The young idiots DID taunt the tiger!!

To add to that^^, Zoo's foster the illusion of conservation. It is much better to actually see what may be lost.
BTW, this story reminds me of a joke:

Two guys were on safari in the African savannah, and were encountered by a vicious, snarling tiger.

One guy turns to his friend and says: "I'm glad I wore my running shoes today."
The other guy says: "What? There's no way in hell that you can outrun that beast!"
To which his friend responds: "Oh, I don't need to outrun the tiger. I just need to outrun you!"
Why do you think lawn mowers have fluorescent yellow stickers warning people not to stick their hands underneath a running lawnmower?

Sorry, you just didn't get the point of that at all. Care to re-read the whole post you cut that from and then try again?
Mod Hat - Response

Why don't you take the attitude and cram it? That's my official advice.

As to the source, there are two points worth making:

(1) Thank you. I would hope you could appreciate the irony of your failure to cite your counterpoint, given that you were so determined to drag a source reference out of T/E.

(2) Your source is only reinforcing my point. 16.4 feet is the minimum recommended height according to the accrediting agency. You do realize, do you not, that they recommend a range, as opposed to demanding a specific height?​

What strikes me, Read-Only, is your thematic hostility. Why not relax and take part in the discussion, instead of imagining yourself at war with the world? As I noted earlier, the purpose you stated for this topic as relates EM&J makes this a fine discussion, albeit a far cry from your conduct so far.

This story has many aspects, and will continue to unfold as time passes. There will, in the end, be plenty of people to blame, a plethora of targets for your righteous condemnation. Pace yourself, at least. Nothing about these discussions is worth elevating your blood pressure so consistently.

HA-HA-HA!! Wow, are you on the wrong path! :D I'm as relaxed as anyone could possibly be - however, I CAN see how you drew the wrong conclusion about my attitude. ;)

My whole point in calling those kids idiots and stupid is that normal, average people would not anymore do what they did as they would stick an arm under a running lawnmower or try to cross a multi-lane highway on foot during peak traffic time.

What I'm trying to get at is that they are responsible for their thoughtless actions and the efforts to achieve justice (through lawsuits) by the survivors and family members is unwarranted. And basically that's it in a nutshell.

I'll also admit that perhaps I should not have responded as much in this thread because I'm mainly interested in what others think about it - especially with that confession in hand that I pointed out in the initial post. But it IS a little tough to NOT respond to some of the things I've seen posted here. ;)
in human animal encounters if they end badly it is ussualy because the human did something wrong or stupid
in human animal encounters if they end badly it is ussualy because the human did something wrong or stupid

Thank you, dude, and I agree. That's a big part of the thought I've been trying to get across.

Animals, of course, are not subject to human laws, ethics, sense of justice or anything like that. It's completely up to the human to act responsibility and use proper judgement in ANY dealings with animals.
It's not quite the same, of course, but in a way those idiots remind me of the boneheads that participate in those "running of the bulls" events. The get out there on purpose and shout and wave to get the bulls to chase them.

One or more always wind up dead or seriously injured. Makes me thankful we have bulls - they help rid the world of stupid fools and I cheer for ther BULLS!!:D

well said!

these boys deserved what they got, no body in they're right minds would torment a tigger, the tigger did not deserve to be shot, it was just doing what it does to protect itself.

A tiger isn't some domesticated human, it's a predator. That's why it is caged. Would you harass a crocodile in the wild? What about a shark?

There is no way in hell these kids would have taunted a tiger in the wild. They only did so because there was a wall between them and it. They thought they were top shit, and they paid the price, so the joke's on them. Our gene pool is that little bit cleaner.

I have no sympathy whatsoever for people who get bitten, mauled, mangled, disembowelled, or disfigured by animals they were harassing. If you're so stupid as to poke a wasp's nest, you deserve to get stung. In fact, I think it's quite awesome when an animal strikes back against its tormentor. I'd conjecture that in 90+% animal attacks, the human deserves it and brought it on themselves.

I do feel sorry for humans who attempt to help stray dogs/cats/wild animals and get hurt, though. But they knew the risks.

Are you sure you are not me ? ;)
I agree with every single letter in your post !
what age would the person have to be to not deserve it?

Any age before the realisation that a tiger can tear you a new hole if there isn't a cage/wall between you and it.

I realised that tigers could tear you to shreds when I was about 7 years old. But then again, I was a pretty sharp kid.