There is absolutely NO contradiction whatsoever between religious faith and science

Mind Over Matter

Registered Senior Member
Taken from HERE

Any comments?

The "special creation" problem is a problem on both sides of the coin--the school system often over-emphasizes our "animal" nature, while the religious fundamentalists go to the other extreme and deny our relationship to the rest of Creation.
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I will comment on the Thread title but could you add a little more to your OP please.

God is not a contradiction to science nor are some religions, but some religions are a contradiction to truth and scientific observation. To state that Christianity does not contradict science would be pushing it though because anybody who has read the bible would know different.

Some religions do contradict scientific truths and if I stated otherwise it would be a Lie, God and the faith in god does not contradict evolution or any scientific facts. Religion on the other hand does in many cases go directly against what we have found to be scientific fact later down the historical line.

Taken from HERE
Thread title fail. What the guy actually wrote was:
It is my firm belief that there is absolutely NO contradiction whatsoever between religious faith and science

The "special creation" problem is a problem on both sides of the coin--the school system often over-emphasizes our "animal" nature, while the religious fundamentalists go to the other extreme and deny our relationship to the rest of Creation.
How do you "over emphasise" something that is true?

God is not a contradiction to science nor are some religions

God and the faith in god does not contradict evolution or any scientific facts.
Even granted that were true science shows there is no need, and no evidence, for god. Therefore god, from the point of view of science, is extraneous.
For physical ills, science found the causes to be viruses, bacteria, and more. Believers claim evil spirits.

For mental ills, including those called ‘sins’, science found brain chemistry imbalances, and more. Believers claim evil spirits.

In general, science finds things out. Believers claim spirits—of all kinds.

The believers often take umbrage that their claims can even be questioned. Bon voyage on rough seas.
I've never been able to understand why people consider science and God at odds with each other. If science finds a lawful answer for every aspect of the universe, why does the Creator of those laws become excluded?

It seems we can experience God in the same way that we experience our earthly parents. We can ignore them and still end up receiving the consequences of our choices/actions, or we can have a loving relationship with them and freely accept their loving ways for our own.

IMO God will not interfere with our free will, so the choice of how close we'd like to be with our Creator is up to us. God will always be there with open arms.
For physical ills, science found the causes to be viruses, bacteria, and more. Believers claim evil spirits.

For mental ills, including those called ‘sins’, science found brain chemistry imbalances, and more. Believers claim evil spirits.

In general, science finds things out. Believers claim spirits—of all kinds.

The believers often take umbrage that their claims can even be questioned. Bon voyage on rough seas.

Actually you will find that untill Science made a discovery EVERYONE thought it was evil spirits. It was a universal belief across the world. Now when the discovery was made religon adapted with the fact as quickly as the people in power could adapt, just like in secular society. Just becuase some new scientific truth is discovered does not mean it is accepted immediately and that has more to do with man's stubborness than religon.
If science finds a lawful answer for every aspect of the universe, why does the Creator of those laws become excluded?
Because then god turns out to be an unnecessary "step". If science can work out how and why everything occurs then what requirement is there for god? He's done nothing, isn't required and has no influence. Might as well not exist. Oh, wait...

IMO God will not interfere with our free will
Untrue. If god exists there is no free will, likewise if there is free will then god is not (cannot be) god.
See here and the follow-up here.
Actually you will find that untill Science made a discovery EVERYONE thought it was evil spirits. It was a universal belief across the world. Now when the discovery was made religon adapted with the fact as quickly as the people in power could adapt, just like in secular society. Just becuase some new scientific truth is discovered does not mean it is accepted immediately and that has more to do with man's stubborness than religon.

Indeed, for once upon a time just about everyone was religious, even Newton and Galileo. Some religions still have the notion of influence from good and evil spirits such as angels and devils.
I will comment on the Thread title but could you add a little more to your OP please.

God is not a contradiction to science nor are some religions, but some religions are a contradiction to truth and scientific observation. To state that Christianity does not contradict science would be pushing it though because anybody who has read the bible would know different.

Slight bias here. :D
There is absolutely NO contradiction whatsoever between religious faith and science.

Don't we need to have some idea of what kind of "religious faith" we are talking about?

There are species of religious mysticism in which the divine is conceived of in non-cognitive and non-discursive ways. These kinds of religiosity wouldn't be likely to generate very many conflicts with science, if only because religion is making few if any propositional truth-claims about natural reality.

On the other hand, we see religions putting forward elaborate cosmologies and cosmogonies, and then claiming literal truth for them. Or we see religions explaining that diseases are caused by demon possession. The kind of religious faith that makes detailed purportedly-factual and supposedly divinely-revealed claims about natural reality can produce major cognitive dissonance when those assertions are compared with what science has discovered about the same things.
Thread title fail. What the guy actually wrote was:

How do you "over emphasise" something that is true?
How do you work that out?


Even granted that were true science shows there is no need, and no evidence, for god. Therefore god, from the point of view of science, is extraneous.
If a person is associated heavily or principally with one of these, what measures can be taken to include the other aspects of what surely must be valid human experience, though appearing exclusively limited? I mean other than just baldly stating "mine's right, because it's mine." You know what I mean?

As an aside, you don't hold the majority opinion. :)
How do you work that out?
How do I work what out?

If a person is associated heavily or principally with one of these, what measures can be taken to include the other aspects of what surely must be valid human experience, though appearing exclusively limited? I mean other than just baldly stating "mine's right, because it's mine." You know what I mean?
No. I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. How does the waffle above refer to what I wrote?

As an aside, you don't hold the majority opinion. :)
So what?
The majority is always right?
You can never be wrong if you go with the crowd?
I will comment on the Thread title but could you add a little more to your OP please.

God is not a contradiction to science nor are some religions, but some religions are a contradiction to truth and scientific observation. To state that Christianity does not contradict science would be pushing it though because anybody who has read the bible would know different.

Some religions do contradict scientific truths and if I stated otherwise it would be a Lie, God and the faith in god does not contradict evolution or any scientific facts. Religion on the other hand does in many cases go directly against what we have found to be scientific fact later down the historical line.


It is a matter of perception Chi. All is true. All is part of the all. There is a unity in day dreams . There is one big song that is in all things. Music of the spheres, Clock work universe. Day dreams of today might become the realities of tomorrow. We won't know unless we dare to dream.
Because then god turns out to be an unnecessary "step". If science can work out how and why everything occurs then what requirement is there for god? He's done nothing, isn't required and has no influence. Might as well not exist. Oh, wait...

Untrue. If god exists there is no free will, likewise if there is free will then god is not (cannot be) god.
See here and the follow-up here.

I don't know about not having influence? Free will is a myth. I looked at the hear and hear . It is kind of like the 2nd here. Yeah that would be my choice, but did I have a choice ?
Really? Can you show where god has had any influence?

You believe.
Yeah he made Me write this , Why you believe in Ozzy and not Me man . I believe in you. Me no feel your love . Why you hurt Me so I never know . So I grow ? Go blow eat my toe in your face with disgrace. Rock and roll is the Voice of God .
religious faith has claimed for the past 1000 years there is a contradiction, and now they claim there isn't?

They should at least have the guts to stick to their ideals.
Science is essentially a disciplined approach to discovering knowledge. The starting point is that "we don't know" and then we speculate and proceed to search for evidence to support the speculations. If the evidence is strong or becomes stronger over time then we begin to accept that the original speculation might approach a truth.

Religion (in this case theism), does the exact opposite. It begins with a speculative fantasy, e.g. a god exists, asserts that the speculation is an absolute truth, then proceeds to make all observations explainable by the existence of a god, regardless of any evidence to the contrary, or in spite of any evidence at all.

These two approaches are diametrically opposed to each other. There is no point at which they meet or agree, except where religions concede defeat and give way to science, e.g. the Catholic acceptance that Evolution has occurred.

Religion is all about believing something specifically where there is no evidence (faith), whereas science is all about evidence. Again two completely opposite approaches.