Theists and atheists: try to persuade me!

Arguments of logic etc can only bring one to the platform of practice. If one is reluctant to take up practice there is no question of approaching evidence. It doesn't matter what field of knowledge one might be discussing.

Since there is no evidence for atheistic claims and also no practice, a majority of atheist arguments aim to deconstruct the very practices required for evidencing the nature of god.

Basically spiritual life begins at the point of understanding that one is not the body. As long as one remains in the bodily conception of life, their logic reasoning and pursuit of incentives will all be askew (even if they are a so-called theist) ... so I would argue that first one has to develop a little conviction about the unreasonable, illogical and totally uninspiring nature of considering the body as the self ... then perhaps there is the possibility of approaching spiritual life with a little determination.

Let us re-word that and say that the use of reason can bring one to reasonable conclusions. The practice involved is that of thinking. Why should one have to develop "a little conviction about the unreasonable " ? I regard that as a retrograde step. Maintaining a healthy scepticism is more to the point.
Norsefire, if you don't become an atheist we will genetically engineer you to live forever and then torture you forever.

Maybe atheists should try that approach!
It worked really well for the other side.
Lightgigantic said:
Arguments of logic etc can only bring one to the platform of practice. If one is reluctant to take up practice there is no question of approaching evidence. It doesn't matter what field of knowledge one might be discussing.

Since there is no evidence for atheistic claims and also no practice, a majority of atheist arguments aim to deconstruct the very practices required for evidencing the nature of god.

Basically spiritual life begins at the point of understanding that one is not the body. As long as one remains in the bodily conception of life, their logic reasoning and pursuit of incentives will all be askew (even if they are a so-called theist) ... so I would argue that first one has to develop a little conviction about the unreasonable, illogical and totally uninspiring nature of considering the body as the self ... then perhaps there is the possibility of approaching spiritual life with a little determination.
Let us re-word that and say that the use of reason can bring one to reasonable conclusions. The practice involved is that of thinking. Why should one have to develop "a little conviction about the unreasonable " ? I regard that as a retrograde step. Maintaining a healthy scepticism is more to the point.
Myles, do come on, it is after all, Lightgigantic's post, you are talking about here.
Since both of you cannot give me actual evidence (although the burden of proof lies more with theists, atheists still can't disprove God), I want you to use various other things, such as


To back up your argument, and to try to persuade me to go either way! I am curious to see what you come up with.

Read the Bible.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Reading many parts of the bible and also quran lead me to believe god either does not exist or is evil. But reading texts alone will be useless, religion as a whole on a global scale is a failure and a mockery. Clinging onto selfish and unjust traditions and scriptures will never work, life changes constantly unless you adapt you will fall, take the wisdom of others and evaluate the good intentions and true spirit of them, don't blindly follow use the tools we have to spot bad intentions, greed and deciet.

If somebody tries to control you or what you believe what are the intentions of that controlling force (like a person for instance). I think people would be happier believing in god who grants them an afterlife. I don't gain anything from trying to get you to believe in god, but you might.

Read the Bible.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

That's what I call sound advice. When I was studying logic, the bible was my constant companion. It was also used in sex education, Ruth, Solomon, gang-rape ( judges and genesis) and finally the art of warfare, knocking down walls and killing everything within, including those sinful animals.

We were also told that it was not a sin of pride to blow one's own trumpet because that was what Joshua did.

I cannot see the need for any other book if one seeks an education in the round.
Since both of you cannot give me actual evidence (although the burden of proof lies more with theists, atheists still can't disprove God), I want you to use various other things, such as


To back up your argument, and to try to persuade me to go either way! I am curious to see what you come up with.
You can only use logic, reasoning etc. to refute specific gods/religions that people propose. For example, one could try to argue that a god who loves everyone but damns some people to hell because they made the mistake of not believing in him is illogical. Or one could use the fact that study after study shows that prayer doesn't affect people's recovery rate from injury or illness as evidence to refute claims that a god who answers those sorts of prayers exists. But you can't disprove the general concept of a hypothetical god that doesn't get any more specific than that. So if you want atheists to make those sorts of arguments, maybe you should specify which god/religion you want refuted. Christianity? Islam? Hinduism? I don't think anyone is going to bother trying to prove that a generic supernatural creator doesn't exist.

I would also like to point out that merely proving or disproving that a generic magical creator exists is pretty useless, since the information wouldn't actually be of use to anyone. You would know that such a deity existed, but you still wouldn't knowing anything about how it wanted you to behave, why it made the universe, what it thinks about humans (if it thinks about them at all), or anything else.
You can only use logic, reasoning etc. to refute specific gods/religions that people propose. For example, one could try to argue that a god who loves everyone but damns some people to hell because they made the mistake of not believing in him is illogical. Or one could use the fact that study after study shows that prayer doesn't affect people's recovery rate from injury or illness as evidence to refute claims that a god who answers those sorts of prayers exists. But you can't disprove the general concept of a hypothetical god that doesn't get any more specific than that. So if you want atheists to make those sorts of arguments, maybe you should specify which god/religion you want refuted. Christianity? Islam? Hinduism? I don't think anyone is going to bother trying to prove that a generic supernatural creator doesn't exist.

I would also like to point out that merely proving or disproving that a generic magical creator exists is pretty useless, since the information wouldn't actually be of use to anyone. You would know that such a deity existed, but you still wouldn't knowing anything about how it wanted you to behave, why it made the universe, what it thinks about humans (if it thinks about them at all), or anything else.

That's where the experts come in. They tell us what god expects of us and so on/ We jusy have to sit back and listen. Baa !
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Would you worship this creator when it was proven to you that it indeed was a scientist, and we were his experiment ?
What would be the point? Although, of course, that idea isn't illogical IMO; hell, for all we know that's what it is. And for all we know in the future we will create a universe and become "gods"
Read the Bible.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And then I should read Dr. Seuss?

Sorry, but a book doesn't help me. The Bible is an interesting and meaningful piece of LITERATURE............but that's about it.
I think there is a difference between simple facts, and Truth.

To get to the actual Truth, I think we need to approach the spiritual, cause no fact will satisfy that need.

Facts can mean nothing at all, facts need not be understood, or realised in any way, you can just know a bunch of stuff with no real influence in your life.

Truth must be within. Facts can scatter all around.

That's my understanding of it.
:roflmao:Too much. Did that happen to you Myles?

It did. Like millions of others I was a victim of ignorant, hypocritical BABY-SNATCHERS FOR JESUS. I kicked the bastards out of my life when I was 14 but I take it you are still tainted.