The young idiots DID taunt the tiger!!

It doesn't matter if the young men were taunting the tiger or not. The zoo is still responsible for their injuries and the death of one of them because the wall around the tiger enclosure did not meet minimum standards. The zoo is also responsible because zoo personel did not respond immediately to the attack but instead kept insisting that there was no attack and no animal had escaped.
I'm sure I mentioned it before, the walls aren't suppose to keep the animals in, they are suppose to keep the zoo out!
The zoo is also responsible because zoo personel did not respond immediately to the attack but instead KEPT insisting that there was no attack and no animal had escaped.

(empahsis mine)

Do you have something to back up that statement????? I've read many, many news reports about the incident and never came across THAT before!
It HAS been proven by 2 different eyewitnesses and stuff what they found on the floor and didn't belong...

What does "eyewitnesses and stuff" mean?

And at any rate, do you have a link that shows that? Lot's of things have been "said" but not all of it has been substantiated.
I feel I should comment on this story because it represents a serious issue for many people / animals. What I've heard is the enclosure met the minimum standards and that the zoo only recieved a suggestion the wall height might be increased, however they were under no legal obligation to do that. The Tiger itself did escape but isn't that why it's called a Zoo? We keep animals trapped inside it for entertainment, then when the tide turns and Mr. Tiger wants some fun people freak. Isn't that good ole human nature!

I'd like to say I sympathize with the Tiger more than these kids. What I would learn from this is simple, don't have a zoo, don't keep animals trapped in cages. If you do then prepare for consequences later.
What does "eyewitnesses and stuff" mean?


1. A mother who saw the kids taunting animals, they were very disturb by it and went the other direction.
2. One of the kids himself, telling it to his father...

Do a google search, why should I do the homework all the time?

1. A mother who saw the kids taunting animals, they were very disturb by it and went the other direction.
2. One of the kids himself, telling it to his father...

Do a google search, why should I do the homework all the time?

Because YOU made the claim - not me. So it's up to YOU to prove your claim is correct, not for me to do for you.

And your statements above are STILL worthless unless you can provide some proof.
I am a bit surpirsed and disappointed at the number of people who feel no sympathy for the dead boy or the mauled brothers. People are exhibiting greater sympathy for the tiger than for human beings.

The penalty for stupid behavior by young men should not be death by tiger.
I am a bit surpirsed and disappointed at the number of people who feel no sympathy for the dead boy or the mauled brothers. People are exhibiting greater sympathy for the tiger than for human beings.

The penalty for stupid behavior by young men should not be death by tiger.

I feel some sympathy for them - but it's on the exact same level I would feel for an idiot that tried to run across a loaded 8-lane highway.

Stupid is still stupid no matter what YOU think it is.
People love to exaggerate on the internet. I do it all the time myself. It's either that or animal loving wackos.
till said:
The penalty for stupid behavior by young men should not be death by tiger.
Or death by car, etc. But shit happens, when you're being stupid.

Besides, they were all stupid. Only one died.

The penalty for stupidity around tigers might be chance of death by tiger, reasonably ?
maybe if you are in the jungle. if you are in the zoo, penalty should be get your ass thrown out of the zoo. it probably shouldn't be - tiger escapes from inadequate holdings and mauls you to death.