There Are No Aliens!!

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
My thoughts,

UFO's are really secret government aicraft that WE, humans, have invented, all by ourselves. The US government is testing these craft all over the world and in space, and they're denying the existence of these craft because they want to 'stay ahead' of countries like China and Russia. They're all just like the old F-117 Stealth Fighters, which were seen and thought to be UFO's before the government told everyone they existed in '89, I think. All of the people in charge of these projects are laughing their socks off at all this 'alien UFO crap.' Most of the UFO reports are fake, and convincing pictures are easily produced. Any true sightings are either misconceptions or government aircraft. UFO abductions are completely fake, and those with actual proof have likely been tricked by the government to fuel the UFO craze. All those researchers who said they worked at Area 51 were lying just for attention (which is just what they thought). I saw somewhere that Brazil admitted that UFO's were real, but they were probably paid by the US to say that (all of those south american countries are in an economic slump).
Plus, space travel between stars is IMPOSSIBLE, and i think that at least in this galaxy all of the sentient races are on the same level, because I bet that most of the stars with planets suitable for life were created at relatively the same time. All this UFO stuff is just a coverup to keep our competetors from finding out the truth, and sooner or later the US will declassify everything.
What are you saying???

Are you MAD??? Does this mean that I don´t exist? Oh, the horror! :D
lol, beb. As my mom told me, we all think we're the messiah at one point in our lives.
Shrike, how do you explain things like crop circles? Do you actually think that humans made those?

But what your mother missed, was that we ALL are messiahses all the time!
First off some of them ARE made by people just copying those british geezers that admitted they were doing the circles, second I bet it's just the US using those ships they have to fuel the UFO craze, even though I will admit it's kindve a long shot. If it's not those than they could be time travelers, but I still just refuse to believe they're aliens from another star.
hey all :)

. If it's not those than they could be time travelers, but I still just refuse to believe they're aliens from another star.

try and stay scientific about it if you can because although some might say we already have time travel... there is more "evidence"(the stuff they use to sentence people to death with)
to suggest ETs are real in some form.
on our planet!

using the information @ hand in a society of skeptics... they would commit someone to death on 75% of the evidence that is currently held about/on UFOs. :/
kinda funny when you look @ it like that.
oohh one last thought!
by the nature of aleins "to this earth" we would be the biggest candidates :D

I'm sorry, rip, but could you try to explain what you said again? You usually don't type like that, and I can't really argue because I don't really understand what you're getting at. Thanks.
you'll see

aliens do exist...ya you guys think I'm crazy but how narrowminded could you be. Look up there are theoretically millions of planets like earth out there....leaving a good chance for intelligent life. furthermore how do you explain some strange things in the past like paintings in caves or stuff like that. If you could believe in nessy or sasquatch then dont you think you could at least question the fact that there might be someone out there more intelligent than you?
hey all :)

shrike... sorry if i sound like i am "raving-mad"[psychologically unsuitable to currently held societal operational norms {not a uncaring fascist}] but i need to show my true personality know and then :D

Well all i was saying in a Buddhist type way is that
some countries have 'sentenced people to death'- by using less credible evidence- than some that has been already offered by 'some people to prove the existance of U.F.Os'.

to what ripleofdeath said: oooooooooh, I see now.
to what Elbaz said: Yes, of course there's life out there, but it would be very, very hard to get that life HERE, from either the other side of the galaxy or from Alpha Centauri. That cave stuff, to my knowledge, is rare and can be interpreted in many different ways by many different people, and it probably had no similarity to flying saucers or aliens. Since the art is primitive, one could say the shape of a flying saucer could be a very bright start (a supernova, maybe) where the author forgot to add in the long lines that come off of bright light. Flaming orbs are obviously comets and meteor showers, and gods themselves were created in the first place to explain events that people don't understand, like Earthquakes or thunderstorms. When I was little I'd shout at the ocean, urging it to slap me with a wave. I thought I was pissing off the god of the ocean when the waves were random anyway.
Aliens are not real. Most likely few of our and other countries experimental aircraft make up very few of the sightings. The reality is that many people do not need much evidence or reason to believe/create something like the UFO craze. There are many examples of crazes like this one such as the witch hunts. People will believe almost anything to make life just that more interesting. Crop circles are fakes made by people. There have been many confessions and examples of people creating them. They really are not that hard to create if you are imaginative and understand some basic geometric principals.

" Look up there are theoretically millions of planets like earth out there....leaving a good chance for intelligent life. "

The more planets you have the more chances you have for intelligent life. However, the more planets you have the less likely an intelligence would be able to find us. There are not millions but trillions of planets out there. How would you find our little rock? Contrary to our egos, we are small and have yet to really even change the earth enough to be detectable from space.

" they would commit someone to death on 75% of the evidence that is currently held about/on UFOs. "

Really? What evidence would that be. I can't convict someone on a picture of a light.

As a side note:
The best and most renowned pictures of UFOs turn out to be fakes at the end. One of the most well known pictures was used as proof positive that UFOs existed and were aliens from another planet turned out to be a picture that someone took of a hubcap they had just thrown.
hey all :)

FA_Q2... i understand that you see the constant illusion that is perpetrated by many people!
Just like the ideas of free trade and free market economy!
The rite to privacy
and so the list goes on
however... i have seen a few reports on the TV that show radar contact with things that have been visually identified by pilots in the commercial and military groups.
both have given similar reports that maintain a certain likeness.
just like the doctor diagnosing an illness-
the reality is that the doctor does NOT know what exactly it is but makes a guess based on the relevant details provided...
such is the basis of our common law and society!

along these same lines of thought and doctrine
i see the likeness of such evidence to "prove" such things that others will never believe....
have you ever been a party to spectator effect?
do you bow to peer pressure?
do you think the world is ultimately doomed?
do you think it is ok to rip-off someone as long as you do not get caught?

something tells me you 'could be inclined' to answer yes to all the above questions!
because of that is it fare to say you do not have a unbiased opinion?
one can only move from speculation to speculation upon the perceived base of reality we all dwell in.
soo... does this mean nothing is real or only the things we believe are?

we could debate the issue to infinite principals...

"in light of all
we are so appalled
and so we patch up quick"!

we choose to move forward or backward and when we decide to stop moving we actually slowly move backward.

Maybe we should all stop dreaming and burn all paintings! :D

Your thoughts?

doesn't anyone else find it sad to think that anything, much less other intelligent life, is an impossibility.

"The universe is generally considered infinite. People can say that there is or isn't other inteligent life, either way the answer is mind-boggling." --unknown

Too many things have happened, including before the U.S. government, to completely negate the possibility of Aliens.
FA_Q2, we have almost the same view on this matter. But I do think you're forgetting a great deal of evidence about most of what you said.
Crop circles: Yes, people have come forward but there are many other circles around the world with reports of abnormal radioactivity in the area.
When comparing the witch hunts to the modern UFO craze I find that there isn't much to compare. The people in Salem were horrified just from a few girls practical joke, so they went on a rampage across town, killing anyone anyone named as a witch. People didn't want to make life more interesting, they just wanted to get rid of their enemies (easily, I might add).
We have changed the Earth, and I think every star within fifteen-twenty light years has probably heard a signal from us, I know that's small but it's a start. Plus you can't forget early TV and radio transmissions, they go probably sixty years back.

you guys can say anything you want about what UFOs are, but you can't rule out the fact that there are aliens (or other life) in the universe. You have no proof.
unfortunately that's the bitch of the matter. All the proof resides in the governments hands. (I almost feel like quoting the Matrix, but I'll spare everyone) sooner or later we'll have to force them to release it.
i hate not knowing the truth, but then, i do love making theories about what the truth really is.

"are there aliens?" "what is a UFO?" "can someone travel through time?" "where does a black hole lead to?"

Of course there are aliens out there and very likely nearby our little corner of the galaxy, but there is still no proof that intelligent, sentient species like humans, better, or worse (in terms of intellect) exist ANYWHERE other than Earth.
I did hear once, on this episode of 'sightings' on the scifi channel (9am mon-fri) about SETI and how the government supposedly shut it down because they detected-get this-FIVE signals of artificial origin. Of course, all the info was from a single guy so he could've been lying just for attention.
I hate how you always have to factor that in when it comes to something so extraordinary.