Theist. Would you give up your moral sense?

I do not mind a good argument but to just repeat myself to a cow brain is to waste my time.
You prefer to sleep so good night.


i'd bet good money that i'm more intelligent than you are, and i've been awakened.

you have it all wrong.

wrong, wrong, wrong...
Explain why these Christians do what they do then.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

For evil to grow my friend, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can.


religion isn't god. the beauty is that you're only responsible for yourself. you're telling me that you're worried about what other people are doing because they're making you look bad? wtf?
religion isn't god. the beauty is that you're only responsible for yourself. you're telling me that you're worried about what other people are doing because they're making you look bad? wtf?

Now you are being stupid.
Go away fool.
Do what your Bible tells you to do. Sit down, shut up and only say what your husband tells you is ok to say.

Let me just quote your sorry ass.
great way to recruit followers..

"judge lest ye be judged.."

Now if you would like to show where I lead anyone in the wrong direction, I will listen to you.
to answer asking them to follow you and not god..

i was referring to yur judgement of ppl not being 'worthy' to follow you..

"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."
--Robert Ingersoll
its because of that,that no one should follow any ONE man.
do you believe you have the exact truth from god?
and where is your modesty?
lets not talk of arrogance...
(do you think yourself worthy of being followed?)
great way to recruit followers..

to answer asking them to follow you and not god..

i was referring to yur judgement of ppl not being 'worthy' to follow you..

its because of that,that no one should follow any ONE man.
do you believe you have the exact truth from god?
and where is your modesty?
lets not talk of arrogance...
(do you think yourself worthy of being followed?)

Our first God was a man and our last will be as well.

Get on topic or fuck off. I have had enough of your criticism and abuse.

Now you are being stupid.
Go away fool.
Do what your Bible tells you to do. Sit down, shut up and only say what your husband tells you is ok to say.


haha...yeah, true colors alright.

shame you aren't intelligent, you might be able to have an intelligent discussion, so i tell you what "greatest", i'll do what my bible says and destroy you ok? get ready.
The way you deal with a situation like this Lori is to forgive the one who has hurt you. When a Christian forgives they place vengance into the hands of God. And the vengance of God is far more horrendous then anything we could ever inflict upon the one who has done wrong to us.

Romans 12:17-21
17Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. 20Therefore "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.

So forgive, The only way they can avoide the wrath of God then is to trully accept the Messiah Jesus. And if they do that then they will be your eternal brother/sistter in Jesus. You cannot lose.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The way you deal with a situation like this Lori is to forgive the one who has hurt you. When a Christian forgives they place vengance into the hands of God. And the vengance of God is far more horrendous then anything we could ever inflict upon the one who has done wrong to us.

Romans 12:17-21
17Repay no one evil for evil.

Thanks for the good laugh.

What a baffoon.

You quote no evil for evil then say to forgive so that God can do a greater evil.

Deluded evil idiot.
Know thyself fool.
To stupid to even know when you are being evil.
Typical Christian.

that doesn't stop users from sidetracking into a good discussion..
and there are few users seeking understanding..(IE ricery,TW..etc)

The behavior is so...arrogant. The use of emotionalism and the appeals to it. It is disturbing to see science to used as leverage for persecution and oppression. Science seems benign untill you observe the people practicing it. Which sounds just a problematic as religion which also seems benign until the obvious hypocrisy of some are revealed.

Both religion and science have their practical purposes.
But they practitioners have the predilection of mixing their uses.
The way you deal with a situation like this Lori is to forgive the one who has hurt you. When a Christian forgives they place vengance into the hands of God. And the vengance of God is far more horrendous then anything we could ever inflict upon the one who has done wrong to us.

Romans 12:17-21
17Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. 20Therefore "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.

So forgive, The only way they can avoide the wrath of God then is to trully accept the Messiah Jesus. And if they do that then they will be your eternal brother/sistter in Jesus. You cannot lose.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

he didn't hurt me, and i wasn't talking about retaliation. i was referring to my desires according to my beliefs and pretty much stating the obvious outcome.
It seems to me that the problem with this thread is that the OP begins with a faulty premiss: that Theists posses a "moral sense".

It's never been my experience in interacting with any Theist that they possess any such thing at all. Rather, what I have observed is that they are in possession of a Stipulative Ethical 'sense': they are trained in the ways of their particular code of conduct, as prescribed by their faith.
It seems to me that the problem with this thread is that the OP begins with a faulty premiss: that Theists posses a "moral sense".

It's never been my experience in interacting with any Theist that they possess any such thing at all. Rather, what I have observed is that they are in possession of a Stipulative Ethical 'sense': they are trained in the ways of their particular code of conduct, as prescribed by their faith.

what is the difference between morals and ethics?
Both religion and science have their practical purposes.
But they practitioners have the predilection of mixing their uses.
nobody is perfect..

It seems to me that the problem with this thread is that the OP begins with a faulty premiss: that Theists posses a "moral sense".
them there is fighting :bugeye:

the term 'moral' is subjective..

It's never been my experience in interacting with any Theist that they possess any such thing at all. Rather, what I have observed is that they are in possession of a Stipulative Ethical 'sense': they are trained in the ways of their particular code of conduct, as prescribed by their faith.
how does that apply to me?
i don't follow the churches idea of what is right and what is wrong,i let god guide me..sometimes the church does NOT know what the right thing to do is, it is VERY subjective to the situation AND how i translate/interpret it..
sometimes what is best is not alway right..

true most users here use a definition of a word they are familiar with(not just theist), this does not mean they are using it inappropriately..(doesn't mean they are either..) if they are using the word in context to what they have been taught it means,then i don't think it would qualify for inappropriate (see user def for theory) of course this does not speak to the users who try to use a word they are unfamiliar with or does it speak to the user that has been corrected.. many words in the english language are susceptible to a stipulative definition?
much less any translated text..
what is the difference between morals and ethics?
I see it as follows:
One's ethics are usually derived from the society in which they live.
One's morals never change, regardless of society.

So an ethical person may know it is wrong to cheat on their partner - but still cheat. I.e. they know what is right and wrong in their society.
But a moral person would never cheat on their partner, as it is wrong to them, regardless of whether it was seen as right or wrong in their society.

If you only ever live in one societal type then your ethics and morals will most likely appear to be very similar.

I'm sure other people will have different views of the differences between ethics and morals, but this is how I have also seen it.
I see it as follows:
One's ethics are usually derived from the society in which they live.
One's morals never change, regardless of society.

its the difference between doing right when no-one is looking, or just doing right because someone is watching..
Thanks for the good laugh.

What a baffoon.

You quote no evil for evil then say to forgive so that God can do a greater evil.

Deluded evil idiot.
Know thyself fool.
To stupid to even know when you are being evil.
Typical Christian.


Justice is not evil. Wrath is not evil when one is diserving of it. Wrath is Justice.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
he didn't hurt me, and i wasn't talking about retaliation. i was referring to my desires according to my beliefs and pretty much stating the obvious outcome.

Sweet. Yes it can almost be seen as an automatic outcome. Only changed by a change of heart towards the Gospel Message.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
the term 'moral' is subjective..

Incorrect. The term has a precise denotation. It is used however, subjectively.

how does that apply to me?
i don't follow the churches idea of what is right and what is wrong,i let god guide me..sometimes the church does NOT know what the right thing to do is, it is VERY subjective to the situation AND how i translate/interpret it..
sometimes what is best is not alway right..

You say you let god guide you.
Feel free to explain how it is that you are guided.
Regardless, what is clear is that you are being given a code. many words in the english language are susceptible to a stipulative definition?
much less any translated text..

Actually, all words are.