There was a man in my room


Registered Senior Member
Hello all

About 15 to 20 mins ago I had a very frightening experience. I woke up in my bed after a brief sleep and wanting to go to the toliet I turned over to my left and looked at the wall it was fairly dark in my room and I saw a pool of darkness next to my bed I saw the darkness move like a man kneeling and then stand up it was a human shape like a shadow man but without form I looked into the face and saw darkness. I got scared and did a weak karate chop at the face but my hand hit nothing but air and quite cold air for a warm room I have also noticed my room has a strange smell like a chalky smell before during and after it happened. I made a gasp of horror when it happened as it looked like a stocky man wrapped in darkness stading over the side of my bed head slightly titled looking at me.
There was no shadows in my room I dont use drugs or have been drinking so Im clean in that regard. Yet I have no logical explanation of what happened.

Can someone please give me a logical explanation? Was it a ghost? a telepathic image? I did not hallucinate this and Im strong minded so my sanity is not the question.

FCM :eek: :eek:
tablariddim said:
Was he wearing a flatcap?

No Flatcap on him but the best way to describe him is remember the moth men from Beastmaster. He was like that in the face like a black void with no facial features. No hair by the shape of his head either more like he was bold with a roundish head tall but stocky by the shape of the shadow and I could see the tilt looking at the head.
And this is NO JOKE I saw what I saw and have been up all night too frightened to go back to sleep and this "being afraid of the dark" may be appropraiate for children but it does not cut it with a 34 year old. I am ashamed of myself but I cant get the image out of my mind and am nervious it might return again(it hasnt).

FCM :eek: :eek:
tablariddim said:
Was he wearing a flatcap?

If my hand could pass thou the face then it was not human or alien. This has seriously affected me and only started scareing me after it happened.
The room was quite cold which is odd for a spring day in Austrialia and there was a smell which I ided as the smell of chalk dust thou I have never had chalk in my room nor the need to use chalk it was a blackboard duster smell.

An Angel? A demon? A misplaced sprit?

I have no easy answers for this

FCM :confused: :confused:
flatcapman said:
If my hand could pass thou the face then it was not human or alien. This has seriously affected me and only started scareing me after it happened.
The room was quite cold which is odd for a spring day in Austrialia and there was a smell which I ided as the smell of chalk dust thou I have never had chalk in my room nor the need to use chalk it was a blackboard duster smell.

An Angel? A demon? A misplaced sprit?

I have no easy answers for this

FCM :confused: :confused:

A sniff of marijuana? perhaps...
You know, I've always figured if I had an incident with the unknown, similar to your FCP, I'd invest in an assortment of mystical shit to keep it from happening again.

Crucifix, voodoo dolls, Elder Signs, candles, incense, an old priest and a young priest....

Or you could just set up a video camera and leave it on. The supernatural is never caught on tape.
draqon said:
A sniff of marijuana? perhaps...

Like I said I was not using drugs of any kind nor was I drunk thou a small detail has come to mind thou it might not mean anything I didnt mention it because I only just thought of it you know how light can leave dark spots behind your eyes I noticed dark spots in my vision just before it happened like light spots but these were black.
he looked like a prohet or something like that and no it was not the grim reaper either since I didnt die.
I was looking at him with both eyes so it was no corner of the eye trick either.
Like I said before I cant explain it and that worries me more then Im used to.

FCM :confused: :( :confused:
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.
I would say that it was just your mind playing tricks on you. perhaps it was still trying to dream while you were awake.

as for the smell, often intense feelings can make you smell things that are not there. for example, I was in a car accident a few years back, and the smell of broken glass and steaming antifreeze came back to me years later (with a different car) when I was almost in another accident. there was no reason why I should have smelled that same smell, but I did.
It was me, sorry about that, wrong house. I was looking for a nice nun or an empty house where I could sit and wait and hope a nun came home.
flatcapman said:
I woke up in my bed after a brief sleep....

Though I must say I'm fully expecting the denumont to end in some form of head-attire related punchline - assuming for a second here you're being serious. You had just woken up, had you not?

Patently, you hadn't woken up quite enough.

When you're bladder wakes you, and you've previously been in REM Sleep, you don't always completely cycle through immediately to full waking consciousness - basically, despite being awake and aware you aren't necessarily all there with it as soon as you open you're eyes. Basically, again assuming any of this actually happened at all, all that did happen is you're eyes perceived something in the of the shadows on the floor as being that of a human figure and you're minds own anticipation of what that situation means to you did the rest.

As you say, you reached out your hand and there really was nothing there. It doesn't matter in these circumstances quite what the hell you're eyes are telling you - your hand came into contact with nothing because there was nothing to begin with.

You woke, gave you're self a nasty start - if you're still uneasy, don't be. Sleep with the light on if it helps.

All over the universe, every night, children wake from their slumbers screaming at the sight of "Whatever" lurking clear as moonlight at the foot of their beds - the lights come on, the monster is revealed as nothing more than a combination of shadows, shapes and lighting - still the experience remains palpable and real - still there are no monsters (Republican Party aside).

We assume, being adults, that this is a capacity we loose in adult life. We do not. You're experience tonight being but one point in case...
flatcapman said:
Hello all

About 15 to 20 mins ago I had a very frightening experience. I woke up in my bed after a brief sleep and wanting to go to the toliet I turned over to my left and looked at the wall it was fairly dark in my room and I saw a pool of darkness next to my bed I saw the darkness move like a man kneeling and then stand up it was a human shape like a shadow man but without form I looked into the face and saw darkness. I got scared and did a weak karate chop at the face but my hand hit nothing but air and quite cold air for a warm room I have also noticed my room has a strange smell like a chalky smell before during and after it happened. I made a gasp of horror when it happened as it looked like a stocky man wrapped in darkness stading over the side of my bed head slightly titled looking at me.
There was no shadows in my room I dont use drugs or have been drinking so Im clean in that regard. Yet I have no logical explanation of what happened.

Can someone please give me a logical explanation? Was it a ghost? a telepathic image? I did not hallucinate this and Im strong minded so my sanity is not the question.

FCM :eek: :eek:

Holy crap, it's like we're still in the dark ages. What you expereinced is called a hypnogogic hallucination. Everyone has them, it is normal, and the content of such hallucinations can be superimposed over any real sensory input.
Mr Anonymous said:
Though I must say I'm fully expecting the denumont to end in some form of head-attire related punchline - assuming for a second here you're being serious. You had just woken up, had you not?

Patently, you hadn't woken up quite enough.

When you're bladder wakes you, and you've previously been in REM Sleep, you don't always completely cycle through immediately to full waking consciousness - basically, despite being awake and aware you aren't necessarily all there with it as soon as you open you're eyes. Basically, again assuming any of this actually happened at all, all that did happen is you're eyes perceived something in the of the shadows on the floor as being that of a human figure and you're minds own anticipation of what that situation means to you did the rest.

As you say, you reached out your hand and there really was nothing there. It doesn't matter in these circumstances quite what the hell you're eyes are telling you - your hand came into contact with nothing because there was nothing to begin with.

You woke, gave you're self a nasty start - if you're still uneasy, don't be. Sleep with the light on if it helps.

All over the universe, every night, children wake from their slumbers screaming at the sight of "Whatever" lurking clear as moonlight at the foot of their beds - the lights come on, the monster is revealed as nothing more than a combination of shadows, shapes and lighting - still the experience remains palpable and real - still there are no monsters (Republican Party aside).

We assume, being adults, that this is a capacity we loose in adult life. We do not. You're experience tonight being but one point in case...

I have thought about it and 2 possible explanations came to mind. I only had 2 hours of sleep and what I dreamt was not completely developed so I only was there very briefly.

1) I have fallen asleep partly with my eyes open might have not been aware of it and I was facing my closet and it could have been an image from a dream thou only a partial dream while asleep. I have noticed dreams can recreate the real life world in every detail.
2) Now this may sound like total movie stupidity but it could be possible I could have created him with my mind. With the lack of sleep my mind could have tried to create an alternative figure based off my id.

I shall be interested in what you guys and gals think? If you think its silly what I said then Im open to other suggestions(postive ones).
I cant let some dream phantom terrorise me and I will slowly go insane and get sick if I dont sleep.

FCM :(
Yea, I've heard of this before... I forget what it's called, exactly. There is a specific name for waking up while still in REM sleep. Essentially, it was a waking nightmare. It sounds exactly like one of those instances. I've had them myself, I just usually recover after a couple of minutes staring at whatever spot in the room I saw whatever it was I saw. I usually just remind myself that it was a waking dream, and I justify it by saying that whatever I saw was temporary. If it goes away once I become fully in charge of my faculties, then I dismiss it.
Okay. Just a little pinprick.
There'll be no more AHHH AHHH AHHH!
Do you feel a little sick?
It's a big possibility that you just imagined it. Or your brain was still asleep while sense data flowed in. And without proof or repeated experience, there's no reason to assume anything, or take action.

But personally, when I was walking along a road, at late evening (it was dark..) I had an impression of a complitely dark figure, like a shadow walking, following me (by this I mean I felt like something was, I didn't see anything). Of course, it was a ridiculous idea, but I got scared anyway. It just seemed to follow walking slowly, not really even catching up.
did you maby wake up abruptly? i have waken up abrubly by my alarm and sometimes i see the dream still going on, it scared me at the time.

Have you perhaps gotten little sleep lately?
or perhaps somethings going on in your life that has unnerved you, dreaming helpes your subcounsance deal wit htheings we cant, perhaps tha twas all, your subconous trying to cope with a strsess of somesort, it also goes back to my awoken abrutly theory.