There is no religion

I would agree with you SOT. And I have tried to take this stance, but when you go up against narrow-minded fools such as tony1 it's a litte difficult to stay that way. I can fully accept the possibility that there may be a God. However, at this point I don't see any reason to believe there is one, and so I choose to follow science in the hope of bettering the human race. It's very possible that I will one day believe in a God, but for now I'm happy with science.
*Originally posted by Taken
Carefull there Tony, your ignorance is showing.

Besides, what happened to all the gung-ho full-frontal attacks?
These little jabs are no fun.

*Originally posted by SOT
It seems that if one were to experience a higher intelligence and then return to try and explain it to the rest of us humans, we would laugh at, ridicule, and shrug off this person as a deluded religious fanatic or a lunatic. It's very easy to relegate everything that I don't understand to the bunk-heap

Xelios should see your point since it is so very close to his signature quotation.
""Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C. Clark "

*Originally posted by Xelios
I would agree with you SOT

See, I told you.

*I have tried to take this stance, but when you go up against narrow-minded fools such as tony1 it's a litte difficult to stay that way.*

Ooops, I guess not.
I guess Xelios figures that he's got the advanced knowledge.
I would agree with you SOT*

See, I told you.

*I have tried to take this stance, but when you go up against narrow-minded fools such as tony1 it's a litte difficult to stay that way.*

Ooops, I guess not.
I guess Xelios figures that he's got the advanced knowledge.
I'd hazard a guess at what you are trying to say here tony, but then I remember I really don't care.
*Originally posted by Xelios
I'd hazard a guess at what you are trying to say here tony, but then I remember I really don't care.

You cared enough for that half-hearted thing there.

I can spell it out.

Your "advanced" knowledge will land you in a hospital for months.
Mine will keep me out.

Yours will land you in a burn unit for months and leave you with disfiguring scars.
Mine will make it a non-issue.

Yours will get you into the grave.
Mine will get me out.
Congratulations tony, once again you have managed make no sence at all. If you believe you are immortal, then more power to ya. I can accept my human falicies, you obviously cannot. So by all means tony, keep clinging to your fantasy about everlasting life all the way up to your death. I just feel sorry for you, that's all.
Those kids in the burn units are kids just like you.
Those kids with no hair getting the cancer treatments are just like you.
You think you're bullet-proof without the Bible.
At least I've got God's word on my beliefs.
Yours are based on thin air.

Why don't you go talk to some kids in the burn units, or the crippled children's wards and ask them what they were thinking an hour or day before they ended up in there.
As a matter of fact tony, I have admitted several times to human falicies such as injury and disease. You're point has no basis whatsoever. I'm beginning to think you only post such useless garbage to take up the board's bandwidth.

But if it makes you feel more secure about yourself, then hey, by all means go ahead and look down on me. I'm done caring.
*Originally posted by Xelios
You're point has no basis whatsoever.

So the other kids in the hospitals aren't like you?
You're saying you are somehow smarter than the kid in the next bed, when you're there?

What possible evidence would there be for your assumption, if you are both in similar circumstances for similar reasons?
No, unlike you I can admit my human falicies. There's every chance I could be burned tomorrow.

You seem to be the one thinking you are "smarter" or more perfect than the rest of us.
Actually, you have to admit your human frailties and/or fallacies.

I don't, because they are of no consequence.
I'm protected, you aren't.
That's the difference.

I apologize for your inability to understand that.
So when you cut yourself, you don't bleed.

No wonder nobody wants your god, with that attitude.

Sounds more like you are the right hand of 'satan'...
You're not protected tony, only deluded into thinking you are. It's actually very common amoung adolecents, this feeling of invincibility. Hence the high death rate.

But why don't you go to the kitchen and slit your wrist, just for fun. After all, it won't harm you right?:rolleyes:
The high death rate is for guys like you.
Guys like me know enough to know that any recommendation guys like you make, is probably a very stupid one.
You think so Tony? The high death rate is caused by the actions of humankind. And a lot of that actions are coming from the religions. Troubling young humans and confusing them literally to death with their spells of hell and doom.

Did you cut yourself? Just for fun? To see if you bleed?

Jesus did bleed. Guess he was not that well protected as you are...
*Originally posted by Banshee
confusing them literally to death with their spells of hell and doom.

This is too much.
Banshee, you should be a comedienne.

What is this "confusing them to death?"

Perp: Well, Officer what am I charged with?
Officer: Confusing the victim to death
Perp: Are you sure? Maybe you're just confused.
Officer: Aaaarrrrghhh!

*Jesus did bleed. Guess he was not that well protected as you are... *

That's right.
He died, so I wouldn't have to.
He bled, so I wouldn't have to.
He took all the illnesses of mankind, so I wouldn't have to.
He suffered all of the pain, so I wouldn't have to.
Re: Tony...

*Originally posted by Banshee
Happy New Year.

May you confuse and amuse yourself to death.

Happy New Year to you, too.

May God richly bless you and protect you.
May God fill your home with heatlth, wealth and joy.
May God open your eyes to his glory and majesty.

I pray that this new year is the best for you and your child(ren).

God bless you.
May the Cosmos bless you and open your eyes, so you can get rid of your eye shields.

Have a good New Years Day.;)
How did you get from

I realized that the human mind simply can't comprehend the universe, no matter how intellegent it may be.


Religion was formed to help people not feel so helpless. :bugeye:

I don't understand how you got from one to the other.

The human mind can't comprehend an absoulte state of nothingness. It can't comprehend the infinite. We don't comprehend what it means to live outside of time and space. By not knowing these things, how in anyway could that make people feel helpless?
Because godbelievers are like sheep...

As soon as that rotten monk, way back in history, wrote down all the crap in the bible, a lot of humans started to live like sheep, following the herd.

If they don't do that, they are lost sheep. Don't know in which direction they have to go then. They need strict rules to live there life. And don't you forget the ten comandments. Priceless invention for the war loving godbelievers, who are fighting about religion from the beginning of its existence.

That they don't live after the ten commandments is clearly shown in this thread and other religion threads, but hey, what the hell, if they can whine about their godbelieving by computer and 'preach' doom and mayhem, they are happy.:rolleyes:

It doesn't count for all the godbelievers, but most of them who are posting here are unfriendly and disgusting figures.

Quote me Tony, I am waiting for you, as always.:p