There is no religion

Somebody please look up the word "religion" for me, then rip that page out of the dictionary and burn it. LOL

Can you disprove to yourself that you are not more than a physical existance...that you do not have a "Spiritual" existance?
Do you run on pure instinct based on chemical reactions and electric impulses? Do you think, feel, hope, dream, desire, envision, laugh, cry in the absence of physical pain, do you not long for peace, hope for understanding, want for justice among men, have pity for those in distress, meditate upon the pain of others and have mercy for their plight?

Men did not come to the ideas behind what we call "religion" due to an inability to make sense of things. They came to the knowledge that we are more than matter, by way of realizing that we ARE more than matter. The first truth of which is the knowledge that we CAN'T make sense of it all, not an attempt to do so.
For the record the bible speaks of the existance of many things that you aren't typically taught in Sunday school, such as Sea Creatures, Giants, Beasts with smoke comeing from their nostrils, beings descending to earth from out of the heavens (space)...(ie the sons of God comeing to earth and interbreading with humans)
Chariots of fire.

If someone has no knowledge of the Bible or Christian terminology and saw a strange man come out of the sky riding on what appeared to be a vehicle powered by fire, light, you suppose he would think it was ET in a UFO, as opposed to Elijah returning?
Food for thought.

Before anyone asks :O):

Job 41:1 "Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook?
Or press down his tongue with a cord?
Job 41:2 "Can you put a rope in his nose
Or pierce his jaw with a hook?
Job 41:3 "Will he make many supplications to you,
Or will he speak to you soft words?
Job 41:4 "Will he make a covenant with you?
Will you take him for a servant forever?
Job 41:5 "Will you play with him as with a bird,
Or will you bind him for your maidens?
Job 41:6 "Will the traders bargain over him?
Will they divide him among the merchants?
Job 41:7 "Can you fill his skin with harpoons,
Or his head with fishing spears?
Job 41:8 "Lay your hand on him;
Remember the battle; you will not do it again!
Job 41:9 "Behold, your expectation is false;
Will you be laid low even at the sight of him?
Job 41:10 "No one is so fierce that he dares to arouse him;
Who then is he that can stand before Me?
Job 41:11 "Who has given to Me that I should repay him?
Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine.
Job 41:12 "I will not keep silence concerning his limbs,
Or his mighty strength, or his orderly frame.
Job 41:13 "Who can strip off his outer armor?
Who can come within his double mail?
Job 41:14 "Who can open the doors of his face?
Around his teeth there is terror.
Job 41:15 "His strong scales are his pride,
Shut up as with a tight seal.
Job 41:16 "One is so near to another
That no air can come between them.
Job 41:17 "They are joined one to another;
They clasp each other and cannot be separated.
Job 41:18 "His sneezes flash forth light,
And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
Job 41:19 "Out of his mouth go burning torches;
Sparks of fire leap forth.
Job 41:20 "Out of his nostrils smoke goes forth
As from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
Job 41:21 "His breath kindles coals,
And a flame goes forth from his mouth.
Job 41:22 "In his neck lodges strength,
And dismay leaps before him.
Job 41:23 "The folds of his flesh are joined together,
Firm on him and immovable.
Job 41:24 "His heart is as hard as a stone,
Even as hard as a lower millstone.
Job 41:25 "When he raises himself up, the mighty fear;
Because of the crashing they are bewildered.
Job 41:26 "The sword that reaches him cannot avail,
Nor the spear, the dart or the javelin.
Job 41:27 "He regards iron as straw,
Bronze as rotten wood.
Job 41:28 "The arrow cannot make him flee;
Slingstones are turned into stubble for him.
Job 41:29 "Clubs are regarded as stubble;
He laughs at the rattling of the javelin.
Job 41:30 "His underparts are like sharp potsherds;
He spreads out like a threshing sledge on the mire.
Job 41:31 "He makes the depths boil like a pot;
He makes the sea like a jar of ointment.
Job 41:32 "Behind him he makes a wake to shine;
One would think the deep to be gray-haired.
Job 41:33 "Nothing on earth is like him,
One made without fear.

Clearly taken in context Job was useing the Leviathan to make a broader point about God. But look closely at what he is describing in extream detail. Scientists will tell you that Dinasours did in FACT exist...and that much about them remains a mystery...we just recently in our years of technological advancement discovered life in depths of the sea we thought unlivable and some of that life does quite amazing things, like creating their own light. Truely the possibilitys are beyond our imagination...but ask a Scientist or a Christian if Dragons ever existed and you will get a resounding NO! I myself have never seen a dragon, but have reason to believe all things are possible. Hope the bigger point I was makeing is clear.

By the way the litteral translation for "Leviathan" from the Hebrew text in that passage is:
Livyathan (531b); "serpent," a sea monster or dragon:--Leviathan(6).
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*Originally posted by Stryderunknown
Where in your bible does it say that Aeroplanes exist?

It doesn't have to say they exist.
I can see them.
The question is: how long will airplanes exist?
Probably not long enough to be mentioned.
On the other hand, watermelons aren't mentioned, either...

*(Just type it into your search engine on and pull it up) *

For a guy who claims to be cheeky, you're quite helpful.
Unfortunately, the site appears to have been changed, since they don't appear to have a search engine.

*Originally posted by Taken
The first truth of which is the knowledge that we CAN'T make sense of it all, not an attempt to do so.

I can see why you're so mixed up.
Come now, we CAN make sense of it, and we should.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
(Isaiah 1:18, KJV).

There is no point in swallowing the atheist line just because THEY don't want to make sense.

*Scientists will tell you that Dinasours did in FACT exist.*

Not much debate on that point, sour as it might be to think that.
What is more debatable is whether they exist now, or whether they co-exist with man.
Tony does your Bible not speak of the other half thats never been told? The Bible is a history of a nation, a spiritual and emotional and a common sense guide from which we learn. It is not a blow by blow depiction of everything that ever was is or will be. We might be heading towards heaven but we are still living in this world and need to not be blind to everything in it. We know the basics but we do not know ALL the details.
I am not the slightest bit confused, but am fully aware I will never know or even understand everything and will not be required to.
Come Now Let Us Reason Together...

Reason together???

Can you reason together Tony? All I've ever seen of you is quotes, quotes, quotes and a stupid remark.

Come on up now and REASON with the rest of the members.

Beyond your tunnelvision, reality fades...

Ever lived in reality Tony? Or only in the Darkness of your poisoned mind...poisoned by bible quotes, that is.
Take a good look at your bible and reason with us from there. Don't always throw your stupid quotes at our heads.:confused:

You can make a pretty good discussion with your bible up front, but then do something yourself and don't hide behind your holy writing all the time.

Have a nice day...and don't forget your prayer today.(Sunday)

By the way, are you allowed to sit behind a keyboard and use a computer by your holy god almighty. Can't remember there is something written about computers in the bible. Aren't computers an invention made by demons?? What are you doing behind such a thing any way??

Guess they won't last long either, just like you said about airplanes...
*Originally posted by Taken
Tony does your Bible not speak of the other half thats never been told?

OK, I'll bite.
How does a book not tell one half of itself?

*I am not the slightest bit confused, but am fully aware I will never know or even understand everything and will not be required to. *

How do you explain this?

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
(1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV).

*Originally posted by Banshee
Can you reason together Tony? All I've ever seen of you is quotes, quotes, quotes and a stupid remark.

Come on up now and REASON with the rest of the members.

Reasoning with God makes more sense, but thanks for the offer.

*Take a good look at your bible and reason with us from there*

That's what I am doing.

*You can make a pretty good discussion with your bible up front, but then do something yourself and don't hide behind your holy writing all the time.*

You sound like a spy for the enemy.
"Put down your weapons, you'll be OK"

Anyway, thanks for the tip, Banshee.
If your demons are all riled up because of the Bible, then I'm on the right track.
The other half of the "STORY".
Ok so just exactly what Bible do you use?

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
(1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV).

Thank you that verse makes my point are still in this world I assume? So you still do not have that perfect knowledge Paul spoke of do you? :O)

By the way your weapon was intended to ward off evil and save the lost......Not ward off the lost so that evil might delight in it.
*Originally posted by Taken
The other half of the "STORY".
Ok so just exactly what Bible do you use?

King James, ASV, Darby, Young's Literal, Rotherham, Twentieth Century, JPS, Douay, Septuagint in English.
Nuova Riveduta and Diodati in Italian.
Sagrada Escritura and Reina Valera in Spanish.
Louis Segond in French.
Vulgate in Latin.
I also use various other versions in Finnish, Russian, Czech, Dutch etc, for reference.
I use the BHM for reference in Hebrew.
I use the Textus Receptus, Byzantine and Septuagint in Greek for reference.

*Thank you that verse makes my point are still in this world I assume? So you still do not have that perfect knowledge Paul spoke of do you?*

You said you wouldn't have to know everything.
That verse says you will know.
How does that prove your point since your point is opposite to what the verse said?

*By the way your weapon was intended to ward off evil and save the lost......Not ward off the lost so that evil might delight in it. *

Cute wordplay.
The weapon is for chopping up garbage, among other things.
Where do I find the garbage?
Why, in your posts.

Let me try that switching nouns and verbs trick.
The Bible was given to you so you could learn God's truth and deflect Satan's lies, not learn Satan's lies and deflect God's truth.
I said I would not be REQUIRED to know everything...and I won't. You have still to disprove my statement. You can not...beause as usuall you don't have a leg to stand on.

The garbage is in your head, right were it has been so systematically planted, refined and blossomed under the care of evil and selfishness.
You have shown absolutely no attributes of haveing the mind of Christ or any offering of the values by which He lived and of which He spoke. You are offensive, uncareing, with out mercy, blind to justice and of no aclaim other than your own. But I guess since Jesus wasn't technically a Christian you don't feel you owe Him any alliegence either.
*Originally posted by Taken
I said I would not be REQUIRED to know everything...and I won't. You have still to disprove my statement. You can not...beause as usuall you don't have a leg to stand on.

You figure you are going to be the only person in heaven disobeying that one verse?

*The garbage is in your head, right were it has been so systematically planted, refined and blossomed under the care of evil and selfishness.*

Let me see.
When is the last time you even quoted a single verse out of the Bible?

*You have shown absolutely no attributes of haveing the mind of Christ or any offering of the values by which He lived and of which He spoke. You are offensive, uncareing, with out mercy, blind to justice and of no aclaim other than your own. But I guess since Jesus wasn't technically a Christian you don't feel you owe Him any alliegence either. *

I'm in good company.
The Pharisees accused Jesus of much the same, plus they added having a devil, friend of sinners, drunkard and glutton.
As you may recall, the Pharisees were also religious, as you are, and they also "understood" the scriptures, at least in their own minds, as you do.
I shall gain that knowledge when I get to heaven, it is not a REQUIRMENT for getting there. Sheeesh. You won't have it in this lifetime either.

You NEED Bible quotes? You don't have enough? You don't preach the Bible, you preach bits and pieces of verses out of context used solely to make YOUR point not Gods. If you actually read my posts instead of scanning and re-writiing them you might realize I use the Bible as my reference in everything I believe and hold true.

Please do not offend me by comparing yourself to my Savoir. Jesus wasn't rejected by the gentiles, the lost, the un-believing, the poor, the hurt, the oppressed, the good hearted...He was rejected by those who held themselves as keepers of the "truth", Bible scholars, those who claimed to be Gods elect, the "Church", the priests, the leaders....People like you.

But it will not disappear as physical science makes progress. The real change will come when the two stops accusing eachother for lying, and starts cooperating and realizing that they need eachother to see an even larger picture.

They are both true and valid from their own parameters, but togehter they would be...invincible! And give the humanity a much needed upgrade in consciousness.

With religion I here mean the spiritual aspect of life, and not any specific religion

Pepole with in both circle have tried to join the 2 and cooperate. Un fortunetly religion has not been able to explain anything in a way that is certain. Just that you need faith. Faith doesn't expain anything it just provides comfort in difficult times.
But it is very good possible to live in harmony with a godbeliever.

If they are not so bible fanatic as Tony, that is. I have a very good friend who is going to churc twice every Sunday, but never ever have trouble with her because of my non believing in god.

She never ever quotes me or her husband, who is an atheist. They married in their house. There was a Preacher or Reverant (what do you call them?) and he read some stuff of the bible especially for her. They were not allowed to marry in church because of her man not believing in god. No matter to it. They are married for years now, have two children and are very happy together.

And she stil goes to church twice every Sunday and her children hear of the bible but are not baptised or what so ever. Not taken to chuch also. They have a choice in this matter.

Guess that is another way of godbelieving. Let everybody in his/her right and don't call them names if they are not christian or catholic or what so ever.

Tony, take an example out of this, for your quotes get boring.

Well, guess you can not do that, so quote me again...:)
*Originally posted by Taken
I shall gain that knowledge when I get to heaven, it is not a REQUIRMENT for getting there.

Nobody was talking about requiring it to get there.
You were saying that you wouldn't be required to have the knowledge at all.

BTW, if you ever get tired of slowly spinning in the breeze, stop and think about what you are writing before you write it.
Oh, and refer to the Bible once in a while.

*You NEED Bible quotes? You don't have enough?*

Not me, you.
You need the quotes, because you don't use any.

*You don't preach the Bible, you preach bits and pieces of verses out of context used solely to make YOUR point not Gods.*

At least, I have a point.

*If you actually read my posts instead of scanning and re-writiing them you might realize I use the Bible as my reference in everything I believe and hold true.*

That explains why you don't believe very much.

*Please do not offend me by comparing yourself to my Savoir.*

Why are you calling me the same names he was called?

*He was rejected by those who held themselves as keepers of the "truth", Bible scholars, those who claimed to be Gods elect, the "Church", the priests, the leaders....People like you. *

I'm none of those things, so what's your point?

*Originally posted by 666
Un fortunetly religion has not been able to explain anything in a way that is certain.

Oddly, people complain because we are too certain.
Which is it?

*Originally posted by Banshee
Tony, take an example out of this, for your quotes get boring.

But I just quoted you!
"Not me, you.
You need the quotes, because you don't use any."

Is there anyone else here whose computer is magicaly blocking out my Bible quotes?

"At least, I have a point."
The problem is that it IS your point, not Gods.

Trust me I would never call you by the name of my Savoir.
He was actually called a drunkard, a friend of sinners, an alli of Pagans (Romans), possesed of the devil.
Hmmm... lets think about who is actually calling people what?
*Originally posted by Taken
Is there anyone else here whose computer is magicaly blocking out my Bible quotes?

Not the last three.
Before that you were going through quite the dry spell, not to mention the wandering off into Hinduism, Buddhism, paganism, whale worship, etc.

*The problem is that it IS your point, not Gods.*

I got it from him.
But, technically, when I'm actually typing it up it is my point.
Something like the "gospel according to Mark."
It is God's point, but Mark got to tack his name on to it while he was making it.

*Trust me I would never call you by the name of my Savoir.*

I get curious when people spell or pronounce crucial words wrong.
It's a common tactic used by demons so that they can appear to be talking about the same thing, although in reality, they are talking about something very different.
Combine that with the atrocious spelling of most of your garden-variety demons, and I get even more curious.
You are grasping at straws Tony.
I suppose I should forego all other activities on my comp time to check my verb conjugation and run spell check for your benefit?
If you have trouble following a train of thought is that my problem?
Spelling or no spelling, you refer to the Almighty by the terms God and Lord only....have you looked up those definitions? You now have a problem with my unwillingness to spell check or type slower for you?
*Originally posted by Taken
I suppose I should forego all other activities on my comp time to check my verb conjugation and run spell check for your benefit?

Oh no.
It's much easier to tell when a demon is at the controls when the spell checker is off.

*If you have trouble following a train of thought is that my problem?*


*Spelling or no spelling, you refer to the Almighty by the terms God and Lord only....have you looked up those definitions?*

Not lately.

*You now have a problem with my unwillingness to spell check or type slower for you? *

Oh no.
You are already plenty slow enough.
The theory that religion is an invention to console the weak and unscientific mind is a valid possibility considering the available facts or proofs that exist in our collective, accepted, human knowledge pool. However, isn't it a bit rash to completely exclude the possibility of a higher state of existence than ours (God)? It seems that if one were to experience a higher intelligence and then return to try and explain it to the rest of us humans, we would laugh at, ridicule, and shrug off this person as a deluded religious fanatic or a lunatic. It's very easy to relegate everything that I don't understand to the bunk-heap; It's more challenging, enlightening, and rewarding to deeply consider possibilities that to me at the moment seem absurd. That's what I call progress -- be it spiritual or scientific.