Theists suggest: Experiment, fake it till you make it - Really??

I just want to lead a peaceful life, I don't want to be in any conflict with anyone, I am not interested in being rich or beautiful or perfectly healthy or influential, I wish "minding my own business" would not be so damn difficult, given the many philosophical, moral and practical problems that I face, problems connected with others or that arise in dealing with others. I wish to be simply average, to not stick out, to fit in. But that has been proving impossible to do, and I have no idea how other people do it, and they won't say either.

Well it is impossible to fit in when others want you to join them and engage in war. And your wish for not being in conflict with anyone i share but as you see you and i have been in conflict in a mental kind of way. it is unavoidable if you believe in something and someone else does not. As for Wealth being average not too rich and not too poor is one of the wisdoms expressed in Ecclesiastes. But anyway there are people out there who grow rich by making average people become poor. Its the way the economy naturally goes until reevolution and financial collapse puts things back to the start of the merry go round again. So people will not let others live with average wealth, your either join the "winners" and become millionaires or you join the losers and slave your life for merge sustenance.

I do it by accepting poverty, I do it by accepting being in the "lower classes" i accept being powerless. I do it by accepting injustice. I have peace. Because i know i have eternity in a better place.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
more like the latter...but then i realized that wasn't really correct. i just feel like the reason and means that i quit before was so bizarre that the likelihood of something like that happening again is next to nothing. but that doesn't mean god or i can't find another way. shit, i could just bite the bullet and have some discipline. i act like that's not a possibility, but it is. i got off easy before (in regards to the smoking anyway). i just don't feel like it could ever be that easy again. but who said it has to be easy? it makes me feel pathetic.

Yeah i have had times like the latter too. You start to pray but then you think to yourself what right have i got to ask for this when i have let God down so badly, i feel like a guilty hypocrite sometimes. Well i guess i feel that way because i am a guilty hypocrite sometimes :rolleyes:

It is far easier to pray for others. I might pray for you and your smoking problem.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days