THEORY of gravity


"The eight globes and the central square represent the seven days of creation. The three worlds wherein creation occurs are symbolized by three concentric rings. The German words in the outer ring are extracts from the first chapter of Genesis. The words around the outside of the outer ring are The First Day. The four small globes inside the outer ring deal with the abstract phases of creation. The upper globe containing the triangle encloses the words Heaven and Earth. The globe to the right contains the word Light, and the one to the left, Jehovah Elohim in the upper part and Darkness in the lower part. The globe at the bottom contains the word Day in the upper half and Night in the lower.

The four globes within the second ring depict the second, third, fourth, and fifth days of creation. The white globe above divided by a dotted line is designated The Second Day; the globe to the left with the mountains, The Third Day; the globe to the right with the planetary rings, The Fourth Day; and the globe below bisected by a dotted line, The Fifth Day. The square in the central ring containing the human form is marked The Sixth Day. This chart is a diagrammatic exposition of the three layers of the macrocosmic and microcosmic auric eggs, showing the forces active within them."

To know more about the 7 days of creation, click here

Another illustration by the Rosicrusians:

"Figurative Image of how within this world three Worlds in each other, namely this earth Sun-World, and also the Heavenly and the Hellish world have their effects. And the darkness cannot conquer the light. It also shows that the land of the dead, the entrance to Hell or superficial darkness, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth, as well as the land of the living, the heavenly paradise or third heaven are from this world. And that the human being has all these things in his heart; heaven and hell, light and darkness, life and death."
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c7ityi_ said:
gen 1:2 also says: "and the earth was WITHOUT FORM, and VOID; and darkness was upon the face of the deep". so the earth doesn't refer to our planet, but something formless.

Compare this Creation view to the Indian Vedas:
"Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this All was indiscriminated chaos.All that existed then was void and form less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit. Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit"

Or to the Ancient Egyptian Thoth's view:
"Then to me spoke He, the Master: "Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning there was void and nothingness: a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. And into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all-pervading, and It filled the Void. There existed no matter, only force, a movement, a vortex of vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the Void." '

The current Bible seems distorted, missing key information. I don't think the Bible is referring to the Earth at all. The Indian and Egyptian creation are strikingly similar, and who knows may be true.

Dosen't it strike you as the least bit of a stretch to be reading so much into what amount to a few paragraphs in genesis? It says "God created Man IN HIS IMAGE". Without adding spin to this statement, what does it say? It dosen't say "Man was developed into God's image". It says Man was created in his image. If I say I created this scuplture in my image, do you think that I meant that I developed a nanobacteria that would, through successive generations, ingest clay deposits, and slowly "evolve" a structure that ultimately looked like me? That's what you're reading into genesis. Why?
superluminal said:

Dosen't it strike you as the least bit of a stretch to be reading so much into what amount to a few paragraphs in genesis? It says "God created Man IN HIS IMAGE". Without adding spin to this statement, what does it say? It dosen't say "Man was developed into God's image". It says Man was created in his image. If I say I created this scuplture in my image, do you think that I meant that I developed a nanobacteria that would, through successive generations, ingest clay deposits, and slowly "evolve" a structure that ultimately looked like me? That's what you're reading into genesis. Why?

Yes, I understand where you are coming from, as any religion can take the bible and twist it to their liking. But there are some interesting possibilities here. God could have created Adam in his own image so his descendants would breed with another form of humanity described as coming form the land of Nod. I never have liked the idea of Adam and Eve's children marrying each other in an incestuous relationship.

To resolve this issue some theologians suggest that other humans were created as well that the bible does not mention. They could have evolved just as well into the image of God, God being the "most fit form of life" because of His perfection -- I risk starting a new religion.
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Woody said:
Yes, I understand where you are coming from, as any religion can take the bible and twist it to their liking. But there are some interesting possibilities here. God could have created Adam in his own image so his descendants would breed with another form of humanity described as coming form the land of Nod. I never have liked the idea of Adam and Eve's children marrying each other in an incestuous relationship.

To resolve this issue some theologians suggest that other humans were created as well that the bible does not mention. They could have evolved just as well into the image of God, God being the "most fit form of life" -- I risk starting a new religion.

Well, all of that just strikes me as grasping at straws for some way to avoid the fact that the bible reads like any other creation myth from any number of other cultures that christians scoff at.
VitalOne said:
Compare this Creation view to the Indian Vedas:
"Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this All was indiscriminated chaos.All that existed then was void and form less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit. Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit"

Or to the Ancient Egyptian Thoth's view:
"Then to me spoke He, the Master: "Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning there was void and nothingness: a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. And into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all-pervading, and It filled the Void. There existed no matter, only force, a movement, a vortex of vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the Void." '

Gen 1:2The current Bible seems distorted, missing key information. I don't think the Bible is referring to the Earth at all. The Indian and Egyptian creation are strikingly similar, and who knows may be true.

What about this verse?

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The earth was submerged under the ocean, but there was the (sur)face of the waters for his spirit to move upon.
superluminal said:
Well, all of that just strikes me as grasping at straws for some way to avoid the fact that the bible reads like any other creation myth from any number of other cultures that christians scoff at.

Moses got it about all animals originally coming from the ocean. Pretty remarkable I must say. What did he know about evolution?
superluminal said:
What does this mean, that the earth was "without form" and "void" yet it had waters?

No prominant landscape and no life.
Woody said:
Moses got it about all animals originally coming from the ocean. Pretty remarkable I must say. What did he know about evolution?

And ancient hindus postulated a universe billions of years old with cycles beginning in huge explosions. Pretty remarkable. Or pretty coincidental given the amount of speculation that's gone on about the origin of things. It's like psychics. Make enough "predictions" and some are bound to be right. It's then that the psychic (or religious leader) preys on the masses by using "the enumeration of favorable outcomes" or, counting the hits while ignoring the misses.
Woody said:
No prominant landscape and no life.

Wait. If I said this or that object was without form and void, what would you picture? I'll tell you. "without form" means it has no definable shape. Void means NOTHING. A void is a complete emptiness. So, the earth was something without any definable existence. Yet "it" had water around it.

You're reaching Woody.
the water doesn't mean physical water

astral light.spiritual invisible fiery water

"The Ocean of Spirit, " within which all created and uncreated things exist and by the life of which they are animated
a_ht said:
is only a theory, yet is presented as fact in our children's classrooms.
'Cause it is fact. It's just called a theory because science has no stronger words for something of that nature, snce things are constantly changing, evolving, adapting, etc.
c7ityi_ said:
the water doesn't mean physical water

astral light.spiritual invisible fiery water

"The Ocean of Spirit, " within which all created and uncreated things exist and by the life of which they are animated

Oh brother. :rolleyes:
superluminal said:
Wait. If I said this or that object was without form and void, what would you picture? I'll tell you. "without form" means it has no definable shape. Void means NOTHING. A void is a complete emptiness. So, the earth was something without any definable existence. Yet "it" had water around it.

You're reaching Woody.

From Webster's:

Form: 1 a : the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material

Void: 1 a : not occupied : VACANT [a void bishopric] b : not inhabited : DESERTED

Someone needs to look it up in Hebrew. When you say void, void of what? The primary definition relates to "life." When you say form, I think of the properties of matter. The primary definition relates to "structure". Liquids and gases(like Water and air) do not hold a definable shape. Water in my mind has no "form". Solids do have form, this is a basic property definition for all matter.

SuperL, I hate to say it but you are sounding defensive.

Also if anyone else wants to argue properties of materials, this probably isn't a smart thing for you to do. My job in life depends on material properites -- I'm an engineer.
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yes i also have beef with this, i will not be sending my child to public school or a place wich teaches theory to be factual,

what about.

the big bang (high stupid theory for creation of existance)
time (no1 has even slightly proved it could exist with any evidence)
black holes (we are saying indepth detail, when we dont know if they exist)

i could go on,

they should teach them that these are just theorys, and why have i never seen any other theory than the big bang bieng taught for the creation of existance in public schools?.

i could give one statement right now and prove the big bang is wrong,

the big bag could not have been the creation of existance period, because energy cannot build up to create an explosion if existance itself isnt even in existance yet. they say time came from the big bang (i dont even believe time exists to begin with its a tool of measurement) how can energy build up without time? wouldent it take a period of time for energy to build up?.

i can name many many flaws with the big bang, im not saying there wasnt a bang, im just saying it wasnt the start of existance as a whole, because something had to of existed for an explosion to take place, and location cannot be created its just there, if it can be created it can be transformed right, so try and manipulate location, get a jar and try to suck the actual location out of the jar, it cqannot be done, because the location dosent even exist as anything apart from space, it has no form, no energy base, it just is.

and the universe is expanding into an already existing location, because you cant just spew location out of aqn explosion, who wrote this theory its not even possible within its own guidelines for goodness sake haha.

