There is an all powerful man


I think you're deluded.

The Holy Babble is impolite & in extremely poor taste. Because they believe or claim to believe this book or some interpretation of it, people believe or claim to believe I will & should rot, burn & suffer horribly for eternity simply because I do not believe the nonsense they do. Do you understand what that means. I seriously doubt it. I don't take such lightly. If there is any reasonable definition of evil, that has to fit it.
The Holy Babble is probably the most violent book written & it is all supposedly validated by god being right in anything it does just because it is god.
It is definitely 1 of the most vile, nasty, repulsive books ever written yet it is revered by millions of fools who want to force or coerce me to follow it.

I think you are very impolite & offensive & insensitive not to have thought this thru longer & better.
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Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
-The Holy Babble...

You know, I see you call it that quite often. While I am most certainly not a Christian, I still think what you are doing is very impolite and in poor taste.

Around this site, it's consider normal and in good taste.

In the normal world, I think it might even be deemed hate speech, and I know it would be called hate speech if it was about the Muslim Quran. Yet here? No, ridiculing the Bible and Christian beliefs is acceptable and even encouraged.

Baron Max
I think you're deluded.

The Holy Babble is impolite & in extremely poor taste. Because they believe or claim to believe this book or some interpretation of it, people believe or claim to believe I will & should rot, burn & suffer horribly for eternity simply because I do not believe the nonsense they do. Do you understand what that means. I seriously doubt it. I don't take such lightly. If there is any reasonable definition of evil, that has to fit it.
The Holy Babble is probably the most violent book written & it is all supposedly validated by god being right in anything it does just because it is god.
It is definitely 1 of the most vile, nasty, repulsive books ever written yet it is revered by millions of fools who want to force or coerce me to follow it.

I think you are very impolite & offensive & insensitive not to have thought this thru longer & better.

Aren't you simply saying that your beliefs are better than his beliefs?

Baron Max

You jumping into this with your inane folly is tasteless.

It is The Holy Babble that is full of hate speech in the 1st damn place.
If 1 cannot ridicule the ridiculous then nothing is ridiculous.
If I cannot call The Holy Babble vile & repulsive then no 1 can call Hitler such.
You believe/assume there is no life other than on Earth?

now you can see why your assumption is making an ass of you, not me

i would never suggest such a thing but i ain't gonna believe we put here by martians

life evolved from atoms and energy, versus adam and eve and if the rules apply here, they apply across the universe

that means, the chances are where the stupidity is within physics; as there is no uncertainty to the INTENT of life based on the FACT of how mass and energy associates to continue living.

eg......... when you randomly eat shit and breath water by accident in a completely 'uncertain' manner of consumption; then you can have your evidence that the soup of life was an accidental association of mass.

my point is, the physics is where the error is; not the comprehension that life is all over the universe

and creation of the theologies are better seen as metaphors then absolute in truths

Eg.... adam giving a rib to make eve can be observed like in all biology; cells must give a portion of themselves to divide (live into the next generations; an entropy buster)
You want to define god so you can be god, I want to experience god.

i gave the time to understand (be capable of experience and know it)

i could care less what people think of me

but i will share what has been learned so others can 'experience' the truth of matters themselves.

that is why i can find you full of shit (as you are getting hammered) because you claim the 'meetings with god' and the power of being so damn special that HE/SHe/it came and comes to you BUT you can't share to US (we the people) so we all can 'experience' with you EQUALLY

see the difference lori; you are just ranting, and i am trying to assist all in understanding for themselves

Everybody's special, but you have no interest in that.

Bull ............ i would like to see the babies growing up with reality upon their minds (being able to experience life while observing and comprehending it at the same time)

If "we the people" are not sharing our lessons to the little people then they will be living in life but unaware of how it works (just like YOU, Lori)

and the very first requisite is for YOU TO BE responsible for your actions! (quit BSing and pointig at me, for simply requesting you to be responsible)

i asked you to share the 'truth of life' as YOUR god gave to you

either you can or you can't

and let's try your dream world; if me myself and i, were so bent on the self, don't you think we would have sold out to the system to be a bill gates rather than sitting here taking abuse to simply learn and share

(lori, some really care and some just talk nice and play like they do)

stop the pointing unless you can find me selfishly misrepresenting!
“Originally Posted by Bishadi
Think of it this way:

mankind created all words to describe existence. ”

You believe/assume there is no life other than on Earth?

now you can see why your assumption is making an ass of you, not me

i would never suggest such a thing but i ain't gonna believe we put here by martians

life evolved from atoms and energy, versus adam and eve and if the rules apply here, they apply across the universe

that means, the chances are where the stupidity is within physics; as there is no uncertainty to the INTENT of life based on the FACT of how mass and energy associates to continue living.

eg......... when you randomly eat shit and breath water by accident in a completely 'uncertain' manner of consumption; then you can have your evidence that the soup of life was an accidental association of mass.

my point is, the physics is where the error is; not the comprehension that life is all over the universe

and creation of the theologies are better seen as metaphors then absolute in truths

Eg.... adam giving a rib to make eve can be observed like in all biology; cells must give a portion of themselves to divide (live into the next generations; an entropy buster)

I made no assumption. I asked you a question in regard to your claim that mankind created all words to describe existence.
Why can't you give a simple yes or no to a simple yes or no question???
So you "believe" that your ideas about the world are better than what other people "believe", is that it? And you don't think that you're being self-righteous and ego-centric?

No, you don't have to threaten to be self-righteous.

Baron Max

I said I was just kidding in the same post

People need to read what I write.

Lori said i was being self-righteous... so I thought I'd be sarcastic and say something that was excessively self-righteous.

BUT.... at the end i said (I'm just kidding)
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I'm often startled by the limited and downright irrational viewpoints regarding god.

God is OBVIOUSLY not a man.

Do you know what makes a lot more sense? That god the father is the embodiment of law. All of the laws of the universe, biological, chemical, physical, and spiritual.

And given that, abiding is worship and trangression brings demise.

And given that, god is in everyone and everything.

When you look around do you not see that for the most part our actions cause our own destruction?

As I've said before, stupid atheists are just as bad as stupid religious people. Not that I think you're really this stupid. I just think that pretending to be in this arena serves your agenda (or so you think).

Would it kill some people to step out of the box every once in a while. It gets boring for people like me.

I never said once that god is a man

You christian people want to relate with your god, so you give him human characteristics. So you make him angry, you make him merciful, you make him loving, you make him change his mind.

And you make him seem like a bipolar teenager that hates everything and also loves everything.


Stupid religious people need to offer evidence """That god the father is the embodiment of law. All of the laws of the universe, biological, chemical, physical, and spiritual."""

Because I see no proof behind your claim. Not that I'm saying your stupid, but you need to have the capacity to offer evidence when you make some far-out statement like that...
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“Originally Posted by Bishadi
Think of it this way:

mankind created all words to describe existence. ”

did i or did i not post that STATEMENT?

I made no assumption. I asked you a question in regard to your claim that mankind created all words to describe existence.
Why can't you give a simple yes or no to a simple yes or no question???

if i made the statement, then you ask if there is no other life Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
You believe/assume there is no life other than on Earth

i claimed foul to your "assumption"

this site is getting pretty bad with folks who can't keep a line on what they represent (another example of what lack of integrity does to people; they can't maintain honesty)
“ Originally Posted by Ro6
well, i believe my words offer more sense than the words of religious people behind the pulpit. and being self-righteous would mean I'd have to threaten hell on you all who've read my post. ”

So you "believe" that your ideas about the world are better than what other people "believe", is that it? And you don't think that you're being self-righteous and ego-centric?

No, you don't have to threaten to be self-righteous.

Begging the indulgence of Ro6;
I would respond to Baron Max with the observation that actually paraphrases Ro6's message.
In the christian, self-righteous bigotry is praiseworthy devotion, but in the atheist the christian calls it a heinous pride and self-indulgence. The great disadvantage the faithful suffer is that they can never acknowledge that the atheist's conviction is the equal of or greater than their own. Any such acknowledgement does mortal violence to the very basis of their faith. The atheist is never so shackled and is thus immune from taunts of closed-mindedness.

Baron Max; So you "believe" that your ideas about the world are better than what other people "believe", is that it?
Don't all christians, all of faith, so believe? Explain to we unbelievers please the christian conviction to fairness in all things inherent in your assetion here. The appearance of fairness is well hidden. You hold implacably to the unassailability of your conviction but deny equality of conviction to all others. This piece of bigotry is the decrepit legitimisation of evangelism.

And you don't think that you're being self-righteous and ego-centric?
The atheist answer would be the same as yours were this question put to you. [and providing you answered with the same integrity and moral imperative that comes naturally to the atheist, of course]

OriginalBiggles, Prime
did i or did i not post that STATEMENT?

if i made the statement, then you ask if there is no other life Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
You believe/assume there is no life other than on Earth

i claimed foul to your "assumption"

this site is getting pretty bad with folks who can't keep a line on what they represent (another example of what lack of integrity does to people; they can't maintain honesty)

You omit the question mark.

“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
You believe/assume there is no life other than on Earth? ”

It's a question & there is no assumption.

Stop the personal insults.
You have no reason to call me dishonest. You are the 1 making assumptions,
Moderator note

Bishady - please remain respectful to other members. Stay on topic and refrain from ad-hominen attacks.
Moderator note

Bishady - please remain respectful to other members. Stay on topic and refrain from ad-hominen attacks.

well cris,

you gave me a reason to play with other items

you post 'mod note' but did not point at the item that was ad-hominen, disrespectful or against being pure to truth

if i say; "i claim foul" and then post my case and it is so direct that it slaps the shit out of someone and you can't handle it

then i can go play elsewhere for a while

cris................................. the whole globe and every human being in it, is seeking the truth

if you can't handle it, nor have the integrity to see the 'intent' of each and ever item i post, then i guess

this hand is being played out

Sorry for the name mispelling Bishadi - wasn't intentional.
well, according to chrisitians... god is god. But of course according to the bible, the god has emotions, he is jealous, he gets angry, etc.

And emotions are what define humans.

And who made the definition that God posseses no emotion???? You?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i gave the time to understand (be capable of experience and know it)

i could care less what people think of me

but i will share what has been learned so others can 'experience' the truth of matters themselves.

that is why i can find you full of shit (as you are getting hammered) because you claim the 'meetings with god' and the power of being so damn special that HE/SHe/it came and comes to you BUT you can't share to US (we the people) so we all can 'experience' with you EQUALLY

see the difference lori; you are just ranting, and i am trying to assist all in understanding for themselves

Bull ............ i would like to see the babies growing up with reality upon their minds (being able to experience life while observing and comprehending it at the same time)

If "we the people" are not sharing our lessons to the little people then they will be living in life but unaware of how it works (just like YOU, Lori)

and the very first requisite is for YOU TO BE responsible for your actions! (quit BSing and pointig at me, for simply requesting you to be responsible)

i asked you to share the 'truth of life' as YOUR god gave to you

either you can or you can't

and let's try your dream world; if me myself and i, were so bent on the self, don't you think we would have sold out to the system to be a bill gates rather than sitting here taking abuse to simply learn and share

(lori, some really care and some just talk nice and play like they do)

stop the pointing unless you can find me selfishly misrepresenting!

i find you selfishly misrepresenting. and i think you're a hypocrit. AND you're wrong. not about everything...but there's a fatal flaw. i actually think you're proposing the end times lie of the antichrist and false prophet...that we can fix ourselves with conformity and knowledge...that there's nothing inherently wrong with us. the fact that you're wrong about that is the most obvious thing in the world, and it's been proven, and will continue to be proven to a horrible degree. that's why i asked you where you get your knowledge. and if you think i believe for one second that you've received this enlightenment from watching a gang fight, you're outta your mind.
I never said once that god is a man

You christian people want to relate with your god, so you give him human characteristics. So you make him angry, you make him merciful, you make him loving, you make him change his mind.

And you make him seem like a bipolar teenager that hates everything and also loves everything.


Stupid religious people need to offer evidence """That god the father is the embodiment of law. All of the laws of the universe, biological, chemical, physical, and spiritual."""

Because I see no proof behind your claim. Not that I'm saying your stupid, but you need to have the capacity to offer evidence when you make some far-out statement like that...

yes, it's much easier to continue to contend with stupid religious people huh?

quit copping out and use your own mind. why should anyone have to tell you anything?
i find you selfishly misrepresenting. and i think you're a hypocrit. AND you're wrong.

just as the hammer hits the nail; you are feeling it as you get slammed

not about everything...but there's a fatal flaw. i actually think you're proposing the end times lie of the antichrist and false prophet...

anti christ can be identified as any not awaiting the truth (the non seeking soul)

that we can fix ourselves with conformity and knowledge...
conformity to the truth (reality)

and you damn right, knowledge will remove the ignorance of beliefs, talking to god(s) and all the crap the fibbers love to claim, to make themselves feel good

ie... you are sharing your idea of truth (yur knowledge) and expect others to learn and develop from it; why would you not comprehend, that there is far more knowledge than you have ever been exposed too?

eg..... do you actually think you can define 'life' with just metaphors?

and what is the single greatest 'intent' of life (all life) on this planet? To LIVE longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what is the problem with mankind comprehending life and know how to live 'good' without all the BS of religions and theological beliefs; not to mention the folks who claim the hammer just comes over to make them feel good about themselves and not all of mankind equally.

knowledge offers equality; liars want others to believe them

that there's nothing inherently wrong with us.

not a damn thing 'inherantly wrong' with the species mankind; other than the ability for selfishness, by choice. ie.... you see the truth and will not support it based on the fact is contradicts your beliefs, not reality. (you chose to maintain your opinion over reality; selfish)
the fact that you're wrong about that is the most obvious thing in the world, and it's been proven, and will continue to be proven to a horrible degree. that's why i asked you where you get your knowledge.
from 30 plus years of selfLESS commitment to learning and study (we have the internet unlike any period in time before; a child can learn more now than ever possible on this earth)

and if you think i believe for one second that you've received this enlightenment from watching a gang fight, you're outta your mind.

it was a point of humility (something you are unaware of)

the observance of the event was just a catalyst that allowed the absolute removal of self

meaning; i did not commit for my own needs, i was thinking of others so that they may be able to think before ever having to follow a bad trail

the commitment was that once and for all, the children can have the truth about life, what it is, and how to do good by choice and not have to live in confusion of what is reality

knowledge and the equality of understanding is what 'all of us' should be pursuing; for them, the children, the future

if you want to live longer, you best get with the program otherwise you will get hammered until your lights are out

there is no where to hide