There's life on Venus, in spite of NASA

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Venus has whatever it takes for UFOs; as in there's life on Venus, in spite of NASA

This topic is NOT science fiction; NASA just lies, and I believe those borgs have been cloning one another.

In spite of our NASA, Venus offers absolutely whatever it takes for the likes of accommodating other life and UFOs, and perhaps then some, and our moon hasn't been set foot upon, at least not by way of being photographed by anything Kodak.

If yourself and others say that you are a believer in UFO, as I am, perhaps those of you that haven't already been assimilated into NASA/Apollo borgs should start re-thinking about where those suckers have been coming from.

Mars; there's absolutely no freaking way, at least not within the recent few centuries worth because, it's simply gotten way too damn cold, as if you're not sufficiently underground you'd also become relatively easy impact targets, as in pulverised by whatever is incoming due to the extremely thin (1% of Earth) atmosphere that's hardly slowing anything down. And above all else you'd soon become TBI to death in no time at all. Besides all of that, there's hardly any accessible energy to being had, at least nothing in the way of any thermal/energy signature as of all the probes having detected squat. Although, at this rate of exploring Mars, we'll likely uncover those WMD sooner, and at not 0.01% the cost of our discovering said energy upon Mars.

Sirius is certainly a remote possibility, especially if there's still a Sirius/c planet that's somewhat if not better protected as well as Venus is, although your to/from commute would certainly be a real killer. I'll be the first to give these UFO ETs all the technological credits in the universe, but chances of their making 10% light speed isn't being all that realistic, although 1% light speed (3,000 km/s) is certainly doable, that is if your spacecraft could afford to generate enough EMPD (magnetosphere) as to fending off those otherwise lethal dust-bunny items that would just as soon penetrate your sorry butt before you'd even realize what just did you in. BTW; even that zippy 1% amount of light speed is roughly 100 fold better off than anything that's on our future drawing boards. Thus the prospect of 10% light speed makes coming from Sirius into 90+ years worth, of which anyone the least bit human isn't ever returning home as to tell the story.

Before going anywhere at 10% ls, please calculate this; KE=.5MV2, as applied to a mere two grams that you're running youself into a 30,000 km/s (that's 30e6 meters per second), then process the same as for a small and thereby relatively undetectable rock of two kg.

2 gram = 900e12 joules (900 tera joules that'll transpire into 10 meters of shield in three micro second)

2 kg = 900e15 joules (900,000 tera joules that'll transpire into 10 meters of shield in three micro second)

So, lets say that ET already had this 10% ls capability, and the sufficient physical and/or EMF shield as to fending off whatever, and as such you traveled yourself all the way from the likes of Sirius/c, arriving into our solar system in merely 90+ years. Now decide upon which (other than Earth) planet would you select as base camp, and if all you needed was a good cloak as to hide away from the sorts of absolute incest cloned stupidity and arrogance of Earth (mutated DNA), but otherwise required an easy resource of energy (perhaps lots of energy)?

I believe this is where my duh-101 physics and absolutely "no kidding folks" gets involved, as in suggesting that some of the dumb and dumber fools that have been so easily snookered all their lives need to take further stock of this motherload and absolute holy grail worth of all the "what if" factors, of what's been discovered as per clearly associated with the likes of Venus, especially as per my not-so-recent discovery of what our crack NASA teams managed to over-look for more than the past 14 years and counting, and have since ignored altogether for more than the past 3 years as they favored their dog-wagging incompetence and utter stupidity as to rule over their stinking cold-war or bust universe, or perhaps this perpatrated denial is somewhat more ulterior motivated than merely of some typical bureaucratic oversight.
NASA snookers the world, and then some;

If there was ever a more than qualified planet as for establishing a UFO outpost, that was sufficiently near to Earth but essentially cloud cloaked as for remaining out of sight and thereby out of mind, and least likely as to being explored with an open mind as to uncovering the likes of other life NOT as we humans know it; guess what folks, it's an absolute NO BRAINER. Oops, there I go suggesting that members and associates of this FORUM might actually have even half a brain between the entire lot, much less the least bit capable of their operating outside of their NASA/Apollo incest cloned borg collective space toilet.

I mean to say, if the likes of ET ever needed a suitable home away from home, as a viable base camp that was energy worthy and sufficiently interesting to say the least, talk about ETs having a freaking thrill a minute, or more like a thrill an hour as for the likes of ET sky-diving on Venus should be worth at least an hours worth, as in falling through that thick soup that's nearly 10% the density of water at the base, especially of a cooler nighttime seasonal base, and of potentially adding in as much a as yet another -5 km if you're body surfing all the way down into the likes of a Venus death valley, or into one of those steep canyons, of which Venus has lots to pick from.

Even if you merely started off well below those nasty nighttime clouds, say 25 km and proceeded your sky-diving adventure from that point, perhaps using some extra basalt fabric of your thermal flight-suit and/or applied those expansive lizard hands, plus inflating some of that lizard skin as into body-flaps, or as using a portion of your tail in order to improve upon the amount of flight time, as that's got to be worth something. Of course, an decent nocturnal of the exoskeletal variety might have those hard wing-like body parts, thus they could follow them thermals and stay aloft as long as necessary.

Actually, situated below those nighttime layers of humanly nasty clouds should offer a acid free flight zone that's potentially of 35 km, as otherwise you'd want to be within a rigid airship that's capable of cruising above said clouds, such as at 50+km might do the trick, although having the capability as to operate near to 75 km would be advisable, just in case some of those fast moving clouds try to cut you off beforehand.

If ET ever needed a nifty home away from home (besides Earth), as to park their UFOs, I do believe the likes of Venus would due quite nicely.

Anything else in our solar system, besides Venus, would be either too hot and/or way too cold, although if some horrifically cold planet or moon offered a viable resource of energy, then nearly all sorts of hot, cold and nasty things become surmountable, although establishing upon the energy thing takes priority, as without energy you'd die.

For an example; if our moon offered a few geode like pockets, of which it must have such due to it's unusually overall light weight attribute as compared to that of Earth which offers such pockets) whereas also a hollow rille or if some artificially developed to/from passageway was created, as such this sort of natural cavity would become just the initial ticket as for sustaining life on the moon. It seems I've also learned of our moon hosting a 850°C core that is basically just sitting there, and obviously it's not all that far under ground.

Otherwise the moon clearly offers at least twice the worth of nuclear elements/m3, plus all of the solar impact that'll provide another 1400 w/m2 (sterling thermal differential energy conversion heaven), and supposedly there's loads of He3 or 3He to boot. Then there should also bcome a tether dipole amount of energy that's worth extracting up to 5 terawatts continuously, and I believe that's without reversing the lunar recession.

The lunar space elevator(LSE-CM/ISS) just so happens to support a set of counter-rotating flywheels situated at the ME-L1 (nullification zone), accommodating of nearly any size or mass that'll suit the needs of storing and subsequently distributing energy on demand, as in hundreds of gigawatts if need be. Actually the total flywheel energy storage capacity could become that of many terawatt hours, and offering a robust rotating kenetic storage efficiency of 99.99%/year, if not better.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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This should be moved to the pseudoscience forum. If even there.

And by the way, bradguth, despite whatever you saw on FOX there is ample evidence that humans went to the moon and no credible evidence that we didn't. If you feel compelled to defend your bizarre beliefs about humans not going to the moon, please take the time to google some information on space photography, solar radiation, etc. before posting anything here. All of the claims from the 'moon hoax' crowd have already been addressed in detail.
He tried this stuff on forums and got booted for insulting people that didn't agree with his views and pointing out flaws in thinking.
Maybe a link to the moon hoax thread? Bah, I'll search it out myself. I've always been curious about this. I'm inclined to believe that we have gone to the moon, but some of the conspiracy claims are interesting.

What a load of hogwash that critique of the skeptics is......

Words are so easy to spread BS nice and thick.....

Anyone who believes that NASA's people have been to the moon might as well be a christian, and believe a man could be a god.

Just one point stands out.... you can not land on the Moon gently without using counter thrust from their stupid technology (rocket)

The Moon's surface is indeed dust and any rocket activity as claimed would create a DENSE dust storm that would have taken hours, ?days to settle......

It is a real joke to think the establishment can do as they say... they wish to keep y'all in the dark and in fear of their supposed capacity.
Zarkov: Do you have any actual substantive criticism to the responses on that web page? Surely you realize that simply calling it 'a load of hogwash' doesn't constitute a refutation of anything they've said.

As for your one point about a 'dust storm that would take hours or days to settle' can you have a dust storm when there isn't any air? In a vacuum the force of a rocket exhaust dissipates very quickly, because there isn't any atmosphere to transfer the 'wind' from the exhaust over a large area. Since the Apollo landers cut their descent engine while they were still a significant distance from the ground (which they were able to do because of the moon's very small gravitational pull) I wouldn't be surprised that there wasn't much dust kicked up. If you've ever seen footage of the lander blasting back off, you'll notice that there is in fact a fair amount of debris kicked up.
Anything else in our solar system besides Venus would be either too hot
What? Besides the sun, venus is the hottest place in the solar system! Hot enough to melt lead on the surface! How do you propose that life survives there?
>> In a vacuum the force of a rocket exhaust dissipates very quickly, because there isn't any atmosphere to transfer the 'wind' from the exhaust over a large area.

Rockets expell gas..... charged particles would be kicked up, setting up an electrostatic cloud....... your criticism is unfounded.....
Wait, what am I arguing with Zarkov about this for? He doesn't even believe in relativity.
Zarkov said:
>> In a vacuum the force of a rocket exhaust dissipates very quickly, because there isn't any atmosphere to transfer the 'wind' from the exhaust over a large area.

Rockets expell gas..... charged particles would be kicked up, setting up an electrostatic cloud....... your criticism is unfounded.....
Perhaps you could enlighted us as to why the rocket would stay 'focuses'... considering there is no atmospher to contain it. Also, why do you think charge particles would be kicked up in any quanity that would actually matter?
Anyone who believes that NASA's people have been to the moon might as well be a christian, and believe a man could be a god.

Anyone who believes that NASA's people HAVEN'T been to the moon might as well be a UFO/alien visitation believer or believe in pointless gravity theories based on made-up constants and pointless assumptions. YOUR science, Zarkov, removes you from the outside world and how it really works. Because you fail to actually see all the counterevidence that Persol, Janus, James, I and countless others point out to you. So believe what you want. We'll just start ignoring your rants.
Nazor seems to know something interesting about Kodak film that even Kodak doesn't know.

I only insulted folks that were outright insulting to humanity.
I never insulted any real person having a real name and a real email, not to mention a real address and phone number, thus only incest borgs were insulted, and they don't count.


You're just way off topic, as usual.


You're absolutely correct about that nasty moon dust.

Don't forget about all those other peslky dust-bunny imacts/m2/day, some of which should be worth 30+km/s.

Unfortunately, NASA's crack photo superimposing crew of incest borgs screwed up more than once.

I also offer an interesting link to someone that's supposedly on NASA's side of this equation, that independently identified upon the Apollo-15 landing site, and/or impact zone, as such being relatively dark if not sufficiently basalt black, as in 5~7% reflective. I believe you'll find a link to that review in my apollohoax page;

Communist Hamster;
Then you can obviously inform all of us village idiots, at what thermal point blood boils at 92 bar?

And whom ever suggested that Venus was offering something for the likes of dumbfounded humans, such as yourself?


Why are you intentionally avoiding the "Kodak moment"?

Or, how about just sticking with the "life on Venus" topic?


"might as well be a UFO/alien visitation believer"
What's wrong with the notion that someone other than Earth human is smarter than your sorry butt?

Besides, whom made you God for the day?

Or, perhaps your God(nasa) has certain limitations, as in being Earth bound, and of mutated DNA that's just sufficiently dumb and dumber, thus can only create the incest cloning of other borgs that shall forever remain dumbfounded.

What does your pagan God(nasa) say about our utilizing his moon?

About your "pointless gravity theories";
I'm assuming that you're not referring to the notions of a gravity-well or nullification zone, such as what the LSE-CM/ISS is essentially based upon, as that's hardly pointless.
And this is what you were kicked off of forums for:

Calling everyone "incest borgs" because we don't agree with you. Calling everyone dumbfounded and dumb because we don't have the imagination of a 5 year old and have more knowledge then you or a 2 year old.

For constantly not understanding basic physics issues you simply ignore.

For not looking at the facts about past moon missions, unmanned and manned, russian/american/european, return samples. Instead you simply make incorrect statements about photographs taken both moon-based and venus-based AND THIS HAS BEING POINTED OUT TO YOU OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN......

The rest of your statement is incoherent ravings. It's funny that people can think the moon landings are fake but those same ones fail to realize people can make up stories about UFOs and alien visitors too.

Zonabi, Fluid, Brad and Norval are what humanity calls the worst of its kind: those who, for their pleasure or delusional state, try to dumb the rest of us down with their inconsistant garbage. They are the Pere Teilhard de Chardins, the Manuel Elizaldes and the Jan Henrik Schöns of the world purly in it for their own gain (although you wont' even gain anything, especially credibility).
Let us not let the idiot side steppers, name callers have their day.... ignore them and stick to science debate... OK ?

>> Also, why do you think charge particles would be kicked up in any quanity that would actually matter?

Why do you think not ?? so if I expell "smoke, dust" etc on the Moon its gravity will immediately pull it down ???? and I suppose gas can not be in a vacuum ?.... I wonder where our atmosphere is unless it is in the vacuum of space,,, held by the matter of the Earth, all in the vacuum of space.

Now I am sorry to burst the NASA deceit, but they are propaganda merchants...
Pushing their agenda, especially re water.... religious connotations.....

Put up guys, like real arguments or keep your dirty minds outa here.
To get things moved to psuedoscience you need to report them (aka hit the report button) as moderators don’t usually petrol this subforum.
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