Theist claims God doesn't exist.

It depends on how you define 'nothingness'. I see nothingness as that which we cannot percieve with our basic senses, not non-existence.
In this sense I can see where JB is comming from, although I wouldn't necessarily put it in that way. :)

But don't you feel God in your heart, Jan? Doesn't he fill you deep with joy-joy goodness?
This is an argument/discussion about the definition of the word "nothingness" once you all come to an agreement on what that definition is you can move forward with the discussion.
how can we all ever come to agreement with such vague word as "nothingness" since nothing can be applied to many existing things as well as beliefs which do not have proof of their existence...
I started this thread as a semi-joke.
Of course this his little to do with God, but you have to admit that it was funny :D
how can we all ever come to agreement with such vague word as "nothingness" since nothing can be applied to many existing things as well as beliefs which do not have proof of their existence...

and this is why many issues will never find common ground.
This is an argument/discussion about the definition of the word "nothingness" once you all come to an agreement on what that definition is you can move forward with the discussion.

we can't define nothingness because a definition can't be nothingness. if we define it, we're not talking about nothing anymore. nothingness "by definition" is undefined.
What an odd question phlogo. I'm not quite how to respond to it. :)


JB claimed god was nothingness. You say you think nothingness is something you can't experience. Therefore you imply that you have never experienced god.

I was just asking if you had, in a rather toungue in cheek fashion.

I thought it was quite simple.
we can't define nothingness because a definition can't be nothingness. if we define it, we're not talking about nothing anymore. nothingness "by definition" is undefined.
M*W: I have a question. Why does nothingness keep us so busy?

JB claimed god was nothingness. You say you think nothingness is something you can't experience.

I didn't say "can't experience", I said we cannot percieve it with our basic senses.

Therefore you imply that you have never experienced god.

My take on JB's idea is that God cannot directly be percieved via our basic senses, and based on that non perception, he is 'nothingness'. Not that he doesn't exist, or we can't understand god with an intelligent mind.

I was just asking if you had, in a rather toungue in cheek fashion.

I thought it was quite simple.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. :)

No Jan, you didn't make yourself clear. Sounds to me like you contradicted yourself there, and bigged yourself up at the same time. Shameful, really.
No Jan, you didn't make yourself clear. Sounds to me like you contradicted yourself there, and bigged yourself up at the same time. Shameful, really.

I didn't mean that I could understand God, therefore I have an intelligent mind.
That was soughta naughty of you to imply.
