Theist. Would you give up your moral sense?

If those are your beliefs but they are not mine.

In a human perspective, yes.

I don't believe God wants slaves, that's what you believe.
I also don't make the assumption we could be like God.

I think race is a human preoccupation of pride and ego. We are all human there is little difference from one to the next.

Maniac is defined as:

: madman, lunatic
: a person characterized by an inordinate or ungovernable enthusiasm for something.

Yet the Hebrew text is a list of governing Laws given by God. Either you're ignoring the vast majority of the text for own interpretation or you're brazenly exercising a personal bias.

I admit to having a personal bias against those who would use genocide against mankind.

If you do not then you have 0 moral sense.


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i already told you that's hard to say. i wasn't there; i can't relate.

what i can relate to, i'll reiterate...knowing what i do now, i want to go back. knowing what i do now, i choose communion with god over sin any day.

do you have a problem with heat? are you disgruntled with god because he created the possibility of heat?

well, what if a child puts their hand on the stove burner? what if someone uses it to burn someone else's house down?

Better to be fully human with a moral sense than to commune forever with God while having no morals and being as bright as a cow.

Mooove along fool.

Better to be fully human with a moral sense than to commune forever with God while having no morals and being as bright as a cow.

Mooove along fool.


is this your moral display? i'm not impressed, with your morals or your intellect.
Then mooove along.

I have no interests in those who want to be cows or sheeple.


i see, so you're only interested in responses from people who agree with you.

how ironic.

living in faith in a god one knows actually distinguishes one quite a bit from all of the hamsters spinning on their wheels out there.

but you wouldn't know about that. keep spinning.
Either you're ignoring the vast majority of the text for own interpretation or you're brazenly exercising a personal bias.
or that is just what he has heard and hasn't looked it up for himself to confirm/deny it..
In any case this topic demands that I exercise discretion now the Original thread poster has proven himself beyond reason. The argument would not serve mutual understanding.

that doesn't stop users from sidetracking into a good discussion..
and there are few users seeking understanding..(IE ricery,TW..etc)
living in faith in a god one knows actually distinguishes one quite a bit from all of the hamsters spinning on their wheels out there.

but you wouldn't know about that. keep spinning.

it has to be repeated over and over again. most people are theists.

theists are the majority. you are not special or more enlightened. you also are not even in a minority.

btw, theists (drawn from fundamental religion) seem to just have a tape that runs in their head and no matter truth is out there, it makes no difference as much as the tape. hamsters spinning on a wheel.

and don't retort back with the 'i'm not religious' shpeil because i've read enough of the theistic posts on this forum to know that most all the theists here lean toward a god described by fundamental religions, including you. if this weren't the case, then it wouldn't be a primary choice. even on philosophical terms, i would hardly equate the belief in or faith in a god entity unique or even enlightened. those who have a more spiritual view without a fixed entity would be less excruciatingly narrow-minded and painfully provincial.
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it has to be repeated over and over again. most people are theists.

theists are the majority. you are not special or more enlightened. you also are not even in a minority.

btw, theists (drawn from fundamental religion) seem to just have a tape that runs in their head and no matter truth is out there, it makes no difference as much as the tape. hamsters spinning on a wheel.

and don't retort back with the 'i'm not religious' shpeil because i've read enough of the theistic posts on this forum to know that most all the theists here lean toward a god described by fundamental religions, including you. if this weren't the case, then it wouldn't be a primary choice. even on philosophical terms, i would hardly equate the belief in or faith in a god entity unique or even enlightened. those who have a more spiritual view without a fixed entity would be less excruciatingly narrow-minded and painfully provincial.

i was being nice with the hamster analogy; i could have used the rat race. doing the same wrong things for the same wrong reasons, over and over again, digging in tracks, deeper and deeper, straight to hell. i don't care what people say or like to call themselves; i care about what they think, what they do, and why they do it.
i see, so you're only interested in responses from people who agree with you.

how ironic.

living in faith in a god one knows actually distinguishes one quite a bit from all of the hamsters spinning on their wheels out there.

but you wouldn't know about that. keep spinning.

I do not mind a good argument but to just repeat myself to a cow brain is to waste my time.
You prefer to sleep so good night.

i was being nice with the hamster analogy; i could have used the rat race. doing the same wrong things for the same wrong reasons, over and over again, digging in tracks, deeper and deeper, straight to hell. i don't care what people say or like to call themselves; i care about what they think, what they do, and why they do it.

Explain why these Christians do what they do then.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

For evil to grow my friend, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can.

because as humans, we only have 3 choices. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

I choose to lead the way A & E did.
The right thing.


so to choose to lead,you want to lead sheep?
IOW do you want to be responsible for others decisions?
IOW don't tell those who do not agree with you to get doing so you are asking to lead sheep..

and Adam and Eve did not lead..they just were..
and the term 'right' is relative..
and your analogy (lead,follow, get out of way)..
with get out of way..that means you do not care about anyone but yourself..why would anyone care about you? (you are busy telling every one else they are wrong..)
IOW are you trying to reach ppl or just validate your own opinion through the ppl who would follow?

do not walk in front of me, i may not follow,
do not walk behind me, i may not lead,
walk beside me and be my friend..
so to choose to lead,you want to lead sheep?
IOW do you want to be responsible for others decisions?
IOW don't tell those who do not agree with you to get doing so you are asking to lead sheep..

and Adam and Eve did not lead..they just were..
and the term 'right' is relative..
and your analogy (lead,follow, get out of way)..
with get out of way..that means you do not care about anyone but yourself..why would anyone care about you? (you are busy telling every one else they are wrong..)
IOW are you trying to reach ppl or just validate your own opinion through the ppl who would follow?

do not walk in front of me, i may not follow,
do not walk behind me, i may not lead,
walk beside me and be my friend..

I, like God, wish to lead autonomous individuals who will recognize that I go the right way and who will follow because they recognize it without my having to keep calling them. I do not need God to nursemaid me and if those who would go my way need a nursemaid then they will have to look elsewhere.

We are to push God, not have him pull us.

Matthew 10:38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

I, like God, wish to lead autonomous individuals who will recognize that I go the right way and who will follow because they recognize it without my having to keep calling them. I do not need God to nursemaid me and if those who would go my way need a nursemaid then they will have to look elsewhere.
Bold subjective to interpretation..
Underline selfish and subjective to trust..
All three VERY subjective,if everyone has a different meaning for what is 'right' then there is no meaning for what is 'right'

Do not put ones faith in the hands of one MAN.
be responsible for your own faith..not others..

We are to push God, not have him pull us.
carefull..God pushes back..

Matthew 10:38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me
this says we have to suffer to follow him..does this mean the suffering under ONE mans rule?
or are you inferring that we are not worthy of following you??
judge lest ye be judged..
IOW you think us unworthy = you are not worthy..
where is your cross?
Bold subjective to interpretation..
Underline selfish and subjective to trust..
All three VERY subjective,if everyone has a different meaning for what is 'right' then there is no meaning for what is 'right'

Do not put ones faith in the hands of one MAN.
be responsible for your own faith..not others..

carefull..God pushes back..

this says we have to suffer to follow him..does this mean the suffering under ONE mans rule?
or are you inferring that we are not worthy of following you??
judge lest ye be judged..
IOW you think us unworthy = you are not worthy..
where is your cross?

The cross is responsibility. Accepting responsibility is not to suffer it. it is to accept the challenge and win over adversity.
If that to you is suffering then you likely believe that Jesus should be used as your scapegoat and you put your cross on his for him to carry.

Matthew 10:38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me

The cross is responsibility. Accepting responsibility is not to suffer it.


the cross is burden..the reward is after you die..
you have to carry your own burden and not put those burdens on others.

to be unable to accept who you are, by not recognizing that the burdens in your life are to be cherished not hated..
to be able to suffer and know that it is not all for nothing..

Accepting responsibility for your sins does NOT make you sinless..
having ppl follow you does not make you sinless..
you will be judged for misleading ppl..
“Cursed is anyone who leads the blind astray on the road.”
"Whoever leads the upright along an evil path will fall into their own trap,"
(both here)
IOW haveing ppl follow you just to satiate your own emotion state of being will be punished
Matthew 10:38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me

the cross is burden..the reward is after you die..
you have to carry your own burden and not put those burdens on others.

to be unable to accept who you are, by not recognizing that the burdens in your life are to be cherished not hated..
to be able to suffer and know that it is not all for nothing..

Accepting responsibility for your sins does NOT make you sinless..
having ppl follow you does not make you sinless..
you will be judged for misleading ppl..
“Cursed is anyone who leads the blind astray on the road.”
"Whoever leads the upright along an evil path will fall into their own trap,"
(both here)
IOW haveing ppl follow you just to satiate your own emotion state of being will be punished

Let me just quote your sorry ass.
"judge lest ye be judged.."

Now if you would like to show where I lead anyone in the wrong direction, I will listen to you.

For now, let me show you what you are. IMO.

"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."
--Robert Ingersoll
