Theory; Religion Will Die Away With Science and Evolution

I'm not familiar with the term woo woo. It must be some high brow expression that I don't understand.

There is no such thing as an atheistic value system.

I will give you an example: Let's imagine that there was only one person in the whole wide world believed this:


Do you think he would be considered sane or ill?
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I'm not familiar with the term woo woo. It must be some high brow expression that I don't understand.
Its just hysterics at the hands of poorly thought out ideas.

There is no such thing as an atheistic value system.
don't be daft
atheism requires the value of god not existing at the onset
If you are confused by this just examine any of your posts

I will give you an example: Let's imagine that there were only one person in the whole wide world believed this:


Do you think he would be considered sane or ill?
As far as I can gather, the only people who believe that are a certain type of atheist who requires a dumbed down caricature of an argument to lend credibility to their claims .... I don't think however its a consequence of mental illness, but rather an a consequence of a poor fund of knowledge.
Its just hysterics at the hands of poorly thought out ideas.

don't be daft
atheism requires the value of god not existing at the onset
If you are confused by this just examine any of your posts

As far as I can gather, the only people who believe that are a certain type of atheist who requires a dumbed down caricature of an argument to lend credibility to their claims .... I don't think however its a consequence of mental illness, but rather an a consequence of a poor fund of knowledge.

God not existing is hardly a value. Much less a value system.

Also why would you call it a dumbed down charicature? It's just a synopsis of something that was dumb to begin with.
And no you didn't answer my question. Would a person with imaginary friends be considered well or ill if he was the only one to believe such nonsense?
I did.

The only people who believe that about christianity are atheists - and I said no, I don't think they are mentally ill, but rather poorly informed and victims of their value system.

Agnostics too. Being open to the notion that cosmic entities might exist does not mean that many ideas proposed so far do not seem unlikely as to the point of outright fantasy. The Bible is so far off into fantasy territory as to be considered a slightly less inspired writing than Harry Potter. I've done my own research, including reading the Bible, and discussing it at length, many times, with clergymen, pastors, preachers, priests, and the faithful of many denominations. When confronted with contradictions, things that just flat out don't make sense, and things that now run counterintuitive to our current societal mores, I'm presented with "It was correct for the time", "The Bible says so, so it must be true" and "There's no proof he doesn't exist". Lack of evidence to the contrary is not evidence of existence.

Time. And. Time. Again.

A couple half-baked arguments are clung to, and repeated as an unshakable mantra more focused than the Bhuddist Ohm, and yet millions hold fast to their metaphysical safety net, in hopes that they will get their "reward" for being good in the end.

I would propose that atheist living a good life is superior to a religious person doing the same, because the atheist does so without promise of a reward at the end, or threat of punishment for straying from "the path".
As far as I can gather, the only people who believe that are a certain type of atheist who requires a dumbed down caricature of an argument to lend credibility to their claims .... I don't think however its a consequence of mental illness, but rather an a consequence of a poor fund of knowledge.

The people who believe that are called Christians.
That's because it's essentially a silly doctrine, and phrasing this way exposes that.
And no you didn't answer my question. Would a person with (???) imaginary (???)friends be considered well or ill if he was the only one to believe such nonsense?
The problem is that its only atheists who insist on god and his paraphernalia as being imaginary ... which brings us back to :

..... and at best you are begging the question (ie since god doesn't exist according to the atheistic value system, persons who attribute events to an interventionist god are insane") ... which gets back to the irony of you promoting the push towards so called rational though at the hands of so called science while getting all woo woo about religion.

Yet you can only find that summation of Christianity from atheist hate sites .... so go figure

Google search turns up tons of pictures to the same effect... And Google is the company that turned off their SearchHelper for the terms "Islam" and "Muslim". I'll send them an email to put Christianity on their "Do not suggest" list too though. Wouldn't want to offend anyone. They might do something irrational.
The argument caricatures itself. When was the last time anyone you know died and got up three days later. Or parted a sea, or turned sticks into snakes. I think Voldemort might have done that last one, but once again, we're off in the realm of fantasy, unless you can present a scientific explanation for the sudden transmutation of wood into living creatures.
Google search turns up tons of pictures to the same effect...
golly, I bet even sciforums is on the list too ...
And Google is the company that turned off their SearchHelper for the terms "Islam" and "Muslim".
Funny how being legally culpable automatically raises an ethical standard, huh?

I'll send them an email to put Christianity on their "Do not suggest" list too though. Wouldn't want to offend anyone. They might do something irrational.
If you didn't have the opportunity to offend christians it sounds like you wouldn't know what to do with yourself ...
The argument caricatures itself. When was the last time anyone you know died and got up three days later. Or parted a sea, or turned sticks into snakes. I think Voldemort might have done that last one, but once again, we're off in the realm of fantasy, unless you can present a scientific explanation for the sudden transmutation of wood into living creatures.
I think I missed the part where you established god cannot have recourse to omnipotence
I will repeat my post then. There are 7 similarities that some nobody off a random webpage found between religion and mental illness....

Here are the seven similarities. If they are so easy to refute, I think you should give it a shot.

Well, religion has occupied an important place in every known culture in every historical period. Even today in the modern West, where secularism is probably more widespread than ever before in human history, most people still have some form of personal religiosity.

So your assertion kind of reduces to the suggestion that the great majority of the human race have been and continue to be active psychotics. I find that impossible to believe.

The psychology of religion is obviously an important and fascinating subject. There are real questions about why religiosity arises, what forms it takes and about why it's so widespread. But trivializing these issues for rhetorical purposes doesn't really help us understand them.
Well, religion has occupied an important place in every known culture in every historical period. Even today in the modern West, where secularism is probably more widespread than ever before in human history, most people still have some form of personal religiosity.

So your assertion kind of reduces to the suggestion that the great majority of the human race have been and continue to be active psychotics. I find that impossible to believe.

Why is that impossible to believe?
I think I missed the part where you established god cannot have recourse to omnipotence

Please tell me where you find evidence to suggest that there is an omnipotent benevolent being. I will not accept "the Bible says so". Did a benevolent god create Lucifer/Satan? If so, for what purpose than to torment and damn the flawed beings he created. This does not sound like the actions of a benevolent creator. Did he not intend for Lucifer to turn his back and attempt to usurp his throne? This does not sound like the foresight of an omnipotent being. If he did intend it, he is not benevolent, and therefore not worthy of worship. If he did not intend it, he is not omnipotent, and therefore not worthy of worship. The very foundations of Christianity are sufficiently flawed that it's easy to chalk off as the bad writings of crazy men in the desert.