The Universe say's ''NO!'' to Biased Directions

Guest... not only is there no evidence of that, but you are proving my points more and more. George, as Alphanumeric once told the world was his name, you have now done so as well. The strange relationships between the terminology, mathematically and psychology are so very destinguishable when compaired to AN. And it is by no mistake you targeted three main threads all asociated with similaristic idea's, so it stands to reason you have popped in here, to again, try and strengthen something for yourself.
I just like your ideas. Are you suggesting that someone who likes your ideas should be treated with suspicion?
''I cannot help but notice you don't decide to show some maturity, take the high ground and show us you can do actual maths. ''

Actually, i did. Even though $$i^0$$ is considered undefined, i still showed that any power that raises $$i$$ must yield $$i^2= \pm 1$$

See? You just proved our point. $$i^0=1$$, and $$i^2=-1$$, and that's final. Go ahead and ask anyone with a math degree. Heck more than 9/10 high schoolers will agree. You even agreed in another ridiculous thread with the stupid idea that $$0+0=0$$ means something can come from nothing. These are all basically demented ideas and you're buying into them. Don't post things on advanced topics in physics, don't interrupt university level math discussions, until you've learned this stuff. I told you not to put the cart before the horse before, and you told me "I understand what you're saying, but you're saying it to the wrong guy." So clearly you're the immodest one, because you have less scientific ability than a child and yet you think you're the next Einstein.
Yes. I know. And i am now continuously tired of this, because i have shown proof, that for an imaginary number to exist, you require $$i^0$$ if there is any increasing value at all... so, it's not final. But it is for tonight. I am too tired to debate this.
Yes. I know. And i am now continuously tired of this, because i have shown proof, that for an imaginary number to exist, you require $$i^0$$ if there is any increasing value at all... so, it's not final. But it is for tonight. I am too tired to debate this.

Yes it is final, you just don't understand what $$i^0$$ mathematically represents. $$i^0=1$$, it doesn't equal any other complex number. $$i^0=i^{1-1}=\frac{i}{i}=1$$. End of story, there's nothing more to be said about this. You shouldn't comment on math you haven't learned yet, it's a waste of everyone's time.

And no... i do not think i am the next Einstein. When did i ever say this twaddle?????

You voted it, unless by some incredibly rare coincidence your fingers accidentally slipped and you checked it off, which seems highly unlikely. Then you counted that vote to your credit as if someone else had been the one to submit it. In addition, you have told us you know things about physics which could supposedly blow us away, but you have yet to demonstrate a single thing about this supposed knowledge. Actions speak louder than words, so start demonstrating real knowledge, or if you don't have this knowledge (and it's clear you don't, and you've admitted this), then go learn it first before you talk about it.
And no... i do not think i am the next Einstein. When did i ever say this twaddle?????
You have proof there's only 2 universes? You try, without knowing quantum mechanics or neurology, to model conciousness using quantum mechanics. You claim to have explainations of how the universe came about as 'something from nothing'.

And yet you can't do high school algebra. Your enormous claims are not backed up by your demonstration of terrible ability. And if you're tired of it, stop posting BS. We keep telling you that! If you gave us nothing which was in desperate need of correcting, we'd not have to correct you!

And I'm not saying "I am the best". I'm saying "I know enough to know you're wrong, I have shown why you're wrong and I don't want other people thinking your nonsense is something they should learn". You hinder people's learning of science and maths. Tell me, when your (supposed) teacher in your physics class doesn't give you full marks, do you just yell at him "Stop patronising me!! You think you're so smart, coming in here, pointing out my mistakes! It's you who doesn't understand!!!" or do you accept you were wrong, learn from your mistake and next time not make that mistake in that kind of question, thus improving your marks?

If you never accept correction from people who know the correct method, you never learn. I'm not 'the best', but I am better than you at maths and physics. And yet you think you have absolutely nothing to learn from the great many people on these forums who are better than you at maths and physics.

No doubt you'll call me pompous for stating that fact and pointing out how you repeatedly making claims you know to be a lie.
''I cannot help but notice you don't decide to show some maturity, take the high ground and show us you can do actual maths. ''

Actually, i did. Even though $$i^0$$ is considered undefined, i still showed that any power that raises $$i$$ must yield $$i^2= \pm 1$$
$$i^0$$ is defined. It's 1. $$i^2$$ is not $$\pm 1$$, it's -1.
but... you know what... i will continue to ignore.
Yes, you'll continue to ignore everything we try to tell you. We know.