theists are more selfish than atheists.

Atheists don't really care about good and bad in general, they just live their lives the way they want, like I remember when I was a kid this atheist once tried to convince to lie a lot, he said there was no God and nothing would happen, I also remember this other atheist tricked me when I was a kid saying "I swear to God" then saying "haha I don't believe in God" so he broke his promise...
Kids do that. Religion at that age means precisely dick. I don't know a single kid that ever made promises without breaking one, especially in the cold harsh way of "haha I had my fingers crossed", that's just what kids do as they lack the maturity and mental capacity for anything else. For the record virtually everyone I knew at that age was a theist having been indoctrinated. Adults obviously act entirely differently.
If you're basing any opinions on that, you need help.
I actually think a lot of weather people become atheist or theist or act good or bad is programmed genetically. Basically our DNA has a huge impact on how we react with our environment.