Theologian on The Passion: "... then we should not worship that God."

I guess the "message" from the movie "The Passion of Christ" should be understood by all of us.......We all (all religions) need to understand that even though Jesus was crucified, brutally as the Mel Gibson's movie portrays, none of us, if we were there at that time, would have traded places with Jesus......Why? For the same reasons you question each other in this forum...............

Atta Boy
The church heirarchy, in its corruption, maybe. But Christianity in itself and those who follow its truth are all about Jesus' teachings. If you have ever read the gospels with an open mind in a good, Jesus-focused church, you would know that Christian doctrines are altogether for Jesus.
Well, any heirarchy is subject to corruption, but historically, it has been shown that all we know about Jesus are second and third-hand stories which evolved over at least a century before they coagulated into the Christian religion. Its the same kind of thing that happened to Elvis. The Nag Hamadi texts reveal very different portraits of early christianity.
none of us, if we were there at that time, would have traded places with Jesus......Why?
For the same reason I would not trade places with any victim of crucifixion of the past, it hurts. Besides, it was only later that Jesus was deified. The whole gospel was that we can do the same thing he did, he was not separate from God, just as no one is separate from Him. Personally I would get rid of all personification of God, this is just an artifact of the past.
I wouldn't worry too much about why Mel doesn't do this or why Mel doesn't do that. It's his movie and I guess he can do anything he wants with it. I imagine he may followup with another movie in the not-to-distant future (a triology) based on the "The Ressurection of Christ".......and then maybe another movie to followup to that about the "The Ascention of Christ"........Why not??? If this movie "The Passion" makes him over $400 million, then I'm sure the others will to.........Actually the movie "The Passion of Christ" maybe a "timely thing"........It's becoming apparent, at least to some of us, that the time is drawing closer now, where mankind will be faced with a "rude awakening" and this movie "The Passion of Christ" symbolizes that if you believe and have faith that the Crucifiction, Resurrection and the Ascention of Jesus happened 2,000 years ago and for the very reasons that are made most apparent to us in our bible, then what happens "NEXT" shouldn't be too much of a surprise for the rest of us............

Atta Boy
spidergoat said:
Well, any heirarchy is subject to corruption, but historically, it has been shown that all we know about Jesus are second and third-hand stories which evolved over at least a century before they coagulated into the Christian religion.

Not at all. The Gospel of Mark was written 30 years after the death of Jesus. Matthew was written 50 years after, Luke and John were written 100 years later, but still after consulting older writers like Mark. It is further explained in The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel, but i don't have it with me as of now.
Norman said:
I wouldn't worry too much about why Mel doesn't do this or why Mel doesn't do that. It's his movie and I guess he can do anything he wants with it. I imagine he may followup with another movie in the not-to-distant future (a triology) based on the "The Ressurection of Christ".......and then maybe another movie to followup to that about the "The Ascention of Christ"........Why not??? If this movie "The Passion" makes him over $400 million, then I'm sure the others will to.........Actually the movie "The Passion of Christ" maybe a "timely thing"........It's becoming apparent, at least to some of us, that the time is drawing closer now, where mankind will be faced with a "rude awakening" and this movie "The Passion of Christ" symbolizes that if you believe and have faith that the Crucifiction, Resurrection and the Ascention of Jesus happened 2,000 years ago and for the very reasons that are made most apparent to us in our bible, then what happens "NEXT" shouldn't be too much of a surprise for the rest of us............

Atta Boy

What matters is that we have been blessed with a move like this.
It's alway interesting to to read the remarks made by those who deny the life of Christ or the events that took place leading up to and after the crucifiction........Of course we all realize the bible is a collection of stories about Jesus and those who were closely associated with him. However, if you reject his existance on earth, then you might as well reject reject your own.......If the bible stories about Jesus are true and somewhat accurate and I think are true enough to believe, then those who say "NO" to them are really putting themselves in a situation, that when the appropriate time comes (maybe sooner than you think), where mankind will be put to the test.........You either "Believe" or you "Don't Believe".........If those reading this want to laugh at it, that's O.K.......It really doesn't matter for you........When that time comes, I'm not going to say "I Told You So".........You'll just have to accept what happens next..........That's all...................

Atta Boy

There is no other way. Because if God did not punish our sins righteously and just "excuse" them, then he would not be perfectly just. And He is. This is an act of love. It is His mercy. We all deserve to go through what Jesus did and more.
Why? Is it because of what adam and eve did? I have trouble with that concept if that is the reason but I'll let you clarify before I jump head long into my postulations.

But since Jesus was sinless, He was able to take all our sin upon himself and destroy it.
How was this 'sin' destroyed by jesus taking a severe beating? Lots of people would have experienced this kind of torture but I don't see how this act voids everyone else's sin.

It needed to happen for God to be just. And it also needed to happen for God to be merciful.
Why was god not just or merciful before? I'm not being pedantic purposefully here; I just don't understand how an event could change god as by definition he would not have needed this event to occur to change.

Keep in mind that God still loves you even though you call him a sick bastard. It was this "Sick Bastardry" that gives you the option of heaven.
I admit to a bit of badgering here, but the main idea still stands. If the christian god is all powerful, why use such a gory event to give us the option of heaven? I mean, he subjects his son to brutality when he could use a much better event as the basis of change. And again I ask what the allure of heaven is? Eternal boredom? I don't want to go to heaven. Simple.

Or maybe, "We would all suffer this and worse if He didn't for us."
How would we suffer? Do you mean hell? Why would a god let people suffer for eternity when it is in his power for them not to?

Would you go through that for somebody else so they might spend eternity with you?
No, because the unfortunate truth is I would get sick of that person and eternity would be unbelievably boring.

Especially if you had the power to get rid of all your suffering, get up, and kick some roman ass?
You're joking right? You go from mercy and love to 'opening a can' on some romans. I don't get it. The people that did this to him would have known no better. It's not easy to change the foundations of your beliefs because one hippy says so.

"Touch me with that nail and God's foot will kick you in the scrawny Roman nads."
Or god could've revealed himself in a way that none of this was needed. People are brought up believing and acting how their 'time' dictates. The romans weren't acting any differently than any other time they crucified a 'criminal'. This whole act seems the act of a desperate man. A last ditch effort by someone who isn't all powerful.

It isn't Gibson's or Jesus' fault that it costs money to make movies. So many people were touched, the movie spread like wildfire.
But that's my point. The movie was bad. The acting was poor, the voice overs poor. My point was some people are sitting in a production studio laughing all the way to the bank because they were able to manipulate the vast majority of america to see a movie that normally wouldn't be worth renting.

Notice that since this movie was not politically correct enough to make the likes of you happy, Gibson's career in films is undoubtedly over.
I find political correctness to be the bain of society. I'm not sure how this movie falls into political correctness (or out of it) but all I was saying was that the Passion of the Christ was a bad movie, and I therefore find it sad that even though it was a bad movie, people still found it 'inspiring'. I think it was clever of Gibson to do it, he has obviously made mega quantities of money and by name recognition alone, production studios would by silly not to have him as director of any film. His career is far from over.

Have you ever seen a Jewish or Muslim movie protested against? No, rather they are encouraged. But when Jesus enters the picture, people are all of a sudden offended about anti-semetism. This reeks of satan at work.
I'm not protesting the movie, I'm saying it's a bad movie. Like Bad Boys II was a bad movie. Nothing more. I don't care over religious squabbles about anti-semetism, but at the same time, movies have to be recognised as the powerful medium they are. They are the leading cause of history being distorted. A great example is Black Hawk Down. The reason all those Somalis were so pissed is because prior to the downing of the Black Hawk, the US had called the religious and warlord leaders of the country to have peace talks at a religious leaders house. When everyone was present, the American forces proceeded to pump missiles into the compound. Devious. Enraging. I heavily disliked this movie because of the way it portrayed the Somali people. Yet my friends who knew no better came out pro-USA, anti-Somali. This sort of portrayal is reckless and damaging. Some christians undoubtedly came out of that movie with very anti-semetic feelings because there are those sorts of people out there.

Have you ever met a real christian? You are talking to one.
Yes, I have talked and met real christians. Some are my friends. But interestingly the two times in my life when I have been tricked deviously have been because of christians doing what they think is right. Ouch is all I can say.

Being that you refuse to accept Jesus and what He did for you
I don't and that is what you don't get. In my eyes I'm not refusing anything because there are truths out there that do not stem from christianity. I was brought up with no idea of jesus or christianity. I learnt things about this world which I accepted long before I came into any real contact with christianity. When I did learn things about christianity they contradicted the things I'd come to accept about the world around me. I kept my opinions to myself because I used to get embarrassed about them, that they might hurt my friends feelings- the overwhelming majority of my friends and class mates were christian. It was never a case of refusal, but just growing up. Christianity makes no more sense to me now than it did. I can understand why people believe, but it's mainly the contradictory behaviour that christians exhibit from what they are supposed to believe which I see as their biggest lie. And I'm not just talking 'sinning' here.

why do you tell me it is stupid?
No, I'm saying christians are stupid for being manipulated in such a way- the movie was bad!?!

It is a shame that the organized church heirarchy has turned you off to Jesus. They aren't Christians. They live in their own little world. Don't pay attention to what they have to say. The pope is not Jesus. The bible is the guide to a real christian's life.
Yes, you're right it was organised religion that scarred me, but the bible contradicts things I had come to accept and contradicts itself as well. Science is not perfect nor does it pretend to be. It was described to me once as a limit to how wrong we are- I don't take it as proof that there is no god, but as a means of understanding things around us. The bible doesn't make any claim other than the fantastical and it is supposed to be perfect. I respect people's choice to follow the bible but it's just not for me. I wish you would respect my choice as well.

I see. You think I don't respect you? I think you make some pretty good arguments.
Lol, thanks :)

I just want to tell you what I believe, why I believe it is important, and what it means to you. I certainly don't mean to try to be better than you. I respect you enough to share with you the way that you can get into heaven and how you can avoid this place called hell. Listen to what I have to say and make your decision. The difference between you and I is a simple one.
Fair enough and I can respect that. But hopefully if there are such places as heaven and hell, god will respect me and how I have come to be who I am. I don't want to change much about me and I see religion as a backwards step from where I am. I do not mean to slight your beliefs but rather am stating they are not for me. It would take the most profound event to change the blocks that make up who I am and I can change those as easily as I can change the hue of the sun. Time will tell but I'm happy where I am.

Jesus loves you and I the same, but if you deny Him like you are now, when judgement day comes, I will be the one feeling sorry for you.
Please don't be offended at unrequited love ;) but you have to understand I am not denying anyone. I don't see it that way for myself and neither should you. It is as I explained above, I grew up not knowing. I can't accept your point of view out of distaste for your beliefs, but rather because I can't see where you're coming from. Not one bit.

Actually, you tend to ignore it the most. If you are willing to look at Jesus as a possibility, you can then prove His existence.
Likewise for evolution/natural selection/speciation. I would like to hear your thoughts (briefly) on the evolution, because I believe it highly probable Jesus is a historical figure.

You do need help. We all do. Those who accept help are helped. Those whose noses are stuck up in the air are left in the dark.
I know I need help, but not the help you are offering. I need to learn many things yet, but they have nothing to do with a preference over heaven or hell.

This is a good discussion, keep it up

Obviously, you're in the wrong forum.........The topic is about Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of Christ" and not about how much mental help I need to understand biblical facts and events pertaining to Jesus.........

Atta Boy
I know I'm a bit late responding to this, but I'm amazed the discussion even got this far.
"I have said that if this is the way God is, this punishing God who takes it out on Jesus instead of us, then we should not worship that God. We're dealing with a savage God and we are in really serious trouble if that's what God is like."
I think this Dominic Crossan exhibits exactly that "bad faith" Tiassa is worried about.

Either he has no idea how exemplary/substitutionary redemption works, or he is has another agenda. I guess having a look at his resume would clear that up, but I want to address this quote before I do...

As most people had noticed, the worst "blame" that we could draw from this depiction is anti-semitic. That's as low as we can go - comparable to become anti-Germanic after seeing Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List. But blaming God? Um... wasn't that the whole point Jesus made - God voluntarily stopped existing long enough enough for mankind to consider what it had done: pronounce judgment on the living God. But what God condemns is guilt, what He redeems is innocence.

Our very first instinct when faced with any accusation is to point fingers (Eve points to Adam, Adam point to the Serpent, and the Serpent, ironically, points to the truth: without God, nothing turns out right). Satan could chuckle in his sleeve and wink "I told you so" because sure, A&E did become like God, and yes, they didn't fall down dead immediately - he just failed to mention that these weren't desirable consequences.

So before everybody falls into that trap again, let me put on the brakes. People condemned Jesus, in the absence of truth. God did not lie to them about who Jesus was, and who his Father was. But it was the very truth that condemned him... that brought out mankind's worst punishment on what it considered to be the gravest sin: replacing God - the very sin of which they were guilty, and of which Jesus was innocent.

That tear that falls from the sky near the end of Gibson movie, where do you think it comes from? And that accusing stare Mary directs at the camera while holding Jesus' dead body, who do you think it's aimed at? At least Gibson was being sober about it. Crossan and co. are the ones throwing accusations around.

In answer to Crossan's question... God came up with a plan to redeem mankind, forgive their sins and reconcile them with Himself. Mankind's answer to that was to assume the role of judge and jury, judging God's redemption insufficient, his means weak, his plan incompetent and its outcome unacceptable - in other words, they wished to continue as they had since the fall: without God. What Jesus went through was an indication of our intolerance and injustice - as inheritors of the secular and religious standards of that time - in the face of God's tolerance and forgiveness.
Norman said:
.....If the bible stories about Jesus are true and somewhat accurate and I think are true enough to believe, then those who say "NO" to them are really putting themselves in a situation, that when the appropriate time comes (maybe sooner than you think), where mankind will be put to the test.........You either "Believe" or you "Don't Believe".........If those reading this want to laugh at it, that's O.K.......It really doesn't matter for you........When that time comes, I'm not going to say "I Told You So".........You'll just have to accept what happens next..........That's all...................

Atta Boy

You make no sense whatsoever. You say that when the time come, mankind will be put through a test? This is unbiblical....According to the bible, our lives on this earth is the true test.

How can you be so stupid to imagine yourself a ludicrous situation where we will be asked a simple question after death of whether we believe or not and then have our final abode ride on one answer? Don't you think that if things were this stupid and unjust that every person would just answer I believe.

Believe in god is not a set of stupid spoken words. It is our way of life. You can be the strongest believer in the sight of god without ever saying I believe and you could be the worst evil that have ever existed with a mouth dry from saying I believe.
JesusisLord51 said:
If you took the time to read the Gospels, you would know that Jesus' message IS to believe in Him and worship him:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believed in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
M*W: Just because others don't believe in Christianity does NOT mean we haven't read the gospels. It arrogant of you to think that anyone who doesn't believe as you do is inherently wrong. The more I read the gospels, the further away I get from ever being a Christian!

When and if Jesus were ever alive, he didn't give a rat's ass if people believed in HIM! All he wanted to do was lead people to God (not HIM).

The gospels were written long after Jesus was gone (NOT dead, just gone). Paul commissioned the writing of the gospels to fulfill his personal financial ends. So, just like your John 3:16, Jesus never said that, Paul did, but it's been misinterpreted for two millenia. Since there are no original copies of the gospels, fakes appeared that were forgeries biased whichever way the scribes felt suit.

The facts are, Jesus didn't die because he never lived.
Jesus didn't die for anyone only his own sins (crimes).
Jesus was the son of god just as we are the children of God.
Jesus was a married Rabbi with children.
Jesus mother wasn't a virgin in the modern sense of the word.
Joseph wasn't just a carpenter, but a master architect (freemason).
Jesus had real brothers and sisters if he lived.
Mary Magdalene was the "hairdresser" in scripture, not his mother.
Jesus escaped the crucifixion and sailed to France with his family.
Jesus lived a long, natural life.
Jesus' children married into the French Royal Family.
Everlasting life means the spirit never dies. It also refers to evolution of our DNA. Therefore, no one needed saving.
Flores said:
You make no sense whatsoever. You say that when the time come, mankind will be put through a test? This is unbiblical....According to the bible, our lives on this earth is the true test.

How can you be so stupid to imagine yourself a ludicrous situation where we will be asked a simple question after death of whether we believe or not and then have our final abode ride on one answer? Don't you think that if things were this stupid and unjust that every person would just answer I believe.

Believe in god is not a set of stupid spoken words. It is our way of life. You can be the strongest believer in the sight of god without ever saying I believe and you could be the worst evil that have ever existed with a mouth dry from saying I believe.

I wouldn't be so hard on yourself.......Being "Stupid" is not so bad........Remember, where there's no intelligence, there's no stupidy.......At least you're honest enought to put yourself in the same league as the "Dinosaurs"......Keep the faith.

Atta Boy :)

Christians are not Jewish because we believe that the prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled in Jesus whereas Jews believe the Messiah has not yet come. Muslims also believe Jesus was the Messiah so one might as well ask "Why aren't Muslims Christians as the people who originally believed Christ was Messiah have become?"

While there are similarities between the religions, there are distinct doctrinal differences which are mutually exclusive. Jesus cannot simultaneously be simply a man as the Jews believe, the human aspect of God as Christians believe and a non-divine prophet as Muslims believe. Each option by its nature excludes the other two.

Since the institution of Judaism does not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, people who recognize Jesus as the Messiah cannot consider themselves Jews.
The facts are, Jesus didn't die because he never lived.
How can you say he hasn't lived but then say he was maried to Mary Magdalene?

Jesus didn't die for anyone only his own sins (crimes).
I'm confused?

Mary Magdalene was the "hairdresser" in scripture, not his mother.
There's no mention of hairdressers in the Bible.

Therefore, no one needed saving.
Don't you believe in a type of hell?
okinrus said:
M*W: Yes, dear, we haven't had a good fight in a while now, have we?
You said: How can you say he hasn't lived but then say he was maried to Mary Magdalene?
M*W: Personally, I do believe that Jesus/Yeshua lived his life as a common, married Rabbi who believed in Judaism and based his life on it. I realize, however, a lot of scholars don't believe in his existence. I also realize the ambiguity in my statement, so allow me make it clear right now, to those who call me Christ-hater and demon-possessed(tomasito), when it comes to the story of the Magdalene, I am the staunchest believer in Jesus, not that he died for us, but that he lived for us as his biological progeny. (Yes, biological). The truth be known, I believe that MM was our savior, because she is the vine and we are the branches. In Jewish heritage, the lineage goes through the mother. (I'm not assuming that we are all Jews, however). Christians believe Jesus died for them, but this is the way Paul and the church fathers wrote of his life. I cannot logically understand this concept. When I did believe in this concept, it was as if I couldn't think for myself or I would be brandished by my peers. I've simply taken control of my personal beliefs.
You said: I'm confused?
M*W: okinrus, I totally understand your confusion. Our beliefs are diametrically opposed to each other, and I fail to see how we could 'meet in the middle.' However, it will be interesing to see where we stand when we meet on the other side.
You said: There's no mention of hairdressers in the Bible.
M*W: Someone referred to the BVM being a hairdresser, and it may have come from the Qur'an. My question about this is that I don't recall anywhere in the Bible it said the BVM was a hairdresser. I tend to think that reference was to MM, whose hair was definitely part of scripture as was her alabaster jar of balm (for hairdressing--you know, like Brylcreme). (That's way before YOUR time, though!). In that, I believe there are many passages of scripture that has been translated to mean the BVM, but I think that's erroneous because it is MM whom they're really referring to. I mentioned this a while back, but in fine art galleries, paintings of the BVM and MM, Jesus and JtB, Joseph, the carpenter and Joseph of Arimathea, are oftentimes criss-crossed purposefully. Take the art of da Vinci, the Last Supper fresco, look very closely and you will see Jesus off to the side and a very feminine figure, previously thought to be John, who is the main focus of the painting. Interestingly, the layout of the painting makes the sign of "M" meaning that MM was the savior. Jesus is painted off to the side in dull browns next to JtB in his traditional pose (index finger pointed upwardly). da Vinci and Michelangelo, in their works, included enigmatic things to take the vision off Jesus and put it on MM. This is just too widespread to ignore it.
You said: Don't you believe in a type of hell?
M*W: No, I don't believe hell is place you go when you've been bad. If that were the case, if Jesus died like you believe, he would have removed hell as a place of eternal torment. Just like there's no such place as heaven, there is bliss of the soul. It's what the individual makes of it. If I am as evil as tomasito says I am, I should be living in a state of eternal torment, but I'm not. My heart and soul feel bliss, and I like to share it with those around me. Heaven and hell are here and now. Earth is our place of reconciliation, and we are all travelers in transition.

I apologize for coming back so late. I cheked in, but somehow didn't see your post.
To go back to the original question:

“Question: " What happens if The Passion reignites faith, but a 'bad faith'? "
Bad faith in what sense?
That it ignites a tyrannic faith? That it could be like a call to fundamentalism (of all kinds)? ”

The "bad faith" of the question can be any of those--tyrannic, fundamentalist, explosive.
Now think: A single film, some two hours or so, and it causes such an uproar. What is wrong with this picture?!

Obviously, many people are just waiting to get provoked, hurt, triggered, offended. Just waiting for something to set them off.

How strong is their faith then? How strong is their personal integrity then?!

Rightly to be great
Is not to stir without great argument,
But greatly to find quarrel in a straw
When honour's at the stake.

Yes, so Hamlet. But is honour really at the stake when it comes to this film?

Do you know the film "Hospitality Suite" with Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito and Peter Fachinelli (?)? There is a nice discussion on religious propaganda there, really worth seeing.

How does any philosophical believer (not necessarily Christianity in specific or religion in general) come to a point where they might insist that ideological or superficial supremacy under the law is the only thing that satisfies their need for equality?
Vanity and a weak character.

If you say, "That person should not be allowed to sing that song (say those words, write that essay, &c) because it offends my personal beliefs," should you really be able to follow that with a claim of, "I'm defending free speech," and expect people to take you seriously? But if we don't take them seriously, then we must all be anti-_____ bigots.
Some years back, Noam Chomsky himself was involved in such a situation. He advocates freedom of speech. He wrote a resumee for a book that claimed that the holocaust never happened; and in this resumee he sad that if we advocate freedom of speech, then we also must let such books be published. The incident resulted in people believing that Chomsky (a Jew himself!) supposedly believed that the holocaust never happened ...

And thanks for the info on Pagel's book. I've been looking for something like that.
M*W said:
The truth be known, I believe that MM was our savior, because she is the vine and we are the branches.
First you said we don't need a saviour, now it's Mary Magdalene - who incidentally only appears in the Bible, but not as Jesus' mother (cf. Mark 16:9 and John 11:2)
John 19:25
Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.​
There certainly were a lot of Mary's, but none of them ever claimed to be any kind of saviour.
In Jewish heritage, the lineage goes through the mother.
I doubt any Jew will support that statement. The inheritance of a family name went through sons only. Daughters had to have a special blessing from the father (not the mother) to inherit anything, unless there were no sons (Num.27:8). However,
The ties of blood were of absolute and undisputed strength (see Go'el). In the family is seen the patriarchal as distinct from the matriarchal system. The father is the head of the family, and through him the genealogy is traced. "The relationship on the father's side is a hereditary one, but that on the mother's side is not regarded as such " (B. B. 109b).
- JewishEncyclopedia: family and family life
(I'm not assuming that we are all Jews, however).
Consider the above:
Ephesians 1:4
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will...

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
(my italics)​
You've quoted the Bible well.....Remember to practice what you preach if you want to enter paradise.......

Atta Boy
Norman said:
You've quoted the Bible well.....Remember to practice what you preach if you want to enter paradise.......

Atta Boy
Clothe myself with Christ... got it. Don't worry, it's foremost on my mind. If I'm convinced of the truth of the message and I don't listen to it, I fall short of it and am exposed as a hypocrite. But I can't earn this inheritance, it was a gift. What I owe to it is faith.