There is a point I've been reminding people of, to assess according to what is not explicitly untrue. Consider:
In a world full of completely unnecessary information one has to make choices what is worth to be ignored.
Well, yes, sure, that's true,
but wrapped up in that is also an obligation to occasionally make reasonable choices.
If one does not make such choices, one ends up knowing nothing about everything.
Well, yes, sure, but that argument has more effect when the one making such choices is sincere, honest, rational, &c.
US internal policies are not a question which is of some interest for me
In and of itself, there is nothing objectionable about this statement. However, your behavioral-political critique actually requires such consideration. Really: When you say stupid things and then declare that reality is not of interest to you, okay, we get it.
This point is my argument, thus, not a change of subject.
To reiterate, since you skipped out on it: We can look at your turn to Biden according to the notion that, apparently, you cannot discern the difference.
Nor is that an empty political hit; you make the point yourself:
These difference may be reasonable and important for a lawyer, but my consideration was not about a lawyer analyzing what has been done according to the official documents, but about a common person thinking with simple common sense if Biden is suspect or not, and if telling Selenskij that this looks suspect is good or bad. I could tell such things, after studying them. But in the context which I consider, this is not relevant, thus, I don't have to be able to tell it.
After a while, it's clear that reality is generally irrelevant to your would-be assessments. For instance, if your standard purports to have anything to do with, "from the point of view of a reasonable person, sufficiently suspect to be corrupt to start criminal investigations", then it should not decide that actual, observable corruption is nothing you care about; it should not disdain the letter of the law. Your argument is paradoxical and self-defeating: If this is merely, "telling the law enforcement of the country where the crime has possibly happened", then there are actually ways to do that. But Trump chose to skip out on that, and if it was merely a slip of the tongue it would not coincide with other factors. For instance, even before we had the complaint, the information leaking as this one came unstitched forewarned us that this was about more than one event; what was actually surprising was just how blatant the one event was. The rest is there, too: Five cabinet secretaries, CIA officials, Acting DNI, and the Vice President, at least, as well as explicit behavior considered demonstrative of cognizance of guilt. Furthermore, President Trump and AG Barr alike operate under the presupposition of a unitary executive, essentially the imperial presidency American conservatives always accuse of Democrats. This is important to bear in mind as we learn more details about how much the administration knew about the whistleblower, and when; resignations of former DNI Dan Coats, as well as his top deputy, Susan Gordon, announced three days after the phone call, and effective what turns out to be three days after the whistleblower files with the Inspector General; nobody is certain whether NSA Bolton's resignation is tied what turns out to be an apparently scandalous aid disbursement to Ukraine.
Compared to the appropriate for "telling the law enforcement of the country where the crime has possibly happened", there seems to be a lot that isn't relevant, and thus you excuse yourself from considering.
It looks like there is a fundamental difference in thinking. I'm a mathematician. That means I have learned to extract a maximal set of conclusions from a minimal set of assumptions, and what is not relevant to derive the conclusion I tend to ignore. In this case, I have made an argument about what voters (not lawyers, but, ok, in the US lawyers may be an important group of voters) would think about this. So, I focus on what is relevant for those voters.
Yet you base your entire grandeur boast on presuppositions derived from proud fancy.
Sure, two plus two equals four, but that would be something that might come up along the way in explaining the math of a twelve-six hammer. Still, though, telling me two plus two equals four means nothing if you're also telling me the secret to a killer curveball is rubber nen.
Given what you consider irrelevant compared your own aesthetic fixations, your assessment of voters is unreliable.
This is what I have read in this transcript or whatever it is.
Compared to what you consider irrelevant, this is not surprising.
After this, Tiassa supports iceaura's "you know nothing" nonsense.
Schmelzer, if you actually had a clue, you would understand that "know nothing" has a particular American context, and whenever we see know-nothingism, it reflects the same human values and outcomes it always does. Persistently dismissing reality as irrelevant is the actual heart of know-nothingist behavior.
And it's all you've ever really brought.
We should take a moment for something someone else said:
I sometimes wonder how much he is paid for this.
The irony of this line depends entirely on other people, but in terms of subtlety and humor what probably isn't relevant to your aeesthetics is not simply a recent discussion of James R's sense of humor, but the detail of who said what, because some bullshit broke out about whether someone was paid to post here, and some of us had a pretty good chuckle at that, because, well, right, there's always you, and what is relevant to your aesthetics is the underlying joke:
• No, Schmelzer is not a paid advocate; this is obvious, because:
(1) This is Sciforums. In American terms, we're not even farm league; in software terms, this isn't even beta testing. Comparatively, it's spaghetti-monster lorem ipsum.
(2) Three words: Troll farm washout.
That is to say, there's a bit of good meta, there, and such a shame you can't appreciate the humor. Don't worry, though, as comedy is cruelty, this should slip off you about as lightly and easily as a fact.
But that's the joke: Your sullen determination, anti-Americanism, and Putiphilia might make people wonder, but that's only if they skip the detail of just how blatantly detached from reality your generally unreliable—even unto themselves—postings really are. Like a couple religious evangelists around here, and even a couple of their nonunion antireligious equivalents, it's almost like you're trolling the gutter, aiming to hook some lowest common denominator. So, yeah, when someone accused that someone else might be a paid advocate, we all laughed, because, well, compared to Schmelzer, and then laughed again.
Because anyone who pays attention already knows: If Schmelzer can't cope with it, he will decide it isn't relevant, is nothing he cares about. It's hard to imagine who would actually pay for such staggering incompetence. Even as a leftist, anti-Putin provocateur trying to denigrate the Russian strongman's supporters, you're just too clumsy about it.
So, yeah—
Looks like whenever I see something positive on the other side, I have to remain silent on this. Else, the positive thing will be stopped immediately, and the behavior becomes worse. But so what, such is life.
—quit whining. In fifty-two months of opportunity, you have utterly failed to start making sense. Know-nothingism is one of most consistent behaviors of American cruelty; you're over a hundred sixty years behind.