There's life on Venus, in spite of NASA

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Zarkov said:
>> Also, why do you think charge particles would be kicked up in any quanity that would actually matter?

Why do you think not ?? so if I expell "smoke, dust" etc on the Moon its gravity will immediately pull it down ???? and I suppose gas can not be in a vacuum ?.... I wonder where our atmosphere is unless it is in the vacuum of space,,, held by the matter of the Earth, all in the vacuum of space.
Idiot address the question or shutup. Very simple fluid mechanics gives you the answer. Hell, we even simulated this as undergrads. Unless you have something besides 'NASA is the h0xer' please shoot yourself.

If not, we'll kill you instead. we can't have people like you spreading the truth.

Zarkov, the atmosphere it our level is thick enough for dynamic interaction with the smoke, dust, dirt, pollen; you name it. On the moon in a vacuum you don't have the density of gases that you do on earth. So instead of forming things like dust clouds that linger, the particulates will fall in a parabolic trajectory under the reduced gravity. It'd do the same on earth under 1 g if we had no atmosphere. You can see this in the video shot on the moon. When they scoot forward, you can see the arc trajectories the dust takes. It's a very simple concept. Even an amature could have figured THAT out...which makes it so pecuilar that you didn't.
>> which makes it so pecuilar that you didn't.

except knockers..... all chemical reactions induce electric current/charge, so the exhaust of the rocket would be extremely ionised, passing charge to all other "insulated" particles (ie anything above the moon's surface..........)

You have quite a problem settling this highly charged "gas", especially without an atmosphere.

Moon hoax, it is, unless you can convince me otherwise..

Your call
There wouldn't be enough rocket exhaust to make any's a pretty big vacuum. The exhaust would disipate away to quickly to do any harm anyhow. There was some static buildup on the surface but that only would have caused the dust to stick...which it did.

So continue to believe your flawed views and however you try to fit them into your "hypothesis". I'll be living in reality.

so if I expell "smoke, dust" etc on the Moon its gravity will immediately pull it down ????

smoke and dust are particles subject to gravity. In a vacuum they fall with exactly the same speed as a lead cannon ball. Perhaps try the falling feather trick and replace the feather with dust.

suppose gas can not be in a vacuum ?....

That's the most powerful physical law that you have ever invented. I'm impressed.

BTW, The tread is about life on Venus. Notwithstanding the humerous claims in the opening post, perhaps a few facts & figures?

Weather for today and the coming million years: Cloudy and totally overcast, no precipitation (because there is no water) perhaps a slight drizzle of Sulphur acid. Light winds at the surface, barometric pressure 92,000 mbar, temperature 878 F. There is abundance evidence that the temperature 500 million years ago was over 1400 F.

Anyway, the most popular pasttime of those aliens on Venus must be barbecueing. Just put the meat on the rocks. It will be black within minutes.
>> In a vacuum they fall with exactly the same speed as a lead cannon ball.

last comment....

that is true, except size and electrostatic charge are a different thing altogether.... it does not take much charge to influence small particles, now cannonballs are a different matter.

The Earth is charged, the Moon is charged and any insulated body is charged.... and the chemical reactions taking place in a rocket exhaust creates a charge, most likely leading to particle separation and repulsion from the lunar surface.

I have no more to say on this topic...... except it was a hoax, plain and simple.... they can't do it now and they did not do it then.

I do find it amazing that y'all just flap
hey man you and me alike I still have no clue what this "we are wes" thing is about. :bugeye:
Zarkov said:
>> In a vacuum they fall with exactly the same speed as a lead cannon ball.

last comment....

that is true, except size and electrostatic charge are a different thing altogether.... it does not take much charge to influence small particles, now cannonballs are a different matter.

The Earth is charged, the Moon is charged and any insulated body is charged.... and the chemical reactions taking place in a rocket exhaust creates a charge, most likely leading to particle separation and repulsion from the lunar surface.

I have no more to say on this topic...... except it was a hoax, plain and simple.... they can't do it now and they did not do it then.

I do find it amazing that y'all just flap

Wrong, wrong, flap more than anyone (except for Norval) here.

and the chemical reactions taking place in a rocket exhaust creates a charge, most likely leading to particle separation and repulsion from the lunar surface.

Got any math to back you up?

I do:

lots of charge seperation going on there

As a great physicist once said: "This paper is so bad, it is not even wrong."
(Wolfgang Pauli)

It describes you perfectly Zarkov, in your ability to understand nothing but your own jibberish. :rolleyes:

Are you seriously asking? The point was just the confusion of seeing Wes's bobblehead infilitrating the forum. Now, it is just a catchphrase one might use when one wishes to. For instance, I take Persol's use of it to mean a secret organization... similar to the Illuminati or such.
It was a 2 1/2 day phase where people were taking his bobblehead avatar and cajoling others to "Join us..." Spouting such inanities as "We are Wes... Join us... Come on..." Inane stuff really. The More Me thread in which it took place was never moved to the cesspool, thus keeping those post on to my post count (to my secret shame). 13 people in all were part of the collective at the end. And the confusion was amusing. All the "What the hell's up with the wes avatars?" Some of our more enthusiastic members made a mess of free thoughts in the process. And even tried muddying up real threads.
Zarkov said:

Rockets expell gas..... charged particles would be kicked up, setting up an electrostatic cloud....... your criticism is unfounded.....

WRONG! Rocket exhaust is usually combustion products, combustion is the combination of two chemicals, to form a more stable combinations of elements. Bonds are broken and re-made during combustion, but ions aren't formed this way, so the exhaust isn't 'charged' at all.

Not that it would matter if the exhaust were charged, it would dissipate fairly quickly anyway, thanks to the vacuum of space.

Also, the dust cloud would settle in seconds, due to their being no atmosphere for it to hang in.

All of this is dealt with using real science oer at 'Bad Astronomy', only a dunce would fall for the hoax hypothesis.
Persol said:
Idiot address the question or shutup. Very simple fluid mechanics gives you the answer. Hell, we even simulated this as undergrads. Unless you have something besides 'NASA is the h0xer' please shoot yourself.

If not, we'll kill you instead. we can't have people like you spreading the truth.


When did it become permissible to type (utter) death threats without being held accountable for this typing (utterance) of a threat?
As I remember it correctly Russia did a lot of probing on Venus, and came back with the same data the Americans and Europeans did, so NASA is not the one to blame, so this conspiracy would have to be multi-national
The government can do anything it wants. Do you think YOU can stop us? You are as good as dead.
Theres is no doubt ....

Everything ever shown or sputtered by NASA needs to be re-evaluated..

NASA is not and never has been a Space Agency but a Public relations firm for the Department of Defense..

Freethinkers need only observe the obvious..

Anyone seen the high quality images from Mars via the most advanced camera ever sent to another planet.

In the movie Apollo 13 (made with the support and help of NASA) How they demonstrated their Astro-nots would freeze to death in the cold of space.. (rather than fry in the suns alter reality..)

Clinging to the flat earth theory ? Isn't getting old yet ?
In the movie Apollo 13 (made with the support and help of NASA) How they demonstrated their Astro-nots would freeze to death in the cold of space.. (rather than fry in the suns alter reality..)

Yeah....if the sun wasn't shining on them. Add sunlight and you have a 200 degree surface. You're an idiot fluid, not because you consider yourself a freethinker, but because you don't think at all.
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