The World is Polytheistic

actually I am trying to understand your question

you seem to be suggesting that a job title is not a description

so if the police were given the instruction to arrest a manager of a certain illegal operation, that information is useless?

Alone it is insufficient because it is simply a tag. A guy who's a manager this week could be selling hot dogs next week. So mentioning his occupation is saying nothing about his qualities.

its still not clear what you are asking for?are you asking for a personal description?

I'm not asking you to describe yourself unless you are god, which is possible I suppose. You claim to know god, so describe him/her/it !

there's also another common proverb that begins with "ask a stupid question ...."

Even you must know that you are talking crap. You know very well what is being asked of you or are you too dim to understand a simple question. I'll make it even easier for you :

There is no full description of god
there are numerous descriptions of god that make him discernible though
Lol Myles, I suppose the pair of us should learn what most others here have. That a person would willfully employ such tactics consistently to avoid ever having to answer a question leads to the inevitable conclusion that they do so because they can't answer.

I was under the impression that perhaps discussions would get somewhere if I tried harder, if I asked the same question 30 times, if I went along with his meaningless statements and words. Alas nothing has changed.

Oh well, such is life.
so we have officially resolved this topic and you want to move on to a related yet slightly different one about the use of the word "jealous" in christian scripture?

I used the word jealous because it relates to the topic. God wants no other gods before us but since there aren't any to be found what exactly is He jealous of? Are you going to tell me that the word jealous is also oft misinterpreted or has a disguised meaning? Why God even tried to put His words on parchment is totally baffling since none of it means what most of us think it means. I can never read the bible again without thinking every word is suspect.
I used the word jealous because it relates to the topic. God wants no other gods before us but since there aren't any to be found what exactly is He jealous of? Are you going to tell me that the word jealous is also oft misinterpreted or has a disguised meaning? Why God even tried to put His words on parchment is totally baffling since none of it means what most of us think it means. I can never read the bible again without thinking every word is suspect.
before we move on to other topics i think we should clear up where we are at.

Do you understand how god can co-exist amongst other "gods" (eg like angels etc, which certainly appear "godlike" compared to humans) or are further clarifications required?
You say applying the word god is important so I gather the other entities are nicknamed 'gods' for lack of a better word. They're not gods but thought to be gods. If God says 'thou shalt not have any gods before me' then He is actually telling us not to mistake anything else for a god and then worship it as one. Right so far?

How does one know when they are making that mistake? If I put a bible in front of a polytheist and he reads that god wants no other gods before Him then how in the hell is he supposed to know its a mistake to think God is actually referring to entities nicknamed gods and not real ones?
You say applying the word god is important so I gather the other entities are nicknamed 'gods' for lack of a better word. They're not gods but thought to be gods. If God says 'thou shalt not have any gods before me' then He is actually telling us not to mistake anything else for a god and then worship it as one. Right so far?

How does one know when they are making that mistake? If I put a bible in front of a polytheist and he reads that god wants no other gods before Him then how in the hell is he supposed to know its a mistake to think God is actually referring to entities nicknamed gods and not real ones?

in the case of scripture there are clear references to the qualities of god that no other god can possess (cause of all causes, fully independent etc)
I gave an eg earlier of 4 sages who were worshiping Lord Brahma (a demigod)
until they happened to encounter him worshipping Vishnu (god)
Of course this is not a case of mistaken identity like befell so many polytheists.
with the cargo cultists you can actually indicate rusted out hulls of ships and planes and say "Look - all you are worshiping are large chunks of metal" - it's not clear how you propose to similarly indicate this in the case of other theistic claims
with the cargo cultists you can actually indicate rusted out hulls of ships and planes and say "Look - all you are worshiping are large chunks of metal" - it's not clear how you propose to similarly indicate this in the case of other theistic claims

You're the theist claiming other gods are mistaken identities, not me.
with the cargo cultists you can actually indicate rusted out hulls of ships and planes and say "Look - all you are worshiping are large chunks of metal"

Isn't hinduism typically pantheistic? If so wouldn't it stand that regardless to what is being worshipped, it's actually this god that's being worshipped? If so one really can't say "just chunks of metal". You could worship dog turd and it would still be god. Of course hinduism also has it's polytheistic aspects which is kind of strange given the above.
Isn't hinduism typically pantheistic? If so wouldn't it stand that regardless to what is being worshipped, it's actually this god that's being worshipped? If so one really can't say "just chunks of metal". You could worship dog turd and it would still be god. Of course hinduism also has it's polytheistic aspects which is kind of strange given the above.
actually I agree

the undifferentiated monistic view of some branches of hinduism does have severe philosophical problems
actually I agree

Ok then. Needless to say then, as everything is god and god is everything, then anything anyone ever does is perfect because they're god, (unless god is imperfect). In saying, I don't understand why you often whine about other peoples habits.. it's arguing with yourself, (everything is god). What's wrong with lust? The person with lustiness is god, lust itself is god, hell - even the pubic lice are god. It's all good..
Ok then. Needless to say then, as everything is god and god is everything, then anything anyone ever does is perfect because they're god, (unless god is imperfect). In saying, I don't understand why you often whine about other peoples habits.. it's arguing with yourself, (everything is god). What's wrong with lust? The person with lustiness is god, lust itself is god, hell - even the pubic lice are god. It's all good..

I also have a field day with undifferentiated monism too

Wait.. are you agreeing/disagreeing? What? Are you a pantheist? No need for pointless smileys, a yes or no will suffice.
Wait.. are you agreeing/disagreeing? What? Are you a pantheist? No need for pointless smileys, a yes or no will suffice.

looks like you are asking a loaded question (again) since there are (at least) five types on monotheistic thought in hinduism

advaita (undifferentiated onesness)
suddha-advaita (purified oneness),
dvaita-advaita (simultaneous oneness and difference),
visista-advaita (oneness with distinction)
dvaita. (dualism)