The true Islam - Misconceptions and media distortions aside

The real facts on the table:

We cannot prove the creator. There cannot be no creator.

That is real science.
This is so funny to me.

The real facts on the table:

We cannot prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster. There cannot be no Fly in my Spaghetti Monster.

That is real science.

heh... and people waste their entire lives believing this crap. If the prophets came down one day and said to their sheeple: Sorry guy's, but word is Heaven is now full. So, the Gods would still like you to continue to venerate them because, (although they created reality. like a petty banking CEO they just like the butt kissing) they enjoy basking in your small minded adoration. However, (also like a CEO) they, the Gods that is, have to skip out on their promise of a retirement in paradise - from today forward you'll just die end of story. Keep up the prayers we'll continue to answer them as has been the case :D

I promise you most people, regardless of faith, would find a new superstition in under a month. While they say it's not about the carrot, it really is.
A few examples of muhamed's mercy from the hadiths (accepted hadiths)
IMO Muhammed was a warlord who created a religion to strengthen his position and unite the arab tribes under his banner.

Not sure what the standard number of campaigns for a prophet of god is but 19 seems respectable :)


Look what a good sport he was he even gave women some booty if they fought with him (not as much as men though) and even though they may have slaughtered thier enemies they spared the kiddies :m:

Muhammed of the white thighs catches the folk of Khaibar on thier way to work and kicks some ass!!

Somebody pisses Mo off so he sends his thugs to murder him.

The people who heard Muhammad's message went on a campaign of conquest after his death this is historical fact. Muslims always come with apologetics saying that muslims fought defensive wars but that is simply not the case. There were no muslims to defend in Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, North Africa, Persia, Spain, Afghanistan, Southern France, India, Anatolia etc. etc. All of these places were invaded by muslim armies within 100 years of muhamed's death. That is to say that the earliest muslims were violent and imperialistic. Who knows what Muhamed preached best you or people who actually heard what he said and conquered/colonized as much land as they could? Muslims even raided Rome and pillaged the church of st peter in 846 less than 200 years after the death of muhamed.

I don't give a shit if you are a muslim, what irks me is the constant preaching about how great and peaceful etc islam is, sorry but that is just bullshit from day one. I am not saying any other religion is any better (they aren't, they all divide humanity)

You are misinformed.

1. You are giving Islam the name of what muslim people did. Steretype.

2. It's like saying Americans are murderers, racists, slave traders. Give it a break and grow in that tiny mind you call your consciousness.

3. Go read the Quran they have many english translation, some are false American propaganda, if you enjoy reading those, keep it to your self it will do you no good.
The real facts on the table:

We cannot prove the creator. There cannot be no creator.

That is real science.
No, it's a real assumption. Must you argue this in EVERY thread?
You assume that cannot be "no creator."
But a creator as defined is not falsifiable and that which is not falsifiable is NOT Science.

Get over it, already.

For always trying to pretend that you're scientific- You strike me as one with an agenda to disregard or attack science.

I think that it is because you fear it.
This is so funny to me.

The real facts on the table:

We cannot prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster. There cannot be no Fly in my Spaghetti Monster.

That is real science.

heh... and people waste their entire lives believing this crap. If the prophets came down one day and said to their sheeple: Sorry guy's, but word is Heaven is now full. So, the Gods would still like you to continue to venerate them because, (although they created reality. like a petty banking CEO they just like the butt kissing) they enjoy basking in your small minded adoration. However, (also like a CEO) they, the Gods that is, have to skip out on their promise of a retirement in paradise - from today forward you'll just die end of story. Keep up the prayers we'll continue to answer them as has been the case :D

I promise you most people, regardless of faith, would find a new superstition in under a month. While they say it's not about the carrot, it really is.

The science and empirical premise favor a Creator, in fact allowing no alternative here. Humans are not rejecting this from a scientific POV, althogh this is what they think - the rejection is actually a humanistic POV, namely the 1000's of years of darkness and the random misery all around. The science say YES - the proof says NO!
'AS DEFINED'? This has nothing to do with science. I am not speaking from a theological view. Get it right, if your talking science!

As long as you are talking about a divine, supernatural or 'outside the universe' creator- it IS a theological view.
Please note that this thread is about Islam. It is not about IamJoseph's crazy ideas. Further posts on that subject will be considered off-topic trolling.
You are misinformed.

1. You are giving Islam the name of what muslim people did. Steretype.

2. It's like saying Americans are murderers, racists, slave traders. Give it a break and grow in that tiny mind you call your consciousness.

3. Go read the Quran they have many english translation, some are false American propaganda, if you enjoy reading those, keep it to your self it will do you no good.

About Islam:

Is it American propaganda the Muslims have been acting as Nazis concerning the Jews these past 60 years - demanding only genocidal terms, based on 100% falsehoods, blackmail, payola and corruption? Why does a people who have been given vast states they never owned 120 years ago, each upto
200M KMSQ, and still obsessed of a 4000 year nation having a tiny, barren snitch of land they know was the Jewish homeland, proclaiming genocide by hiding behind placebos like Zionists and Muslim Pretend Palestineans?

Its got nothing whatsoever to do with America, who is now hated only because she does not always follow the corrupt EU with their heil hitler salutes at the UN against Jews or all Islamic wishlists. The Arabs are saying America is stopping them from commiting another holocaust - which is self declared when one reads Arabic sermons in Madarassa across the globe. And 'ALL' Muslims remain silent of it, even fostering it.

The EU & Islamic League have been successful in implementing more UN Reso's against Israel than Nazi Germany a 100 fold. They have also successfully created a false refugee issue only to target Israel, and ignored the real Jewish refugees from Islamic lands. They have also succedded in negating any resolution for the UN's greatest violation in the UN's history - the multi-state Arab attack on a UN established state, with a declared goal of genocide. No UN Reso # and none likely.

Jordan was the 2-state compromise made for the Arabs who flocked to Palestine as a negation of Israel and to escape their regimes:


That was and remains an immoral and illegal deed. Jordan is illegal, created in extreme duress when the Jews were totally helpless following W.W.II, and for reasons of oil. Jordan's creation is the worst W.W.II crime. Now another state is demanded in what's is left after 80% was robbed away, and its still called a 2-state! Nice math!

The truth is, the Pretend Pals are the world's least credible refugees in Geo-History. They have more options and facilities than any other refugees on the planet. What's next - Muslim Zionists persecuted and apardthided by Israelis? At least the Nazis were honest about it. :rolleyes:
Please note that this thread is about Islam. It is not about IamJoseph's crazy ideas. Further posts on that subject will be considered off-topic trolling.

Responding to a standing, wrong and bad post is not trolling. Get your act together.

No, that's my fault.

I said my original piece in this thread as I perceive the absurdity in religious hate and hate crimes.

What followed after should be effectively ignored or removed by a Moderator.

As for the rest of your posts on topic- I find them rather ill informed and so badly written that I'm not willing to get into another debate with you in which you simply word play and dance around like a happy troll excreting nonsense and labeling at as facts is if that magically makes it so.
No, that's my fault.

I said my original piece in this thread as I perceive the absurdity in religious hate and hate crimes.

What followed after should be effectively ignored or removed by a Moderator.

As for the rest of your posts on topic- I find them rather ill informed and so badly written that I'm not willing to get into another debate with you in which you simply word play and dance around like a happy troll excreting nonsense and labeling at as facts is if that magically makes it so.

Did I miscept Islam too!? :rolleyes:
Really Joseph? Muslims in America = Nazis?

Islam is a religion of 57 Regime states, with some half of them anointed without any historical legitimacy 120 years ago - and they all vote unanamously at the UN with no variance, regardless of the issue. This is true of American or other forms of Islam. This is what I see.
You also stated there was no country called Israel before 1948. I posted you a link from an encyclopedia - you failed to retract your statement, nor did you offer any further evidence of your claims. :D

that wasn't my claim and you know it. quit lying out your ass, quit posting religious mythology as it were scientific and historical fact, and stay the fuck on topic.