Therapy Fixes Color Blindness in Monkeys

I think you show this in regards to your eye for photographic opportunities. I'd guess you spot patterns and textures that would otherwise be missed by people with normal sight. Who says being a mutant's bad? (No offence meant... we're all mutants technically, we are all bound to have some trait that everyone else doesn't has, it's a part of us being individuals, take it away and you just end up another [corporate?] drone)

That is true actually. Sometimes I take someone with me and they don't see shit while I run around trying to decide which one to photograph first ;)
He couldn't see red?
The way it works with me is I can see all colors fine, I just somehow confuse them. I see them right but I can't always differentiate.. does that make sense? It's hard to explain.
That's probably based in the cortex of the brain and not in the brain retina.
I worded it badly I guess.

You and another person are looking at a colored square.

You see it like this:
You declare the square to be green.

The other person might see this:
The other person also declares that the square is green.

How will you ever know whether or not the other person sees what you call the color green exactly as you see it?
And, really, it doesn't matter what you actually see if you are calling it the same color, right?
Besides, it cannot be known anyway.
color is subjective - but then again everything subjective! :)
That's what I suspect as well. I always call myself color-dumb, instead of color-blind ;)

So very true.. lol


I don't think you or anyone is ever color-dumb. You know the color as you see it/your brain interprets it. That can never be dumb.
I don't think you or anyone is ever color-dumb. You know the color as you see it/your brain interprets it. That can never be dumb.

But it fails to interpret it, or it fails to interpret it correctly.
But it fails to interpret it, or it fails to interpret it correctly.

Still doesn't make you dumb, just incorrect. Dumb is smoking cigarettes. Or having unprotected sex*. Or just doing stupid things.

*with someone not your spouse