The Universe Is All That Exists

Why shouldn't it? 'Universe' revers to everything that exists anywhere in any state. Anything that exists is, be definition, part of the universe.
dalahar said:
the whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated
sounds like the totality of all that exists.

a distinct field or province of thought or reality that forms a closed system or self-inclusive and independentorganization
is this wher you get the "closed" from?
this is obviously referring to a province of thought or reality. in the sense of being complete. closed does necessitate that something exists outside. something such as the universe can be closed and be complete.

unless your understanding of universe is in the cosmic sense of being a smaller system within a larger system.

[edit] missed this bit
dalahar said:
(2): milky way galaxy (3): an aggregate ofstars comparable to the Milky Way galaxy

dalahar, you need to get an updated dictionary. The milky way is just an average one of hundreds of billions of galaxies and other structures that exist in the universe.
dalahar said:
If the universe is expanding, then what is it expanding into?
is the universe expanding or is that a postualte from the evidence we have?

Something else that takes up space. Is that not right?
this "something else" it must have principles, properties and elements, it must have charecteristics , it is some sort of environment, it it not?

If it is wrong, then what do you call the nothing that it is expanding into?
if it is expanding it is expanding within itself, so you could call the nothing "the unvierse". jewish philosophy has a model called "ain soph" meaning "the limitless" this would be what you undesrtand as nothing, this nothing is then impregnated with "ain soph aur" meaning "the limitless light" this would be what you understand as matter, particles, waves, heat, light.

it seems like you understand the univesrse as a system within a system. but then what is the larger system, where is that existing?
this is the same problem as "who created the creator?"
your asking the wrong person, i am not christian and dont accept christian doctrine.

have you anything to say about what we were discussing, or is it this were you start calling me a deluded idiot who lives in afantasy world of fairies and trolls?
deist, theist, fairy believer dude? why everyone need to label me?

"ooh! thats interesting, what is it?"
"i dont know, could be some kind flopsilism"
"yeah, could be! we definitley need a box to keep him in"
"yeah, how can we possible understand him if he isnt in a box"
"wow, i dont know thats like, impossible"
"do you have box he might fit into?"
"no! but i got this badge! we could stick this badge on him"
"whats it say, whats it say?"
"it says "i ♥ god"
"i heart god"
"no you fucking dipshit, i ♥ god"
"thats what i said, i heart god"
"awwhh! fuck the badge! here use this umbrella"
"what, the fantasy one?"
"yeah the fantasy umbrella, the fantasy umbrella always helps me understand those slippery god loving bastards"
What if you got to the edge of the universe and could go no further in the flesh but could only continue if you were in the spirit?
actually my motorbike will get me about as far as anglsey then i will probably have to get a boat after that. how far is the edge of your universe from mine?

I know you don't believe in the spirit,
how do you know that?

but isn't it unscientific to discard the idea of a spirit or heaven because you don't yet have proof?
science is the art of creating problems for an infinity of solutions.

I must not be a scientist.
any more labels to rid your self of, break free of another box, etc

I heart God,
do you feel gods love for you?
I was in the spirit and I overheard you tell your cousin.
then you was not really in the spirit, as i have never spoke such words in maybe 6-7 years.

Everytime I think about the life and death of Christ.
to me that sounds like a box of god. just open that box and have a taste of gods love, and when the box is closed god goes back to heaven.
but then this is how god is revealed to you, and i appreciate that is your path.
How do we know if there's nothing outside our universe? That sounds very much like an assumption...
TruthSeeker said:
How do we know if there's nothing outside our universe? That sounds very much like an assumption...
The point of it is that the definition of Universe is all that exists.
There is no "our Universe" and "other Universes".
If it exists at all, anywhere, whether it is in our neighborhood of space or not, it is part of "The Universe".
By saying it exists, you are saying it is part of the Universe, since the Universe is all that exists.
To say something exists outside of the Universe (outside of all that exists) you are saying that it does not exist.
The Universe is not a "place" it is all.
one_raven said:
The point of it is that the definition of Universe is all that exists.
There is no "our Universe" and "other Universes".
If it exists at all, anywhere, whether it is in our neighborhood of space or not, it is part of "The Universe".
By saying it exists, you are saying it is part of the Universe, since the Universe is all that exists.
To say something exists outside of the Universe (outside of all that exists) you are saying that it does not exist.
The Universe is not a "place" it is all.
Ok. That is a different definition from which we are used to. Ever heard of Big Bang?

I hear you, and I agree it is a good definition. However, that begs the question: how big is the universe?
TruthSeeker said:
I hear you, and I agree it is a good definition. However, that begs the question: how big is the universe?
No it doesn't.
Because if the universe is not a place, it does not have a size.
The difference is that the article treats the Universe as "all that exists" you are thinking of the Universe as a place in space, or even all of space.
The Universe, according to how the writer is defining it, is all of space, all that is IN space, anything that exists (if anything does) outside the boudaries or space... Everything.
one_raven said:
No it doesn't.
Because if the universe is not a place, it does not have a size.
Oh, so we don't live in a place!?
It doesn't have a size. Does that mean it is infinite?
For the moment, let's put that aside.
You said it begs the question, "How big is the Universe?"
I am not sure how it does.
How is that relevant to the point of the article?
Or are you just taking it off on a tangent?
one_raven said:
The difference is that the article treats the Universe as "all that exists" you are thinking of the Universe as a place in space, or even all of space.
The Universe, according to how the writer is defining it, is all of space, all that is IN space, anything that exists (if anything does) outside the boudaries or space... Everything.
Such a definition is convinient and unable to define anything.
Still, it's the best atheist argument I've ever read...
TruthSeeker said:
Such a definition is convinient and unable to define anything.

I don't think it is backpedaling away from defining it, it is simply equating it with "existence".

Saying "the Universe and everything in it" attempts to define the Universe as some sort of container for existence, which I think is fairly meaningless and abstract.

Though I am not sure I DO agree with the definition, I certainly agree with the intention of the post -the argument against the absurd Cosmological Argument.

What is the Universe?
Is it space?
What, then, is space? Some people believe that space was generated as part of the Big Bang, which would mean that space is still being created at the outer edges of matter ejected from the Big Bang. What is beyond that? Nothingness?
If so, then what happens if you live on a planet at the outermost fringe of teh expanding Universe and take a rocket out towards the "end of space"? What happens when you hit the end?

By defining The Universe as "all that exists" these speculative arguments don't get in the way.

However, I think it may have been more accurate to stick to using "existence" rather than "The Universe"...

Hmmm.... Let me go back and read again...