Theory; Religion Will Die Away With Science and Evolution

Also why would you call it a dumbed down charicature? It's just a synopsis of something that was dumb to begin with.

Anyone interested in serious discussion will give the other party the benefit of the doubt and make an effort to interpret their claims charitably.
also this

golly, I bet even sciforums is on the list too ...

Yeah, those webspiders are pretty awesome. Just imagine if the church had continued to have such a hold on society that we'd never come to this level of technology...

Funny how being legally culpable automatically raises an ethical standard, huh?

Isn't it an incredible world we live in when a corporation in America is legally culpable for savages on the other side of the planet decapitating peaceful people for transgressions against their god. Amazing how powerful religion is, huh?

If you didn't have the opportunity to offend christians it sounds like you wouldn't know what to do with yourself ...

Pfft, I'm doing five or six other things as I type this. I'm also "debating". If my intent was to offend, I would be much less polite. Just sayin'.
Anyone interested in serious discussion will give the other party the benefit of the doubt and make an effort to interpret their claims charitably.

All I'm asking for is some physical proof of God's existence. A miracle or something. Is that too much to ask? I will praise God as my lord and saviour if i ever witness such. I promise. That's how open minded I am.
All I'm asking for is some physical proof of God's existence. A miracle or something. Is that too much to ask? I will praise God as my lord and saviour if i ever witness such. I promise. That's how open minded I am.

Why are you promising this?
to show my open mindedness.


You apparently have no idea what you are promising. You can't promise something (in this case that you "will praise God as your lord and saviour if you ever witness a proof of God's existence") for which you don't know what it means.
I wouldn't promise anything of the sort. If there were a god I still wouldn't be a grovelling slave to him.
As to the OP, religious attendance has been dropping a lot in the once stable U.S. north east. No one gauges the U.S. west too much, as they are already far gone, as is Europe.

You apparently have no idea what you are promising. You can't promise something (in this case that you "will praise God as your lord and saviour if you ever witness a proof of God's existence") for which you don't know what it means.

Well I will recognise that he exists at least if I see the proof. Unlike some people I don't ignore facts.
Why is that impossible to believe?
On the contrary its an extraordinary claim. If you want to suggest that a vast majority of the population are chronically insane and have been for quite a few thousand years I think you have to evidence it ... hence the rhetoric (or woo woo)
Yeah, those webspiders are pretty awesome. Just imagine if the church had continued to have such a hold on society that we'd never come to this level of technology...
This is another idiotic statement from atheists.

Censorship is a political issue and not a theological one. To say that there is a necessarily political slant to theism (or atheism) is simply douche-baggery (or do you forget that the country with the most vigilant of internet censorship issues is china, a country with a strong ideological history of atheism/anti-theism)

Isn't it an incredible world we live in when a corporation in America is legally culpable for savages on the other side of the planet decapitating peaceful people for transgressions against their god. Amazing how powerful religion is, huh?
This is another idiotic statement from atheists to white wash the obvious political issues that establish the conflicts within the middle east.

To suggest that the another country that has a history over 40 years of setting up puppet regimes in another and finally ups the ante to out right invasion (all in the name of securing non-renewable sources as opposed to anything intrinsically religious or even political) is behaving "peacefully" is simply BS from the onset.

Pfft, I'm doing five or six other things as I type this. I'm also "debating". If my intent was to offend, I would be much less polite. Just sayin'.
If you aspire to debate I think you need a bit of help to establish a coherent argument
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This is another idiotic statement from atheists.

Censorship is a political issue and not a theological one. To say that there is a necessarily political slant to theism (or atheism) is simply douche-baggery (or do you forget that the country with the most vigilant of internet censorship issues is china, a country with a strong ideological history of atheism/anti-theism)

When censorship is put into place voluntarily by a corporation fearing what the members of a certain religion's followers will do if they see what the world thinks about them, I'd say the fault lies on the lack of rational behavior on the part of that sects adherents. Learn your facts, firstly, second of all, stop tossing up strawmen and tangents to disguise your failure to present a counterargument.

This is another idiotic statement from atheists to white wash the obvious political issues that establish the conflicts within the middle east.

To suggest that the another country that has a history over 40 years of setting up puppet regimes in another and finally ups the ante to out right invasion (all in the name of securing non-renewable sources as opposed to anything intrinsically religious or even political) is behaving "peacefully" is simply BS from the onset.

Are you ignorant of the 2960 years before that people in the middle east have been hacking each other apart for ideological differences? Put down the Bible, and pick up a history book. Also, present proof to your claims. The current "reason" regardless of your opinion, is that we are there to quell tensions between Sunni and Shia forces, and prevent fundamental Muslim radicals from establishing a foothold. Both problems generated by religion. Now. If you're done implying that others are idiots, maybe we can get back to attempting a debate.

If you aspire to debate I think you need a bit of help to establish a coherent argument

Seriously? After those two rants... Seriously. You, my good sir, are an inspiration for birth control.
That does not answer my question. I asked "What does god get out of worship" You replied "YAY GOD!"

I ask again. What's in it for god.
I already answered - the benefits are for the one acquiescing to the higher power ... and as further detail, its the natural state of things (in the absence of jealousy of course)