The War on Death

I'm thinking it shouldn't have to come to that. Your still actually dieing.
Crunchy Cat is right. All should surrender. The War on Death is lost. It's hopeless. The war was over before it even started. Everyones fighting for no reason. Let us all die not even putting up a fight. Theres more valuable things. The meaning of life is death. Lets put no effort into the war on death. Whats the point.

You still have to die just not permanently. I'd rather not die at all. Now if the world got together.......
I just think the war on death needs more media, word of mouth etc behind it. More internationally recognisable logos. Websites. People meeting together and speaking with the respect and concern that war should be given Anything that gives it more attention or progresses it. The war on death needs organisation. People that believe its possible need to focus more attention and be brought together in meetings or something. Surely its not a waste of time to be fighting for immortality. If you think it is then just ignore what you see and hear about the war on death and laugh at us for being fools. Impossible is being me and trying to get people to organise against death. I'm not happy with how the world is fighting the war on death. What can I do? Here I am. I should shut my mouth. What hope do I have.
Couldn't we start off by not killing each other? I don't mean us, personally, but in general. Wars and stuff.
If enough people started preaching that noones gunna die permanently, err everyone gets brought back to life at some point in the future, by humans not god, then the people that want to kill might see that there was less point to it. Like whats the point of killing someone if they don't actually die. I'm sure the people of the future will have ways of punishing people to. That could also be preached. Preached is a nasty word isn't it.
You could make a law allowing people to reproduce only after a certain age, and then gradually move that point upward. Then the genes for dying earlier would not be passed on, and we could extend life into several centuries. Read: Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene".
The war on death is a hardware problem, consider that a computer's software can run for a very long time just as long as the hardware is not rosted or exposed to extreme conditions and so forth, besides life or conciousness is nothing more than than the systemic synchronicity and organization of many parts, keep the parts functioning and they will automatically take care of each other. My suggestion for cryogenics is to freeze the hardware- the torso and legs, keeping only the head(software) at room temperature. The brain won't do a lot of work when the rest of the body is frozen. Maybe in the near future we can perfect brain implants and manufacture body parts complete with serial numbers.
Well you could suggest the first motion picture was caught on cell film, which has a shelf life. The only way to preserve it would be to move it to another film type, then perhaps VHS, then further still to DVD or some future technology.

With each iteration there might be loss, or with each iteration there might be the need for some renovation.

All in all for something to continue that obviously has a shelf life it means to have the ability to convert from one form to another, with an attempt to keep within the conversion as much of what originally was existant.

I suppose I'm saying the human body will die, but we can live on if we just accept a media change.
Stryder said:
I suppose I'm saying the human body will die, but we can live on if we just accept a media change.
Personally, I don't know that we even need a media change. I think vitrification in cryonics will be workable. Very little damage done to cells in the brain during freezing. Granted, we will need to be able to repair what damage is done at some point in the future, but I think that some technology (nanomachines is one that a lot of people think of) will be available at some point in the future.
Why spend fortunes on trying to prolong our physical existance in it's current form when perhaps a stronger more robust, easier to repair and potentially more useful form (not needing to breath oxygen or eat food) could be our future?
You mean something like what I remember Cris talking about a few months ago, uploading our memories and identities into some kind of neural net and being able to place the neural net into a cybernetic, robot, airplane, car or spaceship body? If so, I'm all for that too. If it's available before I die, which could be any day now. :) I suppose that all of the sensations of life could be recreated so that it feels like you are rolling around in the hay with your lass or enjoying the taste of a fine wine and a good steak?

a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism b : a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end
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