Thee 4 humours?

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Stryder you changed, you used to be this cold all-knowing artificial intelligence 200 IQ dude ... now you actually have sarcasm. Very delightful.

Well you would of noticed in the Starwars universe their Artificial Intelligences would gain "quirks" over time, either the emergence of personality of a lot of buffer overflows corrupting their neural matrix requiring them to have a wipe ever now and then.
Back by public demand!!!

Please stop sending PMs asking where are thee Elemental Charts..they're right here, just needs the dust blowing off them and you can all peruse them at will and at leisure.

Errr..I try to tie things in with the forums odd obsessions so as Chris Hitchens has made an appearance it seems only fair to check him out..


Its quite bizarrely much so that it makes Andy Warhol seem relatively rational, ordinary and completly normal in comparison. I've really got to look at Hitchens more closely...Air and Fire aren't short of ego and neither is Hitchens.

After a rather over the top attack on Religion, we should note that he must stand alone as being one of the few Left Wing Trotskyites to support the Iraq War and proclaim that both President George Bush and PM Tony Blair are great Leaders.

...err some say he is a other words he's completely bonkers! :p
Scientists and Astrology


As we can see 'reasoning' of air and earth perdominate over the emotional fire and water
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the four humours of ancient Greek tradition Sanguine, Choler, Melancholy, and Phlegm?
As in phlegmatic. Yes.

Anyway I was reading about Anthony Hopkins and his unease of any social interactions, which is odd considering he's actually very interesting whenever I;ve seen him interviewed.


Its quite normal for those with a lack of the air element to have trouble adapting

<< get out of your shell to talk, to show interest in others, to socialize. Furthermore, because of your lack of flexibility or your refusal to adapt yourself, things can get too much for you. >>

Similar to Andy Warhol..its not so much a dislike of social interaction but a distinct problem in adapting or even listening to others.
Phlegm being the humour, phlegmatic being the temperament.
So, are you discussing humours, temperaments, or elements?

All the charts are based on the elements.

The basics of the temperament can be gleaned from the elements. In other words this is the just the foundation of actually setting a chart. Once you add the aspects the planets make to each others then its more complex...its the embroidery on the cloth. First of all you choose your cloth

..a better analogy is the game of Cricket..the very basics are that the Team Capt. checks the field, the moisture of the air and other variables.

In the main most people have some balance in the elements. By choosing the most extreme examples it should be made crystal clear to those who aren't already blindfolded and cloth-eared.
All the charts are based on the elements.

The basics of the temperament can be gleaned from the elements. In other words this is the just the foundation of actually setting a chart. Once you add the aspects the planets make to each others then its more complex...its the embroidery on the cloth. First of all you choose your cloth

..a better analogy is the game of Cricket..the very basics are that the Team Capt. checks the field, the moisture of the air and other variables.

In the main most people have some balance in the elements. By choosing the most extreme examples it should be made crystal clear to those who aren't already blindfolded and cloth-eared.

Yeah, everything you said is crystal clear. :crazy:
I was talking to the organ grinder, Q.

Sad news today, that Tony Wilson died..a true larger than life character in every way. He was born just a few streets away from me but I only found out last year..he was 57 which is considerably older than myself.

Reading the Obits confirmed what I already knew and what is shown in the brilliant film '24 Hour Party People'..Wilson could turn a hand at most things but he was certainly no businessman. It was only when he got together with his partner ex- Miss England..(Tony never did things by halves!) that she took control of the purse strings and brought home the bread.

How can you have several top selling No.1 albums and own the most famous club in the World and LOSE money. I suspected a lack of Earth (..practicality, groundedness, saving for a rainy day..caution).

He had plenty of egotistical dynamism...Air and Fire go together well...but only one planet in Earth.
Oh its Mr. Charm again.

lol your even stealing my jokes...think up your own, Zev.
It's interesting how you allegedly "already knew" something after the fact.

No I knew before I read the birthdate in the Obits, Q.

If you want to continue making a fool of yourself then please do so...somewhere else preferably.
Oh its Mr. Charm again.

lol your even stealing my jokes...think up your own, Zev.

Learn to punctuate, noob.
And I'm not a "Mr."
Perhaps you'd wouldn't be confused had your parents not been suffering from mosaicism, rendering you unable to tell the difference.
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