Theory of Evolution

So ... you get your knowedge of the world from a calendar?
A calendar made by man?
This is critical analysis for you?
Yeah, man made....hence,..since man has been around. What do you think?...that man has been around for millions of years before he invented the calendar? Man is much more intelligent than that. And we were not a fish in the sea nor an ape on land.
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You don't seem to know what free will is. All free will is, is the ability to make choices contrary to internal programming; animal instincts. A dog can be trained to make choices apart from their instincts. This is due to humans becoming analogous to an external hard drive, inducing choices that the dog will learn, which can cause him to lose their connection to the instincts. The neurotic dog is often programmed to be so. If he was nurtured by his own instincts from day one in the company of other dogs, these symptoms would not appear. The same was true of the transition humans, which the bible speaks of.

Before I go any further, why is the staff allowing its members to be attacked personally? Is Dywyddyr the bouncer for the staff and is therefore being allowed to attack people at their request?

Don't worry, Dywyddyr is an individual does not have guts to open a post , but only to criticize, individual without initiative .
What kind of weird insult is that supposed to be?

Do you think that all Christians believe that the world was created when Christ was born? If so, how do you explain all the things that the Bible claims happened before Christ? And what about all the many Christians that believe in evolution?

No . I say again Christians started their own calendar . Since the pagans in Europa were not smart enough to have their own calendar so they adapted the christian calendar .
Before Christian calendar there was a Jewish calendar to us. We looked into Jewish history from King Saul to Greek occupation ( Alexander the great ) to Roman occupation and then to the destruction of the second temple . The Jews continued their calendar . and the christian started their own calendar at the death of Herod the Great which become year zero.

And how do you speak for what all Jewish people believe?
Before Abraham there were no Jews, but the world existed . If you look into Genesis you will see the genealogy from Adam to Noah and then to the sons of Noah , you will find Abraham was born whan the descendants of Noah were about 350 years old . You keep adding until The slavery in Egypt

And how is everyone who is not Christian or Jewish "pagan"?
Call it pagan call it infidel you are just not participant in our belief

You really just make Christians of your sect look like idiots.
Why, What is so idiotic ? , Do you have any religion or sect with a longer and descriptive history?
Don't worry, Dywyddyr is an individual does not have guts to open a post , but only to criticize, individual without initiative .
A) Guts aren't required to start a thread.
B) I have started threads (but you haven't been here long enough to know that).
C) If people didn't post nonsense or incorrect information then I wouldn't be able to criticise.
Why, What is so idiotic ? , Do you have any religion or sect with a longer and descriptive history?
The idiotic thing is that you believe in a cartoon picture of religions. You clearly don't know anything about any religion, yet you seem to slavishly follow some cartoon idea.
Well this thread has taken a southerly turn. And it didn't even require the OP's pot-stirring to do so. We did it on our own...
Yeah, man made....hence,..since man has been around. What do you think?...that man has been around for millions of years before he invented the calendar? Man is much more intelligent than that. And we were not a fish in the sea nor an ape on land.
Man only invented writing a few thousand years ago. No writing, no calendars.
If he was nurtured by his own instincts from day one in the company of other dogs, these symptoms would not appear.
There are plenty of animals in nature who are neurotic. They are a lot like people that way.
Civilization is not natural.
Sure it is. Ants construct farms. Wolves roam in packs with rigid social structures. Apes live in tribes.
If we evolved from apes, than why are apes still around?
Congratulations. You have now demonstrated you didn't understand the topic of discussion.
The theory of evolution clearly states that we evolved from apes. not I nor one of my ancestors look ant thing like an ape.
Not only do you resemble an ape, even creationists can't find a dividing line between ape and man that they can agree on.
Humans did not evolved from apes.
How would you demonstrate that to be true in light of patterns of homology?
Creationists appear to avoid discussion of the fossils that are the best evidence for human evolution. ... These include superb fossils such as ER 3733 and Sangiran 17 (human but with primitive features), Sts 5 (apelike, but with some modern features) and OH 7, OH 13, OH 24, and ER 1813 (so perfectly transitional that they are difficult to classify). ... Even more surprisingly, creationists do almost no anatomical comparisons, even of the fossils they do discuss. Creationists appear to make no attempt to weigh evidence; they often accept uncritically any statement made by a scientist which can be used to advantage, while ignoring any contrary opinions. ... Creationists fail to see evidence of transitional forms not because there is none, but because they have a infallible method of explaining away any evidence. Starting with the certainty that transitional fossils do not exist, any fossil that is too different from H. sapiens to be considered a human is an ape, and all others are humans. No creationist ever defines what would be acceptable as a valid transitional fossil, because examples could be found to fit any reasonable definition. Instead, creationists are forced to take potshots at irrelevant fossils, misrepresent a few carefully selected examples, and ignore the strongest evidence for human evolution.​
It is only a theory and is neither fact nor truth.
The word "theory", in the context of science, does not mean an uncertain guess. It's a communicable, precise framework for predicting the behavior of all phenomena within a large domain of applicability. Theory of gravitation. Atomic Theory. Quantum Field Theory.
How is that compatible with Matthew 19:13-14? In any case, you failed to spot the analogy between the question asked and your post #1, which suggests that you don't understand how reasoned exchanges of ideas work.
I am one of the those people who saw Jesus when I was a child. I have heard the Father speak of "the battle against good and evil has been here since the beginning of time'. God battles evil by delivering souls through His Son, Jesus Christ. I have seen the Holy Spirit. I have talked to angels, demons and the dead.
That's not a reason not to engage in science. That's a reason to either win $1,000,000 USD by demonstrating your claims or to see medical treatment.
I do not know about your family. But I have seen photographs of some of my late ancestors and know from the way they look that they did not act like apes or monkeys. You can choose to speak of your ancestors that way, but I do not.
How do you know how apes and monkeys behave if you haven't seen them in the wild?
Where are the water creatures that we first supposedly had come from. Now, I am suppose to believe that I came from slimy fish as well?
The world doesn't revolve about you, nor is it limited by the horizons you see.
And I am not convinced that you know much about Creationism either.
Not much to know. It's not like it's science or anything.
WE were created in God images and the lowers angel look just like us and talk like us as well. The would even have similar fingerprints not unlike anyone elses. Although they look just like us, they are a different creature and we did not come from them.
[Citation required]
Am I suppose to believe that a "Big Bang" is what created our beautiful children?
That's not part of the theory of evolution. That's fundamental physical cosmology predictated on the elemental abundances, the recession of galaxies and the cosmic background radiation of microwaves in a pattern consistent with black body radiation.
Considering that man evolved from apes and apes are still around, man should still be evolving from them.
That's not how evolution works. Evolution is not progress towards more intelligence or any other trait that separates man and chimpanzee.
A trait that is beneficial to one organism is not necessarily beneficial to another. Other life shows that intelligence is not necessary to survive and thrive. Human intelligence in particular is energetically costly. Other apes may simply be better off without it.​

You have to understand evolution before you can argue against it, or you will just sound ignorant.
Yet we clearly have seen no photographic evidence of any evolutionary progress.
We have seen new species evolve which are better suited to a particular ecological niche than any other life.
We have seen completely novel traits evolve.
And we can also see parallel evolution of various forms of antibiotic resistance evolve in mere weeks from bacteria which have no such traits.
Don't really know. But surely something would have shown up in man's 5000 year or so of existence.
Why do you think that when the closest common ancestor to both humans and chimpanzees lived more than 2 million years ago?
Studies show that humans populations continue to evolve, with genes relating to brain size changing over the last ~30,000 years and lactose tolerance in adults changing in populations over the last ~8000 years.
Yeah, man made....hence,..since man has been around. What do you think?...that man has been around for millions of years before he invented the calendar? Man is much more intelligent than that.
Your confidence in the intelligence of humans you haven't met seems completely unfounded. You try inventing a calendar from scratch when need many prerequisites first and also have to have enough food, water and shelter to survive long enough to sire the next generation.
.that man has been around for millions of years before he invented the calendar?
Do you think that Sky Daddy made man with a calendar in has hand? Kind of like those babies allegedly born with an IUD clutched to their bosom?

Or maybe it took a few days. Or years. Or centuries. Or millenia... (if one believes in fairy tales to start with)

Or maybe, you have absolutely no clue what is going on outside your cuckoo nest.

On the other hand, your thesis is demonstrably false either way - unless you keep time by the Warren Field calendar...
Moderator note:

Genesis coincides with an important evolution in the human brain. ....
You have been permanently banned from posting to the Science subforums, precisely for posting this kind of nonsense repeatedly.

I'm still not 100% sure why you have been allowed to post here - something to do with permission sets in the forum software I think. I have looked into the matter. With luck, I think I have managed to fix the problem.
bearer of truth:

Theoretically, apes should be extinct.
According to which theory? The Theory of Creationism?

The theory clearly states that man evolved from apes. If this was true. Why are there still apes? Apes would have been extinct long ago.
You make a good point.

The theory also states that man evolved from single-celled organisms like bacteria. So why are they still around?

And fish. Why are the fish still around?

And dogs evolved from wolves. So what's with the wolves? Shouldn't they have all left by now?

And what about those big yellow bananas we get from the shops? They evolved from little banana-like things that aren't very tasty. And guess what? Those are still around too. They should have had the good sense to disappear, I say.

And birds evolved from dinosaurs. So why are the dinosaurs still around. Somebody explain it to me!

The theory of evolution clearly states that we evolved from apes. not I nor one of my ancestors look ant thing like an ape.
Me neither. Personally, I have three arms and five legs. Nothing like an ape. I'm cold blooded. My brain is in my left foot. I have two hearts. Again, nothing like an ape.

Maybe you and I are related.

If we had fully evolved from apes, than apes would no longer be around.
Get with the program! You're allowing wiggle room there for some crazy evolutionist to jump all over you. You must stick to the position that we didn't evolve from apes at all. Don't go for the half-arsed idea that we might have partly evolved from apes. That's leaving the door open for their crazy evolutionist "theory" to creep up on you unexpectedly.

Humans did not evolved from apes. It is only a theory and is neither fact nor truth. Grow up.
Yes! And after we all grow up and stop believing that silly scientific theory, we can fight the good fight against the stupid so-called Theory of Gravity, which is also obviously neither fact nor truth. Just walk out any upper-story window and you'll see.

Also, what about that silly Theory that the Earth is Round? Any idiot can see that the Earth is flat! Everybody should just grow up and start looking at the reality revealed in the bible. That's the only book anybody should read, if you ask me.

I am one of the those people who saw Jesus when I was a child.
So did I. I saw Jesus in church.

I have heard the Father speak of "the battle against good and evil has been here since the beginning of time'. God battles evil by delivering souls through His Son, Jesus Christ. I have seen the Holy Spirit. I have talked to angels, demons and the dead.
Did they answer back?

What do you think?...that man has been around for millions of years before he invented the calendar? Man is much more intelligent than that.
Yeah. As if man would go for millions of years without an iPhone or a flush toilet. Man is so intelligent he would have easily invented everything in, like, a few hundred years at the most! And the calendar is a really easy one. Everybody knows a year is 365 days long. You can just tell that stuff. Then, you just need to invent writing and write it down. How hard can that be? Oh, you'd need to invent paper or something else to write on, but everybody knows how to make paper, don't they?

And we were not a fish in the sea nor an ape on land.
Certainly not.

Hey, you know, I was just thinking. I guess those evolutionists would say I "evolved" from my great great grandparents. And they're not around, are they? And I'm exactly the same as them, and my great grandparents, and my parents. We're all exactly the same as one another, so there's no chance evolution is happening in this three-armed family!

Evolution is so dumb.
And what about those big yellow bananas we get from the shops? They evolved from little banana-like things that aren't very tasty. And guess what? Those are still around too. They should have had the good sense to disappear, I say.

It just isn't right that they are still here!

Me neither. Personally, I have three arms and five legs. Nothing like an ape. I'm cold blooded. My brain is in my left foot. I have two hearts. Again, nothing like an ape.


(I shudder to think of the beautiful Bells. The tentacles!)

Maybe you and I are related.

Not me, mate! I'm a yank, we're all apes and descended from a long line of apes!
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