Thee 4 humours?

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Registered Senior Member

I want to take a tour around the mythology of the humours and see if any element of it can be applied to everyday life. First of all I want to make some swidt connection of whats gone on before re. astrology and the 4 humours prior to discussing them in a historical context.

I'll do it for whomever birthdayit happens to is Louis Armstrong's. He was one of the greates t musicians..probably the greatest Jazz musician. So we'll take a look at Miles Davis and a few others to see whether they also require a fiery spontaneous, improvisational style. Jazz is nothing if not fiery in nature!

Miles Davis..much more reflective (water) and less spontaneously jolly. Lots of pregnant pauses allowing the music to breathe.(air).

The 2nd (on the right) is Jimi Hendrix and I'm afraid, Drago, its far from balanced. Fire and Water are rooted in emotion whereas Air and Earth rooted in thought and rationality.

We'd expect most members here to do well in the earth and air dept. The more skeptical the better (with intuitive touchy feely paranormal types we'd expect the reverse). Any results wouldnt be blatantly obvious..its far too generalised. However if we totted up the results we'd be pretty confident of finding a correlation.

Back to Hendrix...there is no grounding in the Earth element (same with Marilyn Monroe). Not a good thing in my earth suggests a distinct lack of stability.

This is a quite bizarrely unbalanced chart of a famous artist born today.

The oddness lies more in the lack of an element rather than the over emphasis. Fire is positive in a creative, resouceful, imaginative sense but tends to be self absorbed. We see similar features within Salvador Dali.

An absence of any Air element whatsoever can easily be found on the internet. Some are better than others ..heres an example of what to expect. Try checking it out with you own it balanced? are any elements absent? does any element prevail above the'll be amazed by its accuracy!

"Air is under-represented in your birth chart, with 0% instead of 25%, the mean. The Air symbolizes the values of communication, exchanges with others, but also the ability to be adaptable and flexible: the risk is for you to have real problems misunderstanding others if you don't get out of your shell to talk, to show interest in others, to socialize. Furthermore, because of your lack of flexibility or your refusal to adapt yourself, things can get too much for you. You should get into the habit of talking, phoning, thinking "mobility, flexibility, adaptability, change" in every circumstance. This will keep you sheltered from so many troubles!

It must have been very difficult for him to communicate with others and to break out of his shell. In a sense the Fire element helps him much moreso than a prevalance of other elements. He did possess some self belief and egotism so he forced himself to 'become a celebrity'. Interestingly he was fonder of using the phone as a means of communication than anything that was 'person-to-person'.

A fascinating chart.
I mentioned humours in response to Billy's other post as a joke. But he's serious. What's next? Is the Earth flat?
Billy, what instrument is used to measure the relative amounts of the humours in these celebrities?
More like this:


"Wow! There's real Astrology here, It's going off my meter!"
Stryder you changed, you used to be this cold all-knowing artificial intelligence 200 IQ dude ... now you actually have sarcasm. Very delightful.
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