The Wiccan Rede...

Re: Banshee

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
You practice Wicca? Ive always thought that to be the most interesting religion. Ive tried to start a discussion with my husband (who is a strict southern baptiste) but he just wont hear anything on the subject. Its a shame what christianity did to the wiccan religion...

Groove on

Hold on, what did I miss, what did christians do to wicca again?

You say it as if there is something bad, but the only thing I can think of was that they were too strict and upity, and drove their teenagers to find a religion that they knew would piss them off.

And why does the rede sound like Yoda wrote it? hehe, everywhere he is, look carefully you must.
Wiccans (natural healers)

I am a natural healer...

but i feel like a child struggling to learn something; if i try to heal it rarely works as well as if i just let it happen...

I do not need spells; although i do controlled breathing...

-...what made you relize you could control things around you...

sometimes i feel like i am a child...literally...
-what is your state of mind when doing (spells)?

-what are you thoughts on reincarnation...spirit energy (chi)...eastern medicine...

- do you wake up in the middle of the night from strange dreams and are very very thirsty?
Re: Wiccans (natural healers)

Originally posted by Panther
if i try to heal it rarely works as well as if i just let it happen...

- do you wake up in the middle of the night from strange dreams and are very very thirsty?

Hold on here. . . if it doesn't work any better than it would if the person just healed naturaly. . . then how do you know that you did anything?

And Yes I often wake up from strange dreams, and I'm often very thirsty, but then I'm in a desert and the air is very dry.
Meaning said
Hold on here. . . if it doesn't work any better than it would if the person just healed naturaly. . . then how do you know that you did anything?


Natural healer
Healing Naturally
are not used interchangbly

A natural healer is a person that possess a unique ablity to help other people cure abnormalities physical, mental, emotion, or spiritual by sharing there energy with others...

Healing Naturally is a process we all develope
Ex. Skinned Knee: a scab will form i.e. healing naturally

What I said....
if i try to heal it rarely works as well as if i just let it happen...

What I meant is...
if i force my ability or try to control it in a specific way...

But if...
I just work with the person body and just let the process happen
(meaning, let my energy shift theirs back to equilibrium) then it works better...

Because sometimes I really want to help someone so I try and force a healing...the results are not as positive

But if...
they choose me...and I just let it happen then the results usually have a lasting positive result...

What I said....
- do you wake up in the middle of the night from strange dreams and are very very thirsty?

My dreams a very real to me...I appreciate your comments mystech; but I would like Banshee to take the dream and analyze it for me...thank-you
Analyzing dreams is no mystical process. I'm sure that Banshee will be the first to tell you that she can only take guesses, because it was not her own dream. It has special meaning to YOU and relevance within YOUR own life, not hers, and if she doesn't know what sort of person you are, or what's going on in your life, she can't relate it to anything that would really make sense.

You yourself are more qualified to interpret your own dreams, or at very least a psychiatrist whom you speak to regularly, and I do advise that for many of the people who post on these forums.
As far as Love Spells go you can't use them to influence another person but they can be used to attract love into your life without the consequences of influencing someone:)


I guess you could call it a spell; however, I do not have a set of words or phrases that I say...

I believe "in a way" your right...although we all do it a little differently...

Best of Life ... Panther