The War on Death

Stryder said:
Why spend fortunes on trying to prolong our physical existance in it's current form when perhaps a stronger more robust, easier to repair and potentially more useful form (not needing to breath oxygen or eat food) could be our future?
What will it come down too? Instead you will break down mentally, and not be able to do anything, being in anxiety for the rest of eternity, you should respect the way things are. It never ends you know.
Aggressive supplementation of vitamins and nutrients, a healthy diet, and regular physical checkups.

If you are under 40, that should get you to the next round of medical breakthroughs that will suspend death greatly.
Before waging a war on death, I want understand what defines me as me. Can death perhaps be a new beginning of another life, as another book that I open.
Maybe everyone could take a guess as to how long in the future it will take for death to be killed. For people to never die. For immortality. Never could be your answer. I say within 30 years if the world got together on its own accord. But is it actually possible at all. Im told that physics says that its impossible. Should everyone give up hope? Its impossible for me to come up with an argument that eternal life is possible using physics. Surely. So thats it. I lose. Physics says eternal life is impossible and thats that. This is the absolute truth. Lets permanently divert our attention to other things. It is heresy and delusional to think eternal life is possible and that physics will even say eternal life is possible. Physics will always say eternal life is impossible and physics will never say that eternal life is possible. These are the physics. Accept physics. God damn accept them before I break your god damn legs and god damn everything god damn it. Got it!

"I bow before thee O great physics"(which I actually "believe" will say eternal life is possible)(but others are more stupid) (real stupid)(real real stupid)(tis lucky these brackets stop them reading me calling them stupid and saying physics will totally say eternal life is possible)(theyd soon have me killed) "I bow before thee O great Physics" (for they shall surely read one day "eternal life is possible") "I bow before thee O great physics" (and come ready to accept the insults, punishments and beatings that others will bestow upon me for telling of the true you should I choose this path). I repent and change my answer to never for I see now this is the truth.(not). I accept current physics. (not).

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Physics? More like biochem if you ask me. Nonetheless eternal life is possible but not really my cup of tea, unless I am able to spend some of my life traveling to other planets. I like earth but not so keen on the society we humans have created; let me just put it this way with a quote from my favorite comedian.

"I am an outsider by choice, it is the disgust of the system that keeps me out"-G. Carlin
Miracuosly curing strangers, a very important immortal said, "seek and you shall find. . . . Knock and it shall be opened to you.". He repeatedly proclaimed the need for faith. This crosses where mortals fall while others passover.
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Do you guys know what the "Grim reaper" gene(don't know the scientific name)is. it's what controlles our aging process. scientists have predicted that we will live to about 380 years before we die if we can turn it off... i don't know if that is a good thing but what ever... they have already tested it on rats (which share this gene with us)
What possibly can an ordinary individual person do in the war death? I command you to do stuff. Those who want to do stuff.
People, dying, for no reason at all,
Age is no difference or if you're large or small
Families, been torn apart,
Doesn't have to be this way,
Some people, just have no heart,
It's happening every day,

Pure massacre,
Pure massacre...
Pure massacre,
Pure massacre. :eek:
Why should anyone be hostile against something as natural as death is?
Without death there would be no life and no evolution.
As Indiana Jone's father said: "Let it go!"

A deathless world is a world of stagnation.

Besides at death nothing happens, atoms and energy just rearranges itself into new forms and stuff. It's a wonderful thing.