The true Islam - Misconceptions and media distortions aside

this show how you don't know anything about islam.

It shows nothing of the kind.

It shows that I'll not tolerate being Preached at with the arrogance of those that claim all others are wrong for NOT Believing in the absurdities.

I'm not poked at for not believing in Santa.

No one minds that I disbelieve in the tooth fairy.

No one laughs when I say I have no belief in the Easter Bunny...

But when I don't believe in God? Why then I'm down right evil and must have God Shoved Down my Throat. Told I must THANK him and Love him when, whether Bible or Quran, he's described as a sick, twisted, juvenile, racist, bloodthirsty, jealous wrathful and horrifying creature.
"God" reflects all of Humans characteristics, and not necessarily our better ones.

It shows that I don't know anything about tolerating what I should never be expected to tolerate.
You know, you see all this public outrage about movies and video games and people speak out against them and yet-- They don't mind a Religious Book that advocates violence?

Why is that?

Shoot, they'll happily make excuses for it!

If someone claims to see fairies, we take them to Mental Health and seek out treatment for them.

Yet it's tolerated when people put their sick child at risk, getting an exorcist instead of a Dr.

We have white collar prisons for those who commit fraud on Wall Street. Yet evangelists get their own T.V. show.

Is insanity not something in which a person is afflicted with Delusion and Paranoia? Hearing voices etc?
Why are these people not treated for what clearly ails them? Why do we smile and nod and consider that they have "alternative spiritual beliefs?"

Because we started OUT nuts. And so we tolerate that one bit of nuttiness that has caused the greatest of harm throughout the ages.

Humanity is still primitive and crazy.
Islam is the religion brought to humanity by God's last messenger Muhammad (pbuh). There are many common themes between it and Judaism and Christianity. By presenting articles, Quran verses and prophet saying I would be presenting the features of the straight path that God has outlined for mankind i.e. by His last messenger and by the earlier prophets. I hope that some of you would benefit of that information. It is the same topics but they are communicated using different words and formulations.

Here is a second verified Qudsi saying:

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Allah said:

"I have prepared for My righteous servants what no eye has seen and no ear has heard, not has it occurred to human heart. Thus recite if you wish (1): And no soul knows what joy for them (the inhabitants of Paradise) has been kept hidden (Quran Chapter 32 Verse 17)."​

(1) The words "Thus recite if you wish" are those of Abu Harayrah.

It was related by al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.

God of the Islamic faith, Muhammad (pbuh) and the earlier prophets are calling everyone to the straight path. They are calling for a joyful everlasting life. Man is asked to believe in God the Creator, do the good things God asks to do and avoid the bad things God asks to avoid. God has created man and He knows that which is best for Him. The beauty of true belief in God can be obtained by the grace of God and by the willingness of Man's heart.

These are some additional ideas of the Muslim faith.
In other words, stop proselytizing.

IF you wanted to honestly discuss misconceptions about Islam and others perceptions of it- You should have honestly stuck to doing that.
yosef said:
By presenting articles, Quran verses and prophet saying I would be presenting the features of the straight path that God has outlined for mankind

Thank you for your concern. We already have the Book, the fliers, and the information on where to find out more. Have a nice day.
Yosef, don't waste your time or power on this here. it's an advice

I am not doing this for any earthy reward. I feel it is our task to communicate to people the true nature of this religion. It is a great gift and the gift needs to be shared.

I believe that I am dealing with many false conceptions as I present verses and prophet sayings. If some members perceive my attempts as pure preaching and they don't want to hear preaching, then they have the option stick to the other posts / sections on this forum.

As far as I can remember, I have never attempted to systematically hinder anyone here. And to be honest, I cannot understand why some people seem to be angry.
I am not doing this for any earthy reward. I feel it is our task to communicate to people the true nature of this religion. It is a great gift and the gift needs to be shared.

I believe that I am dealing with many false conceptions as I present verses and prophet sayings. If some members perceive my attempts as pure preaching and they don't want to hear preaching, then they have the option stick to the other posts / sections on this forum.

As far as I can remember, I have never attempted to systematically hinder anyone here. And to be honest, I cannot understand why some people seem to be angry.

I believe it is my moral duty to share the gift or Mormonism.
Mormonism is the TRUTH that cannot be proven wrong!

I must always deal with people misunderstanding how come Joseph Smith could not duplicate his translations- but I say his faith PROVES the Truth!

If the fact that my pretending to discuss basic misconceptions while I'm actually proselytizing others bothers them, my lack of honesty and honor should be respected, because I only want to Share the Gift of the Holy Truth.

I never intended to hinder anyone, I only declared that ALL people that believe in the WRONG religions WILL believe in mine or suffer wrath and eternal damnation.

I am not doing this for any earthy reward. I feel it is our task to communicate to people the true nature of this religion. It is a great gift and the gift needs to be shared.

I believe that I am dealing with many false conceptions as I present verses and prophet sayings. If some members perceive my attempts as pure preaching and they don't want to hear preaching, then they have the option stick to the other posts / sections on this forum.

As far as I can remember, I have never attempted to systematically hinder anyone here. And to be honest, I cannot understand why some people seem to be angry.

ok, i understand, but, i did try, but, it is useless, don't waste your time. and yes, i ask the same question, they all seems to be angry, they have a complexe, if i was infront of them, i bet they'll kill me, or hit me or something, i'm very very sure. members here, undiscusebal, you can't discuss to them, (not all members)

I believe it is my moral duty to share the gift or Mormonism.
Mormonism is the TRUTH that cannot be proven wrong!

I must always deal with people misunderstanding how come Joseph Smith could not duplicate his translations- but I say his faith PROVES the Truth!

hmm;, isnt that against your atheism? also this deferently seems to be like intollerance, or something like that
I never intended to hinder anyone, I only declared that ALL people that believe in the WRONG religions WILL believe in mine or suffer wrath and eternal damnation.

Now HERE! you are exactly the same like a fanatic. If you think you're the best, or, you're an exellent person, or you know alooot, then, you're just the contrary. people that are good and great, to try to pertend, and don't try to show it, or something like that, people who knows alot, knows that they don't know even little; people who think that they are always correct, and don't discuss, but judge, "yes" or "no" and, over, the final word is for me (like you(but i'm not sure yet, i'll discover it by time, but it seems;, you are kidna confused,between two lines, trying to choose one, and you will) and others) are justy empty people, don't know anything.

If the fact that my pretending to discuss basic misconceptions while I'm actually proselytizing others bothers them, my lack of honesty and honor should be respected, because I only want to Share the Gift of the Holy Truth.

hmm, maybe i can understand that.
they all seems to be angry, they have a complexe, if i was infront of them, i bet they'll kill me, or hit me or something, i'm very very sure. members here, undiscusebal, you can't discuss to them, (not all members)

Oh brother...:rolleyes:

hmm;, isnt that against your atheism? also this deferently seems to be like intollerance, or something like that
Yeah. It IS intolerance. I already covered that I have every rational reason to be intolerant of Crap.
Ever take a look at how believers treat atheists?
They ask you why you LOST your faith, why you gave up on God... They treat you like you're evil, deluded, lied to by Satan, as though there is something Wrong with you for NOT believing in the Invisible Pink Unicorn. They act as though you're bad for using logic, critical thinking and healthy skepticism.

How hypocritical.

Religions through out the ages have banned and burned books, punished people with prison, done everything in their power to prevent people from NOT believing in their oppressive dogma.

Don't talk to me about Tolerance.

Now HERE! you are exactly the same like a fanatic. If you think you're the best, or, you're an exellent person, or you know alooot, then, you're just the contrary. people that are good and great, to try to pertend, and don't try to show it, or something like that, people who knows alot, knows that they don't know even little; people who think that they are always correct, and don't discuss, but judge, "yes" or "no" and, over, the final word is for me (like you(but i'm not sure yet, i'll discover it by time, but it seems;, you are kidna confused,between two lines, trying to choose one, and you will) and others) are justy empty people, don't know anything.

And here, folks, is how one goes about justifying ignorance and making excuses for tolerating insanity...
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ok, i understand, but, i did try, but, it is useless, don't waste your time. and yes, i ask the same question, they all seems to be angry, they have a complexe, if i was infront of them, i bet they'll kill me, or hit me or something, i'm very very sure. members here, undiscusebal, you can't discuss to them, (not all members)

I am sure it is not going to go that bad if we met some people here face to face :)


I can understand what you mean by asking to consider how some religious people treat atheists i.e. when they speak with them. I can imagine, some people can make the atheists feel evil or something. They might discount essential parts of you as human because of your lack of belief.

I can tell you one thing, mate, that as belief in God increases (i.e. in the heart of the believer, not necessary the atheist), the milder the heart becomes and the easier the talk gets.

I cannot deny that by presenting God's word or Qudsi sayings I won't be calling people for the way of God. Present the words means present the belief system. But back to the preaching: what is bad in that ? If it is something good, why not to tell about it ?

I have not replied to some earlier elements (criticisms) due to the perceived lack of knowledge on part of some posters.

Best wishes all :)
Islam is the religion brought to humanity by God's last messenger Muhammad (pbuh).

So Yosef, can you explain why the majority of countries that are dominated by Islamic religions are so backward in virtually every sense of the word?

So intolerant of women and minorities and those who don't believe as they do?

The ONLY ones with a decent GDP per capita are those that are swimming in oil.

and what does explain that muslim countries were once the most developed nation? and the origin that invented and developed many knoledges have a big importance in our modern world. and today, are all muslim countries backward? nno, i can say on my own country, we are lot more educated than americans, citizents i mean. europe is boiling with maghrebians who work, and study their, and teach in univercities.
@Shadow1 @adoucette

That's true. I get surprised again and again by the number of students and academic staff of Muslim origin at foreign countries. Maybe the Arab countries are not taking care of the resources they have. Many go abroad for better futures. As to women, believe me they have all the rights. Religion itself and the Word of God protect women. They gives them the good tings they need. There are clear and wise guidelines as to marriage, divorce, financial support, infidelity, children and many other topics. Much of the problems originate form the fact that many people in the Islamic world are not living according to the Word of God.
A division can be recognized between the less orthodox or fundamentalist Muslims as opposed to the more fundamentalist.

The less orthodox they are, the less problems they have with tolerance or fitting into a more equal and less gender biased culture.

The more fundamental they are, the more problems they have.

You can see the same things in Christianity, but since Christianity is less strict over-all and has less gender division, the outcome is less severe.