to record such events upon the actual surface of the moon.

BTW; not every soul is entitled to the "incest borg" classification, as you're not a fully certified borg; are you?

Perhaps you're just pissed that I'm more right than not, and you'll be damned if you're going to others figure that out.

Of course your last warm and fuzzy paragraph says it all, in that you are in fact a certified borg, perhaps incest cloned none the less. If I were you I'd find another operating system and "re-boot" before you receive that "blue screen of death" from those encharge of your brains. Obviously you have absolutely no remorse for what's happened in the past, nor of what's ongoing, or about to happen as a result of folks just like yourself upholding and sustaining the mainstream status quo, regardless of the consequences.

You're my kind of individual that's apparently still outside the primary collective box, thus still able and willing to think independently. Though watch your backside.

Obviously there are the worst possible sorts of individuals (incest cloned borgs) in control of even the SciFi world. Imagine that, NASA moles and borgs encharge of SciFi. What's next; God?

Chances are that they'll apply as much "spin" and "damage control" here as well.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
and my anti-apollohoax KODAK MOMENT:
Venus for dummy's

1) It's way too damn humanly hot.
2) Nighttime is much cooler but, still too freaking humanly hot
3) They've got all the energy in their world, available on demand.
4) With said energy, all sorts of insurmountable things become surmounted.

For those of you in need of a fully scientific prognosis, such as a NASA/NOVA class of documentation as per what Venus has NOT to offer humanity;

goto into most anything moderated site as for obtaining the following valid reasons as to why other life has been so absolutely impossible, and of why we should NOT do Venus.
1) Bla, bla, bla, bla.
2) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
3) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
4) Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

Of course, this prospect of accommodating other life upon Venus is not speaking for the sorts of intelligent lizard folk that have long since grown accustomed to the heat, and accustomed to their nighttime season that been confirmed by KECK-II as being offered a rather nifty greenish (ionised O2) amount of glowing clouds, and otherwise as a nighttime season viewed by folks having a nocturnal visual peak sensitivity of 407 nm that's good for perhaps 170,000 lumen/watt, and otherwise accustomed to being parked nextdoor to the most absolute dumb and dumber other dumbfounded planet in the entire universe, as unfortunately there's only so much one can do about such things.

It's too bad that the few within NASA that claim they care can't seem to remove themselves from those Apollo nondisclosure space toilets, as it's apparent that they had to apply lots of super-glue to each of those toilet seats as part of their initiation into the cloak and dagger division of their Skull and Bones cult, as a method of insuring whatever goes into the crapper stays there until well past death, as even those official NASA coffins have an apendage structured just for accommodating that super-glue attached space toilet.
Although no hyperthermophile has yet been discovered living at temperatures above 113°C, their existence is very possible. However, it is thought unlikely that microbes could survive at 150°C or hotter, as the cohesion of DNA and other vital molecules begins to break down at this point.

Of course this notion for such "hyperthermophile" life is based upon a near surface thermal environment pressure of one Bar, or slightly greater if situated just under the surface, whereas the starting compression point for the likes of life on Venus can be as great as 120 bar if situated in a nighttime valley floor.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
[Mod note]
Btw, if anyone reported anything it didn't get through.
Seems like you guys took this thread right off the beaten track, I'm glad to see the Thread starter attempt to get it back on track.
[/Mod note]

Venus I think will have always been too hot for life I believe, although It might be the direction we migrate when the sun starts cooling down, of course if it coold down too much we might want to start running into the cold void of space rather than sit on a timebomb, but thats a very long time in the future for us (although a battering of an eye for the universe)

I think it would be very unlikely to find anything to premote the notion of life there, in fact I wouldn't be suprised if it's classed as a relatively young planet in comparison to our own and Mars.

Still, as with everything it all boils down to evidence at the end of the day, and if you haven't any now all you can do is hope you accumilate some later. It's also best to remember it's a theory, speculative and theoretic in essense it has no proof, so when people Stab wildly flailing that you need evidence and it's hopeless without any just point out your intension is to look for evidence.

I'm CLOSING this thread because theres one already open on the same subject.
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