Evolution gets a bad rap because of bad PR. According to my biology teacher, Darwin made the first PR error when he referred to "The Descent of Man." He should have called it "The Ascent of Man" to make his theory more acceptable to the masses.
I have not always been a person of faith. Prior to my religious conversion I had problems with the theory of evolution, not because it contradicted christianity, but because the conclusions changed too often. The things I was taught in my earlier years became obsolete -- such as the eastern U.S. salamander example of speciation. I have looked everywhere and unfortunately I can not recover this study, which is now considered bogus. Yes, speciation does happen, but somebody made the wrong conclusions in this particular study. Today's "evolution facts" can become obsolete in this manner, and it causes credibility problems (understandably). Perhaps a little more caution should be used upfront to prevent obsolescence.
Evolution theory needs to be presented by someone that can straddle the gap between religion and evolution. Darwin was preparing for the ministry prior to his discovery, then became a naturalist. A naturalist is needed to join the ministry. I've read that there are very few biologists that believe in a God or the supernatural. Microbiology, however, is getting an increase in believers from what I've read.