The Universe say's ''NO!'' to Biased Directions

I want people to now reflect on some subtle ''tones'' in the wording of this post, and i now want the mods to admit, that Cpt is Alphnumeric.

Once this is done, well... you'll see...

My, my, my - paranoia sets in again.

Reiku, you've accused just about every intelligent person here (including me) of being Alphanumeric.

When are you going to finally slap yourself on the forehead with the realization that SEVERAL real and distinct individuals disagree with all your nonsense?!?!?!?!?!? :bugeye:
My, my, my - paranoia sets in again.

Reiku, you've accused just about every intelligent person here (including me) of being Alphanumeric.

When are you going to finally slap yourself on the forehead with the realization that SEVERAL real and distinct individuals disagree with all your nonsense?!?!?!?!?!? :bugeye:

Overestimation. In fact huge. I've done it with you, yes, but after how you acted, it affirmed to me you weren't. There was also other differences i hadn't taken into fact, at the time, but this, i can assure you, Cpt is Alphanumeric... and even if not, one is a lacky for the other.
Overestimation. In fact huge. I've done it with you, yes, but after how you acted, it affirmed to me you weren't. There was also other differences i hadn't taken into fact, at the time, but this, i can assure you, Cpt is Alphanumeric... and even if not, one is a lacky for the other.

Actually, there are many differences between those individuals - you just aren't discerning enough to see them. And lacking the simple ability to discern between different things really IS one of your major problems.

It also add to your persecution complex, doesn't it? BIG time!!! :D
Those individuals? I assume we talking about CpT and Aphanumeric, because i find them like dopplegangers at times in usage of words and terminology, and cpt's strange and yet inevitable appearance and directed to my thread almost as quick as word go. This is Alphanumeric. The same ego. Same patter. Same... shadows of each other. You just need to know where to look, and how to look at it. Also, i've never seen them post simultaneously... mmm... Though, that only holds true, unless he has signed in as two different names, and as i have been told, by theory, have a totally different address. I'm not very computer-wise you see.

Add to my complex?

Maybe. I don't see why not, but that don't make what i said wrong.
Those individuals? I assume we talking about CpT and Aphanumeric, because i find them like dopplegangers at times in usage of words and terminology, and cpt's strange and yet inevitable appearance and directed to my thread almost as quick as word go. This is Alphanumeric. The same ego. Same patter. Same... shadows of each other. You just need to know where to look, and how to look at it. Also, i've never seen them post simultaneously... mmm... Though, that only holds true, unless he has signed in as two different names, and as i have been told, by theory, have a totally different address. I'm not very computer-wise you see.

Add to my complex?

Maybe. I don't see why not, but that don't make what i said wrong.

Heh! You've MORE than proven that computers aren't the only things you are not very wise about. In fact, I - and the whole world - are waiting to see if there's ANYTHING at all that you know about. :rolleyes:
Reiku, like I said, if the mods can verify that Alphanumeric and I are posting from two completely different continents, would you agree to never again post in the maths and physics section? I'd like to see you put your money where your mouth is. If you're going to level baseless (and false) accusations at us, and take this to a personal level beyond criticizing my posts for their actual content, then this is an issue the mods need to consider.

The only thing connecting Alphanumeric and myself is that we both speak English, and we both have science educations. If we sound alike, that's because anyone with even a high school education can tell you're full of sh*t. Stop posting garbage in the math & physics section, stop making BS nonsensical assertions about physics, and I'll stop criticizing your posts. Alphanumeric clearly feels as I do that your nonsense does not deserve to go unchallenged. Seeing how many of your junk posts end up in the cesspool indicates to me that at least some of the mods agree with me. In fact, just about everyone I've seen respond to your posts is sick and tired of your drivel, and the few are aren't seem to be those who admit they don't have formal scientific training. I've seen people posting nonsense which is clearly nonsense, to try and trap you into agreeing with something that everyone who knows a bit about math can see is clearly wrong. The funny thing is that you then turn around and claim these are people who agree with you, because you can't even tell they're messing with you. You should be grateful I don't play those games with you like that, I'm up front and call your BS wherever I see it.

I'm going to consider reporting you to the mods because I'm tired of seeing you resort to paranoid, nonsensical personal attacks when your logic gets picked apart. Your posts are not helpful to those with little science background who are trying to get accurate scientific information, and they're disruptive to everyone else's conversations. You're not fooling or impressing anyone when you try to answer math and physics questions about material you don't even understand, so stop trying. I'm not even going to go into the blatant lies and inconsistencies you've stated about your own past in an attempt to appear credible. If you don't want trained scientists to criticize your work, then post it in appropriate areas like the pseudoscience section, which was made specifically for people like you who keep getting their "wires crossed".
Difference is tho, i tield no falsity from mu accusations, thought, still open-minded. But after what i have seen, and seen even further, is that there are numerous grammatical simularities between these two we have come to know as Cpt And Alphanumeric,

Here's an added accusation.

Alphanumeric, upon discovering i was Neo at physorg a long time back, rushed here, and started to flame my idea's, and it wasn't until then, did others begin to sing his song. Difference though, it that it was not out of ''seeing this from the correct angle,'' but instead, the general nature, perhaps even ego of many here who also share codial names in other forums, so groups are joined, and in the end of the day, we can potentially speak to four different people, and yet, they could very well be the same person. This is not baseless. It's a fact.
I met you and Alphanumeric at the same time. I only learned how to use the Tex editing system a few months ago, because I had to do a wikipedia presentation for one of my classes. Now that I know how to use Tex, I decided to start coming here and sharing my knowledge as well as asking questions of others. I tried to be helpful to you at the start, but it quickly became apparent to me what you were about, and like any responsible individual who knows about certain subjects, I feel a duty to correct you when you post blatant falsehoods.

As just one example of your nonsense, some of us were having a discussion about pure math problems, and you decided to stick your nose in and post completely irrelevant, off-topic material about Relativity, and blatantly false material at that. It doesn't take a pH.D. to see that you can't even grasp the basics of math my friends and I learned when we were 14. It's fine to not understand things and to want to learn, and there are plenty of things I don't know and am still learning myself, and plenty of things I will never have the time to learn. That's not what you're doing. You sell yourself as having knowledge of certain things, then post utter BS which betrays the truth, which is that you know none of the things you claim when it comes to these subjects. It's not fair to those with no background who you mislead into believing you, and it's not fair to those of us trying to have a legitimate conversation about topics we understand and you don't. So stop it, and grow up. Your posts in the math & physics section are no better than spam, and at least most spam messages contain coherent sentences instead of just tossing around random meaningless jargon.
Reiku, you've accused just about every intelligent person here (including me) of being Alphanumeric.
On PhysOrg I was accused of being anywhere from 2 to 20 different people. The people making such claims said they had irrefutable evidence which never actually appeared (and never existed since I have only this account on PhysOrg and here).

Kaneda maintains I'm a mod on PhysOrg and I'm several other people there. Reiku does it too whenever he gets backed into a corner. After all, it's okay that he cannot do basic algebra, so long as CptBork and I are the same person. :rolleyes:

He doesn't seem to realise he's wrong and it's been explained to him why, be it by two different people or the same person with two accounts. Wrong is wrong.

And actually Reiku, I'd known about these forums for a while, having seen that Farsight posted here when I searched for other forums he's plastered his BS 'Relativity+' on and that Kaneda migrated here once banned (which he claims was by me, because according to him I'm a mod on PhysOrg!) and happened to notice Ben was a mod here and the conversation levels a little bit better than PhysOrg.

If you want to put me/us/him/them in my/our/his/their place when it comes to physics and maths why don't you do it via physics and maths rather than whining all the time about there being a conspiracy against you. Is it a conspiracy which makes you post that 1=-1? Or post equations which are gibberish? Or lie about your education, your work and your knowledge? Are we forcing you to post all the crap you do? Nope. So wether there's only you and me on these forums and everyone else is a sockpuppet of mine or there's no sock puppetry at all, your errors remain. And you continue to post the same ones repeatedly.

You complain I supposedly lie, yet you have lied so very many times and been caught doing so.
Either way, you're not a modest scientist. I think Cpt likes to think he is, but he's not got a very good way of expressing the ''need'' to interrogate anyone who enjoys physics, to stick at it, rather than trying to bring the person down. Again, yet, another similarity... it's something you both inexorably lack.
Heh, the person who voted himself as the next Einstein complaining about modesty.

Reiku, if you want to avoid people getting personal, you should respond to the math with math. That way, if your math is at all correct, you'll at least have some sort of ground to stand compared to the no ground you get from your constant whining and accusations about sock puppets.
We encourage people like Quark Head. I've offered you help, repeatedly. Where have you shown modesty? Where have you shown learning? Where have you shown you can do physics or maths? Every one of your threads turns out to be nonsense. When it's not your thread you post nonsense. When someone points out that nonsense, you do as you're doing now and whine about it rather than saying "Thanks, I was mistaken about how to multiply out (a+ib)(a-ib), I should go and practice that a bit more before continuing", you just say "Don't patronise me! You sock puppet!".

The mark of a scientist is being able to say "I was wrong, thank you" and actually learning from that experience. You never do.
Reiku, if you want to avoid people getting personal, you should respond to the math with math. That way, if your math is at all correct, you'll at least have some sort of ground to stand compared to the no ground you get from your constant whining and accusations about sock puppets.
I say that to all the cranks who dislike being corrected by me. If they want to put me 'in my place' and shut me up, put their physics or maths where their mouth is.

They never step up. Just like Reiku didn't, but I did, when he challenged me. He ran away from his own challenge!
''We encourage people LIKE Quarkhead...''

Oh, good for you. Now, was quark head not yet only another lacky in the end? He did afterall gang up with you at the beginning, and then ''supposidly told'' you that you should give me some thought... or is it that you now act as a boycott for the actions of everyone here?
Oh, good for you. Now, was quark head not yet only another lacky in the end? He did afterall gang up with you at the beginning, and then ''supposidly told'' you that you should give me some thought... or is it that you now act as a boycott for the actions of everyone here?
I cannot help but notice you don't decide to show some maturity, take the high ground and show us you can do actual maths. You instead decide to go down the road of there being a conspiracy against you.

Perhaps the reason people who know science all tell you, on multiple forums, that you're wrong all the time is that all the time, you are wrong! Shocking I know. But I know you've posted on BAUT and I know you got very much the same kind of comments there as you have had elsewhere. Just as Farsight got when he posts his Relativity+ here, PhysOrg and BAUT (and about another half dozen others!).

Is it a huge conspiracy or could it be the common denominator, you, are nowhere near as good at physics and maths as you delude yourself into thinking you are?
$$\| fg \|_{L^2} = Sp(3)/\mathbf{Z}_2 \int_\Sigma K(t,\tau) e^{\tau X} (fg)(\tau)\, \mathrm{d}\tau = \mathrm{potato?}$$
People who come on as Guests are cowards. It wouldn't even surprise me even more if one of you *Like alphanumeric, since expressions like S(U) are commonly used by him, has simply tried to make a mockery of what he would like to call easy math.

Shouting, ''Mathematical Salad,'' and knowing not who you are, is but lazy, arrogant and unscientific.
''I cannot help but notice you don't decide to show some maturity, take the high ground and show us you can do actual maths. ''

Actually, i did. Even though $$i^0$$ is considered undefined, i still showed that any power that raises $$i$$ must yield $$i^2= \pm 1$$ but... you know what... i will continue to ignore. Be the child. That's how you want it isn't it? Me playing the villain? And ask youself, why i never try and entertain a thought you have, or why i never entertain your threads, of what small amount you ever do contribute to a forum... only seems to be works of ''i am the best,'' and ''don't argue with me, cuz i know,'' are simply just dispositions on your own insecurities about how you see the world around you, and how it stares back...

... difference is, is that you target people who are less smarter mathematically-wise... however, that don't by no means measure the level of intellect.