The What Would Jesus do Thread.

Matthew 6:7

This describes many people on this forum, sorry, the truth is grim.

8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

This line is to be taken literally. The holy name of God, YHWH.

This is speaking on the goal of our Heavenly Father to bring Heaven upon the Earth.

Just as your will is law in Heaven, it is on Earth.

Help if nothing else just to feed my daily hunger.

If you want forgiveness, give forgiveness.

If God were evil he would lead us to temptation daily.

do you know what the key of Solomon is ? Some Jewish sect figured out what its numerical number is. It is part of Jewish mysticism. They go though these great lengths mathematically to come up with it . It is suppose to represent the key that unlocks the door to heaven . The key is 53 and 57 I have found that fuck unbelievable in my personal life . The other number that represents " Yhwh is 26 . Now as the path is narrow as they say I ask the question . What is the forgotten war in history ? O.K. theres your riddle sport . Now you are like Jesus and I am Like the Devil and we are at the top of a great Mountain ( S,F, for every one to see ) Now that face the devil what say yee? What is the Forgotten War and what can you tell Me about it ?
do you know what the key of Solomon is ? Some Jewish sect figured out what its numerical number is. It is part of Jewish mysticism. They go though these great lengths mathematically to come up with it . It is suppose to represent the key that unlocks the door to heaven . The key is 53 and 57 I have found that fuck unbelievable in my personal life . The other number that represents " Yhwh is 26 . Now as the path is narrow as they say I ask the question . What is the forgotten war in history ? O.K. theres your riddle sport . Now you are like Jesus and I am Like the Devil and we are at the top of a great Mountain ( S,F, for every one to see ) Now that face the devil what say yee? What is the Forgotten War and what can you tell Me about it ?

The forgotten war is the war that we are all fighting right now. Often we notice it, often it is forgotten. It is the war of good and evil.
What is the Forgotten War and what can you tell Me about it ?
What can I tell you about it?
I can't remember.

On a slightly more serious note: it depends on which one you mean. There have been a number of wars that are called "The Forgotten War".
I guess each time that appellation is applied it means the person so naming it forgot about the previous one.
Evil Because that has to happen before the kingdom of heaven is realized . 9/11. Evil was one event that brought us to this day . I call it a wake up call . Wake up . The cause of what ask " The Evil " Your part of it by your conditioning
Who died for you so you might live . I got one hell over an example for you I doubt you will dispute


You said people die so i can live. Jesus is not "people" people means more than one person. and of cource i believe Jesus died so that i may have eternal life.

Still don't get what this 9/11 talk. I took no part in 9/11 so i do not know what is going on inside your head.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You said people die so i can live. Jesus is not "people" people means more than one person. and of cource i believe Jesus died so that i may have eternal life.

Still don't get what this 9/11 talk. I took no part in 9/11 so i do not know what is going on inside your head.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But we all take part in this blasphemous society which we live. Key word, may be eternal. You have to work for it my friend.
But we all take part in this blasphemous society which we live. Key word, may be eternal. You have to work for it my friend.

No i don't. Jesus did the work for it. If you think you can do the work to obtain eternity in perfection then i hope you change your belief one day.

Anyone who would think they can pay for eternity with God by a limited life of works is very misguided.

I can almost hear God laughing at such vanity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Jesus did the work for it.
Work for what? God would not send the Son of man merely to die. However, he knew that this was the outcome, he sent Jesus to lead man from temptation, and up until this day and age we have steered clear of it, but the Messiah will soon return to see who is written in the book.

I can almost hear God laughing at such vanity.

IF you hear God laughing then he is laughing at you.
What can I tell you about it?
I can't remember.

On a slightly more serious note: it depends on which one you mean. There have been a number of wars that are called "The Forgotten War".
I guess each time that appellation is applied it means the person so naming it forgot about the previous one.

oh i'm talking about one of em in World war II. The The one that some how must be connected with Peal Harbor I think ?

I suppose you are right . That there are many Forgotten wars and wars with that Title . Kind of makes it sound like " Important " When in fact it could have been 2 sibling fighting for the last piece of be bread . Start family feud. Hatfield and McCoy style
oh i'm talking about one of em in World war II. The The one that some how must be connected with Peal Harbor I think ?
Connected with pearl Harbour?

Trying to guess the twisted convolutions of your "thought processes"... Burma?
No he didn't.

He didn't because you say he didn't. He did because I say he did and my faith is greater than yours. He was sent to lead man from temptation. Who failed who?

Hmm, we've steered clear of temptation? What temptation? I'm only asking because you've also stated

Temptations of life. I don't need to make any accusations.