In this context, point out where someone has advised someone else to fake belief.
I myself was advised to "fake it till you make it" and I have witnessed other people be advised that too.
I do not know of any authoritative sources who would state it directly that way, but some do seem to more or less suggest it between the lines.
For all practical intents and purposes, a person 1. cannot practice religion all on one's own, separate from all theists; 2. has little or no contact with religious authorities, and is instead left to associate with and subject themselves to whoever came earlier or has more power in the community.
If one talks to someone about God, then the very fact of talking to them about God implies that that person indeed is (considered by the listener to be) an adequate/good/competent source of knowledge about God.
Not necessarily.
What other option is there?
If someone accepts "fake it" as good solid religious advice, then they themselves are in no better a position than the one giving the advice.
I didn't want to accept it, and pointed out the problems with it, for which I was scorned.
Moreover, I was also not given any advice or insight as to how to arrive at (more) faith either (in fact, some told me I was a hopeless case).
In my experience there are only these options:
1. One already has sufficient faith and other religious abilities, so one doesn't depend on the religious community to develop faith and abilities.
2. One fakes it till one makes it.
3. One leaves and gives up, since there is no hope to develop faith and abilities in the religious community, nor on one's own.
You know if someone believes in God by how they act, speak, eat, sleep, and so on.
Then how do you propose to resolve the dilemma of the outsider/beginner:
"I, as an outsider/beginner, have no intelligence to discern proper theistic conduct from an improper one. Therefore, anything could be theistic conduct." -?
How do
you know what is "God's prescribed religion" and what is not?
When a theist accuses you of being wrong/demonic, do you believe it or not? And if you don't, on the grounds of what?