The Wiccan Rede...


Registered Senior Member
The Wiccan Rede
Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme. Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune. Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two. When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth. When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows. Oak in the forest towers with might in the fire it brings the God's insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower. Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland. Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye. Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning- adds its strength to the bright fire burning.

White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility. Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine. Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen. Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be. Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.

As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain. When the time for Imbolg shows watch for flowers through the snows. When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltaine fires will burn As the wheel turns to Lammas night power is brought to magick rite.

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all. When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules. In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way. When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight. Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall. Heed the flower, bush, and tree By the Lady blessed you'll be.

Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know. When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed. With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend. Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow. Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you. Eight words the Rede fulfill And ye harm none, do what ye will.


"Be the change you want to see in the world"
M.K. Ghandi


Whatever joy there is in this world,
All comes from desiring others to be happy,
and whatever suffering there is in this world
All comes from desiring myself to be happy.

(from "The Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying" by Sogyal Rinpoche

why do everyone think tht all pagans are wiches. it's the same as saying tht all christians are priests
Not a witch, a Banshee, that calls out of the storm to guide us to our doom.

Not really but ya know:D

You practice Wicca? Ive always thought that to be the most interesting religion. Ive tried to start a discussion with my husband (who is a strict southern baptiste) but he just wont hear anything on the subject. Its a shame what christianity did to the wiccan religion...

Groove on
most wicans do not considerate their beliefs as a religion. They simply live wicca not believe in it.
[for the record: I'm not a wiccan, but I live my beliefs also]

wicca is one of the many forms of paganism
we had a witch come to a scout thing once and i found that alot of her belifs fit closly with mine but i have never had a chance to check it out more fully

You know, from what I know of wiccan, I agree with most of it but I too, have never looked into it further.

From what I heard (I could be wrong) they dont consider themselves witches because a true wiccan does not do spells. Good or bad spells. They say everything you put out comes back X 3. Am I right about that???
The they could do good spells cause the cosiquences would be good but i may be wrong (thats what she told me anyway)

Do you know the relationship between the elements and the spells...? :)

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
*They say everything you put out comes back X 3. Am I right about that???*

Yes, you are very right about that. :) Wiccans were known in some earlier time as 'White Magicians'. Wiccans are healers. They do good to others and be ware of the 'evil' they can do to others. It is not an option for real Wiccans.

Everything you do in life has its back fire on your life. Doing bad, spells or not, back fires much more and much harder. That's very true...!

Yes, TruthSeeker, I do know about the connection between the elements and the so called spells. Don't go into spells from Wiccans here, in the thread. It is not allowed to write them down in the open so people can try them out, without the right knowledge on how to use the spells, and use them for their own intentions, good or bad. My apolgies...:)

Don't forget, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of variations of Wicca ("Trads"), and likely several thousand "solitary" Wiccans out in the world as well. Not all are under oaths of secrecy about their spells at all, and even those under some sort of oath can usually speak *of* spells and how they work, they'll just shy away from posting a spell's complete "recipe" due to the responsibility.

Also, Wicca is just one variation of Pagan Witchcraft. Wicca was assembled in the 50's by Gerald Gardner, supposedly out of older rites and rituals taught to him - it is certainally not the only "legitimate" way of practicing Pagan Witchcraft. (I say "supposedly" because the proof for this has never been provided, though really it's irrelevant to me, I consider Wicca to be quite legit.)

Myself, I'm a non-Wiccan Pagan Witch. I did spend a year-and-a-day as an initiate in an established Wiccan coven, however, so I guess that's what makes me think I have the right to talk about Wicca. :) I have since parted company with that group, though I still count them as valued friends and will occasionally dance a fire with them.

Wicca and Witchcraft are pretty tightly intwined at first glance, so can be difficult to sort some of the ideas apart, but the "returns X3" idea is a Wiccan one. "Law of Three" or "Law of Return" is what I know that principle by. It's not one I personally believe in, actually.

I also have a problem with the terms "white magic" and "black magic", or "white witch" or "black witch" - to a Witch such as myself these ideas are foreign to my spiritual practices, and actually downright misleading. There is nothing (in my magical path) "evil" about blackness, darkness, and negativity. Everything in balance...

Anyhow, I'm more than happy to discuss Witchcraft, spellwork, etc. with anybody interested. One of my favorite topics. :)

Please go on. This topic facinates me. I love learning about other peoples belifes
Cupric, I mentioned that in earlier times, as in, a long while back, people called Wiccans White Magicians. :) Now-a-days it's different and the Wiccans have more freedom, so to say.

About spells and how they work, I prefer not to talk here on the thread, just because I've had 'bad' experiences with people to who I was trying to explain and actually showed how the spells and rituals work.

I am open for a discussion about it though. :) Maybe I'll change my mind.

Blackness, darkness and 'evil' are not in my path of living. :) The Wiccan way is my path now for a long time, my life is going pretty well... :)
All spells are Love spells

If someone uses a spell in the name of Love...
It will never be bad, or go wrong...

Besides that, if you do a pell witout Love, it turns to be very weak.

What gives power to a spell is the Love we put on it. :)

If someone uses a spell in the name of Love...
It will never be bad, or go wrong...

I disagree, Nelson. That's a beautiful sentiment, but unfortunately it's very rarely true. In fact, so-called "love spells" are pretty much forbidden in most traditions - Banshee can perhaps help me explain why.

For me (and most other Witches) the decision to cast a spell hinges on a question of whether or not it manipulates someone else's free will. I have a great amount of respect for each individual persons' right to live their life according to their own choices, so I am very cautious in applying any sort of magical spell to someone without permission beforehand.

Some traditions will even forbid something that appears to be perfectly beneficial, such as a healing spell, without that explicit permission. The reason for this is usually involving a concept of Karma - perhaps that illness is a necessary learning tool to that person, and therefore by applying healing without permission you are interrupting their learning process and causing havoc with thier Karma. If the sick person were to *ask* for a healing spell, that would be acceptable, however. I don't personally see it as that much of an extreme, but you will definitely find those that do. (Probably most will be Wiccan.)

So...there's one definition of "black" magic for you - magic that influences someone's will without their permission.

And let's look at love spells - while this probably isn't precisely what you were talking about, Nelson, it's relevant enough, I think.

Ever heard the saying "If you loves something, set it free..."? This is excellent advice, I'd say. A love spell is just the opposite - magically cultivating an impression of affection for someone they don't actually care for is one of the biggest intrusions into someone's freedom I can imagine. No matter how much "in love" I ever felt with someone, I would never cast a spell upon them to make them love me back. I would be fooling myself, for one thing, and for another my lover would literally be "out of his mind". Spells of this nature can backfire wildly too - I have heard of the target of a love spell becoming a violent stalker once the spell caster realized she didn't like the guy so much after all and tried to get rid of him. He became obsessed with her, and maybe the spell wasn't completely to blame, but I'm sure it added to the fire.

Nelson, I'm sure you're familiar with the quote, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"? Sometimes, a spell designed with all the love in the world is nothing more than a bad idea, and at the extreme can be downright dangerous in the right (or wrong, as the case may be) circumstances.