The Way of the LORD

spidergoat: "In fact, belief in the lord was responsible for the deaths of many women, non-believers, and unconventional believers, to say nothing of the suppression of scientific facts."

Battig1370: Jesus said, "They shall put you out of the synagogues (churches): yes, the time is coming that whosoever kills you will think that he offers God service." And these things will they do to you because they have not known The Father, nor Me." - (John 16:2-3)

Just because killers and murders say they believe in the Lord dose not make what they say true.

spidergoat: Why is it, almost every Christian I know supports wars, not just in Iraq, but in general?

Battig1370: Why is it? It because they in a false Christ, who is the Beast.

spidergoat: "You demand love, but tell me, how do you make people love that don't?"

Battig1370: No one can demand love, and also, not even the Lord can demand love. "how do you how do you make people love that don't?" Not even the Lord can make people love that don't.

spidergoat: "Millions of Hindus, Buddhists, and others will never believe in the Lord"

Battig1370: The Way of the Lord has nothing to do with religion, but it has all to do with love.

Their are many that say, "I believe in the Lord", "I am saved", and so on, and do not do according to the 'Way of the Lord'; does this mean that they are truthful.

Also, their are others that say, "I do not believe in the Lord", but they do according to the 'Way of the Lord'. 'Altruistic love' has no religious or cultural boundaries, but it's religious and cultural pride that is a stumbling block to live according to the 'Way of the Lord'.

When have you heard a world leader say to his people, "love your neighbor as you love yourself? And let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and truth. The Way of the Lord is the way for Peace."

spidergoat: "You think you follow a religion of peace, while supporting warmongering leaders, intolerant laws, and leaving the poor at the mercy of the charitable whims of the rich."

Battig1370: Warmongering leaders do not believe in the 'Way of the Lord' because they cause destruction and suffering for sake of power and for the sake of religious and cultural pride. It deeply sadden me that the Kings of the earth and their armies refuse to accept the 'Way of the Lord' in their lives. I will say again, the only way for Peace is for people to accept the 'Way of the Lord' in their lives.

For anyone who disagrees, let the world know and show the world of another way for peace.

Peace be with you, Paul
Battig, ye'r starting to get annoying. If ye'r gonna argue for Christianity, I can't stop ya. But please don't put it in preach form. That's not the way to convince us of anything.

No one taught me how to write in different ways, because I don't have much schooling, is that what's annoying to you?

Christianity is a religion. Where did you get the idea that I argue for Christianity? I don't call myself a christian and I don't like being labled as a christian! I don't even know what preach form is. What did I write, that is annoying to you?

Christian that whorship Saul/St.Paul's Christ, whorship the image of the Beast; is that annoying to you?

Jesus was not a christian; is that annoying to you?

The religious Jews rejected and killed Jesus; because Jesus claimed to be the 'Son of God'; is that annoying to you? The Jews answered to Pilate, "We have a law, and according to our law He ought to die, because He made himself the Son of God" - (John 19:7).

The Way of the Lord, is to love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth; is that annoying to you?

Peace be with you, Paul
*gort: "Why doesn't God step in and just create world peace? A god of love who sits back and watches death and destruction is not a God of love."

Battig1370: Interesting question. Why doesn't God step in and just create world peace? Because people do not want world peace.

*gort: "A god of love who sits back and watches death and destruction is not a God of love."

Battig1370: If you are God what would you do? God already sent a messenger named Jesus, but he has been rejected.

The Way of the Lord, is to love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth.

How is God going to just create world peace against the wishes of all the nations in the world. Peace cannot be established by force, because to have peace, love must rule in every aspect of the human community.

The Way of the Lord is the only way for world peace.

How many people and/or how many nations do you know that what world peace?

God will step in when He know that His People want world peace. His People, where are they?

Peace be with you, Paul
Athelwulf: "Please don't preach to us"

Battig1370: "Who are the 'us' that you are referring to? Let the viewers know."

Peace be with you, Paul
Athelwulf said, "Please don't preach to us"

"Who are the 'us' that Athelwulf is referring to?

Peace be with you, Paul
this I wrote in your thread preaching.

us being the the world population, they/we dont need you indoctrinating BS.
let us be ourselves first, and if we wish to follow a god, then so be it.
Adstar said:
When The Holy Spirit is within you then love is ruling you. The peace is not world peace it is a personal peace. That peace remains no matter what troubles this life throws at you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar, Yes,
John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.​
You are absolutely right! The peace is within. We are told we must have tribulations in the world - but through it all, we will have peace within.

Paul, I like your preaching, so please don't stop on my account.
gort: Why doesn't God step in and just create world peace?

Battig1370: Is like asking, why doesn't Love step in and just create world peace?

Peace be with you, Paul
spidergoat: Why is it, almost every Christian I know supports wars

Battig1370: Because the founder of Christianity is Saul/St.Paul and not Jesus.

Peace be with you, Paul
Where in Pauls righting is their any support for followers of Jesus fighting wars?

verse please.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

2 Cor 10:3
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
battig1370: Why is it, almost every Christian I know supports wars? Because the founder of Christianity is Saul/St.Paul and not Jesus.
M*W: So, so true! Paul was known for his insurgencies, inciting riots, murder, thievery and pathological lying, not to mention the libel he produced in the NT. NOWHERE in the NT is Jesus quoted -- NOWHERE! Jesus' "words" were Paul's words. Paul was epileptic, he had grand mal seizures indicating brain lesion(s), and he had hallucinations that he wrote down and called it christianity.
gort: Why doesn't God step in and just create world peace?
Battig1370: Is like asking, why doesn't Love step in and just create world peace?
M*W: There is no god to step-in. Humanity has the responsibility of creating world peace. is naive and childish to wonder why 'God-y' (ie., 'daddy') dont come and sort out the evil doings of people

the TERRIBle fact is is that we are ALL in this togther. as SOOn as you give up on your own insights and blindly follow authority, without looking AT where the authority comes from. its history, etc. then you are just going along with it, and are responsible for its continuance.
This doesn't mean to say that when you DO starl lookingat it, and behind the scene you can stop the corruption and evil, but you are then really starting to see through it, and share this with others, and them the same. so it's a grass roots kind of thing, rather than expecting suits or 'God' to sort out the mess
but if you aren;'t aware of that, and imagine a 'God' gonna come and separate the what from the chaff, then you are stuck in THEIR myth. tha's precisly what they believe. all the hypocrites, the ones who voted in warmoger, war criminal BushCo, and then expect to be en-raptured, etc etc...what a pile of.....
Where in Pauls righting is their any support for followers of Jesus fighting wars?

verse please.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

2 Cor 10:3
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
Adstar: Where in Pauls righting is their any support for followers of Jesus fighting wars? verse please.
M*W: Try most of The Acts. Of course, Luke wrote what Paul wanted him to, but there are references to Paul's terrorizing, murdering, martyring, and creating riots and wars against the true followers of Jesus. For some reason, Christians just gloss over these parts reinterpreting what Luke actually said about Paul.
gort said:
Why doesn't God step in and just create world peace? A god of love who sits back and watches death and destruction is not a God of love.

Because then we wouldn't deserve it.
Adstar said:
Where in Pauls righting is their any support for followers of Jesus fighting wars?

verse please.
I'd like to see that (or some other proof) as well, Medicine Woman.
one_raven: I'd like to see that (or some other proof) as well, Medicine Woman.
M*W: I researched The Acts and I belive it clearly gives the message that Paul warred against factions of christians. He was not a nice guy. Luke was able to slip some truth into The Acts without Paul dominating Luke's writings.