There is no religion


Good Gravy
Registered Senior Member
Last night, while pondering how everything began, how it managed to fit, and everything else. I realized that the human mind simply can't comprehend the universe, no matter how intellegent it may be. Religion was formed to help people not feel so helpless.
Gee I can't wait for tony1 to break down the door and start ranting. I agree with you, mister62. Religion has been formed to explain things that science or magic or whatever can't. That's all it is. A pair of cheap binoculars that say how far you can see, yet once you put them on its like looking through your own eyes. You're right back where you've started.

Time for a worldwide epiphany.
That is an interesting idea, and it's completely possible too. If this is true then religion should begin to fall away as we progress in scientific knowlege. I mean, we already know how stars work, what matter is made of, what gravity really is, and we have a pretty good idea of what happened in the first 10 seconds of the universe's "life". It won't be too long before we find a unifying theory of everything. Even the Bible says God or his work cannot be understood by us, but we are already starting to.

The next few decades should be very interesting...
Partly true...

But it will not disappear as physical science makes progress. The real change will come when the two stops accusing eachother for lying, and starts cooperating and realizing that they need eachother to see an even larger picture.

They are both true and valid from their own parameters, but togehter they would be...invincible! And give the humanity a much needed upgrade in consciousness.

With religion I here mean the spiritual aspect of life, and not any specific religion.
Originally posted by mister62
Last night, while pondering how everything began, how it managed to fit, and everything else. I realized that the human mind simply can't comprehend the universe, no matter how intellegent it may be. Religion was formed to help people not feel so helpless.

*Originally posted by shrike
Gee I can't wait for tony1 to break down the door and start ranting.

You'll have to wait much longer.
I actually don't feel like starting that, and I don't think I ever will.

*Time for a worldwide epiphany. *

I'm surprised you'd say that.
It is coming.

*Originally posted by Xelios
If this is true then religion should begin to fall away as we progress in scientific knowlege.

That is actually what will happen.

*I mean, we already know how stars work, what matter is made of, what gravity really is, and we have a pretty good idea of what happened in the first 10 seconds of the universe's "life".*

Nobody actually knows any of that, in a scientific sense.
Of course, many are deluding themselves into thinking they do.

*It won't be too long before we find a unifying theory of everything. Even the Bible says God or his work cannot be understood by us, but we are already starting to.*

The Bible also speaks of delusion.
I wonder where delusion fits into your grand theory of everything?

Does your view of science even allow for delusion?

*Originally posted by Bebelina
The real change will come when the two stops accusing eachother for lying, and starts cooperating and realizing that they need eachother to see an even larger picture.

What are "stops" and what are they accusing each other of lying about?
:confused:I am afraid that I don't exactly know what a few of you are saying. Cainxinth told me to "speak for myself." As far as I know that's what i've been doing all along. I've spoken what has come across my mind that I have belived in.
Cainxinth, if you could re-phrase your reply so that I could understand exactly, I would greatly appreciate it.

Second, Jan Ardena quoted the my first post on this subject and commented that it was "deep."

I am sorry Jan Ardena, I honestly can't tell if you are complimenting me or trying to insult me. Once again, it would be lovely if you could specify what you meant, for being on a computer, it's hard to tell from just text.

Thanks for posting on my thread,
Nobody actually knows any of that, in a scientific sense.
Of course, many are deluding themselves into thinking they do.

Yes, like science's comical 'explanation' of conciousness. See, these nuerons over here, they are where your sense of humor is located...yadda yadda.

I would agree with your statement, that religion has just been created as a Pseudoscience to fill in all the information that we wish we could have had throughout the ages to explain the numbering phenomona's.

(They might have asked the following questions:
Why are there stars in the sky at night? what is night? why does the sun and moon move? what happens to us when we die?)

You could look at the first religions being paganism, your father dies after a hunting accident (the sabre-tooth tiger was a little tougher than he looked), your mother exclaims to you in a not too rigid language that he is "now hunting in the eternal plains", and that you should look out for yourself and he'll be watching over you.

Or something to that effect.

Over the years, these differing tribes build up their differing beliefs, of course in doing so some tribes disagree with other tribes over "What happens to you after you die?".

They begin to evolve differing "Gods" to symbolise their beliefs similar to how Corporate identities create Logo's. In doing so it's possible to tell if someone is of your tribe or another if you catch them in your territory.

At first this is okay, but later on when Civilisations are trying to unify the seemingly untame provinces that they have just added to their territory. This means that the Civilisations leader has to allow his civilization to embark on "Assimulating" the religions from the differing provinces.

When it gets to this point, the problems arise as the gods of different provinces conflict over ideals and rituals, this causes tension within the civilisation since provinces are continually trying to war with each other, this causes one such civilisation to suffer it's demise. (e.g. The Greek Empire)

This was something similar to what the Roman Empire was then to worry about, Waring Provinces would stretch their military prowess if it was to occur across their territory.
I believe that is what they feared when a travelling story-teller began to gather alot of followers, (perhaps they percieved that his travelling could amass one such uprising) That's why they killed him and made a martyr of him in stories told by his retreating followers (yeah you all know that book that everybody disagrees with in someway, either that it's truly something we should listen too or something that we shouldn't take as "reality")

Eventually the Roman Empire would decide that they should adopt a religion (A singular religion) to spread across it's territories, just to stop the waring provinces, and disagreements over the differing religions. They just happened to choose a nomadic religion which had been gaining support already. (This is how Tony1's religion was foundered)

Of course then all these books and papers were written by many people, some of which were apart of the other religions but brought forwards for the glory of Rome. (This is most noticable with the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum, a Library at the base of Vesuvious which was burned and burried during a erruption and the Dead sea scrolls, of course it's easy to fake dates since paper can exist without print for many years and might eventually be written upon afterwards)

Of course throughout the years many things change, people adapted papers that were written for a long terminated religion as "the singular religion", so old gods and goddess were now turned to the "one god" of the christian faith.
So many stories were in fact morphed (a mixture of people editing what they liked or wanted to hear, and translation errors that would cause pluralisation errors etc) and made more ludicrously fabricated, but still today people believe complete fabrications.
*Originally posted by Stryderunknown
I would agree with your statement, that religion has just been created as a Pseudoscience to fill in all the information that we wish we could have had throughout the ages to explain the numbering phenomona's.

(They might have asked the following questions:
Why are there stars in the sky at night? what is night? why does the sun and moon move?

So, astronomy is a pseudoscience?

*...your mother exclaims to you in a not too rigid language that he is "now hunting in the eternal plains", and that you should look out for yourself and he'll be watching over you.*

People talk funny where you're from.
Most people I know would say, "taking a dirt nap," "pushing up daisies," "feeding the worms," or something like that.
Funny, too, but more accurate.

* old gods and goddess were now turned to the "one god" of the christian faith.*

That isn't true, for the simple fact that there are plenty of gods in the Bible, so they weren't "turned" into anything.
They are still their same old selves.

Mind you, they'll be burned in the trash pile at the end of time, but no biggie.

*but still today people believe complete fabrications. *

I was amazed as I read your fabrication.
You do believe it, don't you?

Psychologically you could say looking at your posts signifies your lacking something in your life, since you tend to only quote what you want to see and hear. What about the rest of my previous post??? where are your comments for it? why just place your thoughts on here and there but not the whole?

I know I'm not the only one that asks that question. It's nearly as bad as your answer for my question involving this situation:

"If your god was in a line up, could you point him out?"

Tony1's response was "Yeah, The invisible one! And he's not a man."

Well... that too says something about your understanding, although I'm sure you can find the information within your bible of "He made man in his image!" although I think someone was trying to make a MONKEY out of us :p
*Originally posted by Stryderunknown
Psychologically you could say looking at your posts signifies your lacking something in your life, since you tend to only quote what you want to see and hear.What about the rest of my previous post??? where are your comments for it? why just place your thoughts on here and there but not the whole?

It is something like buying a house.
If there is no foundation, I don't care how great the rest of the house is.

*I know I'm not the only one that asks that question.*

You'd be right.

*It's nearly as bad as your answer for my question involving this situation:

"If your god was in a line up, could you point him out?"

Tony1's response was "Yeah, The invisible one! And he's not a man."

Well... that too says something about your understanding,

Well, even I will admit it was bad.
Your question was worse.
You really think that if you line up a bunch of words into the semblance of a question, that means it really is a question.

Why not ask the perennial favorite, "Can God square a circle?"
A bunch of words in a line followed by a question mark isn't always a question.

Take yours for example, "If your god was in a line up,...?"
What could that possibly mean?
God is invisible, and he is everywhere.
So where is this magical line up that exists everywhere, too?
Are you aware that the definition of a line precludes the existence of a line that exists everywhere at once?

*I think someone was trying to make a MONKEY out of us *

The evolutionists are hard at work on that.

Time and time again your prove that you can MISS most of a SENTENCE: i.e.
although I'm sure you can find the information within your bible of "He made man in his image!"

So your :
* "God is invisible, and he is everywhere."

Is pretty much a contradiction against your very religion.

As for someone being everywhere... They usually call those people "The Village Bike", Perhaps your God is a hooker.

[All hardline fundamentalist should realise, this isn't for them... just TONY1]
*Originally posted by Stryderunknown
Time and time again your prove that you can MISS most of a SENTENCE: i.e.although I'm sure you can find the information within your bible of "He made man in his image!"

You have definitely proven you can miss ALL of a point.
Since when are images the same as the original?
Photographic images of you are paper, but you aren't.
Statues are stone, but the originals aren't.
Man is flesh, but God isn't.

*So your :
* "God is invisible, and he is everywhere."

Is pretty much a contradiction against your very religion.

Let's check.

tony1: God is invisible

Bible: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
(Colossians 1:15, KJV).

tony1: God is everywhere

Bible: Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.
(Jeremiah 23:24, KJV).

Some contradiction.

Always with the misquotes, One day you'll learn, have pity on them.
Oh I forgot... It's in the Bible it must be true... And Pigs fly!

Okay Tony1, should I track down the "What is Heaven?" thread, or can you do me a favour and point on a map to where it is...
Afterall I could point to a Cess pit and call it "Heaven" (Of course that isn't necessarily me dream of perfection, but it might be my understanding of yours)

No, no sarcasm necessary I know where Earth is :p

It even looks as if you've got a 5 on the 555, Sounds like he/she knows you, wonder if he/she is going to wave a bible at me. Nope I don't want one.
It even looks as if you've got a 5 on the 555, Sounds like he/she knows you, wonder if he/she is going to wave a bible at me. Nope I don't want one.

lol, just the way you said that is hilarious :p
*Originally posted by 555
Always with the misquotes,

Just curious, are there such things as misquotation marks?

*One day you'll learn, have pity on them. *

That day is now, because I have pity on them now?

*Originally posted by Stryderunknown
Oh I forgot... It's in the Bible it must be true... And Pigs fly!

Therefore the Bible is true, because pigs could be on airplanes?

*should I track down the "What is Heaven?" thread, or can you do me a favour and point on a map to where it is... *

Look up, you'll see one.

*Afterall I could point to a Cess pit and call it "Heaven" (Of course that isn't necessarily me dream of perfection, but it might be my understanding of yours)*

That would explain a few things.
Mind you, I wouldn't want a heaven that looks like a cesspit, either.

Where in your bible does it say that Aeroplanes exist?
(Just type it into your search engine on and pull it up)