The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
Oh wow, we's got a "more important job" than me, he must be right?
Holding that position makes him automatically infallible and immune to questioning?

Inconsequential. People from all walks of life have observed this phenomena. From Presidents to Laborers.
Inconsequential. People from all walks of life have observed this phenomena. From Presidents to Laborers.
Just responding to the post from Reiku.
Should'a levelled that at him then, rather than me...:rolleyes:
And it's phenomenon!
Is that not an evidence of sorts, not to mention the countless observations made?

No, and here's why.

An observation of a phenomenon is exactly that, an observation. You are free to make hypotheses and predictions to attempt to explain the phenomenon, but that certainly doesn't constitute the original observation as any kind of evidence. You have absolutely nothing to compare or relate to the observation in order to draw conclusions.

Therefore, the hypotheses and predictions MUST be tested. There is where you will find your evidence, or not.
If they have, then why deny the evidence? This IS EVIDENCE.

Evidence takes on the form of many aspects, and one of the strongest formsof evidence is observation, and out of the thousands per year (and i actually have records dating back from the 1990's of such observation recorded by the minsistry of defense,) that these things are real.

I never denied that. Observation begs experiement or investigation. That is why (places like the ministry of defense have these operations in action.)

The main theme of the X-Files was not based upon mere speculation alone.
I don't normally ask if people are stupid, but are you?
Nope, but I'm also not gullible.

No evidence?
Are you even following UFO's correctly?
Well since I'm not as gullible as you then it's hard to tell isn't it?

Are you saying i am a liar, against also the several people who witnessed what i saw?
Here we go again: either/ or?
I've already told you I've seen one...:rolleyes:

Is that not an evidence of sorts, not to mention the countless observations made?
Oh for crying out loud.
How many times?
EYEWITNESS evidence is not hard evidence.
People make mistakes.
People fool themselves.
People fool others.

Get a grip.
I'm not the one making unwarranted assumptions here.
Nope, but I'm also not gullible.

Well since I'm not as gullible as you then it's hard to tell isn't it?

Here we go again: either/ or?
I've already told you I've seen one...:rolleyes:

Oh for crying out loud.
How many times?
EYEWITNESS evidence is not hard evidence.
People make mistakes.
People fool themselves.
People fool others.

I'm not the one making unwarranted assumptions here.

I know what i saw myself, and do countless thousands, possible over a million people now know what they saw. Time to take a grip of reality, as i said.
All the film footage I have seen, and I've seen a lot, has been at best inconclusive while most has been pitiful.

Which film do you think is the most convincing?

Are you a professional photographic expert? Is it your profession to examine film despite it's entertainment value for validation purposes?

The best film I have personally seen is the governmental stuff. That and the NASA satellite footage from space. It's incredible to say the least.

The most convincing footage however comes from Mexico where there were multiples in excess of 300 shooting footage of the same craft simultaneously.
I know what i saw myself, and do countless thousands, possible over a million people now know what they saw. Time to take a grip of reality, as i said.
No, you know you saw something you can't explain.
Scientific thinking stops there.
Without any more evidence you're speculating.
No, you know you saw something you can't explain.
Scientific thinking stops there.
Without any more evidence you're speculating.

What i can explain is limited. But for what i can, it's not explainable next to modern science.

That it where the buck stops. Not where you think.
What i can explain is limited. But for what i can, it's not explainable next to modern science.
You can explain things not explicable to modern science?
Then is it science?

That it where the buck stops. Not where you think.
Buck stops?
Mixed metaphor surely...
You say you don't trust most photographs, but you'll trust (and build upon) a fleeting one-off visual experience?
Way to go.
You're obviously a future giant in the world of science.

I never denied that. Observation begs experiement or investigation.

Not to the extent of wasting time, energy and resources tracking down every single claim, especially when not a shred of hard evidence has been found.

It's probably about time to put the tinfoil hats away and get on with it, don't ya think?
Not to the extent of wasting time, energy and resources tracking down every single claim, especially when not a shred of hard evidence has been found.

It's probably about time to put the tinfoil hats away and get on with it, don't ya think?

Some people could say that about String Theory, which has waisted money and time.
And a shred of evidence has been found.

I am one of them, including several others who witnessed strange objects in the sky.

This is proof, for fu*k sake.
And because such a culture has arisen, where we have tin-foil over our heads is supposed to be a matter of a joke, is due to television (and pure idiots of the truth), alone. Nothing more and nothing less, for we do not have proof of such conspicuous actions.
Here is my personal report, all those years ago.

''Gods Great Aquarium*''
* that is spacetime.

''Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?''
Fox Mulder to Dana Scully (Pilot Episode)

Yes. I do. And here are three reasons why:

1. That in the 1990's in Scotland, Dunoon in the Argyle, (my home town), i experienced a most fantastic phenomena. I was a young child at the time; but i remember the experience as though it where yesterday. I remember looking out of my mother and fathers home one dark winter’s night, and i saw something... something that made me screw my face, because, even though i did not know how aerodynamics worked - i did know what types of spacecraft we had at the time, and it did not match up. Three distinct lights (of brilliant vibrance), cascaded high above my house in a beautiful dance - though, a complicated one at that, and i can tell you now today, that no earthly-built aircraft could manoeuvre like what these lights where doing: thus, i called my parents... and we all stood out in the dark open with our eyes fixated to the skies, in incredible awe. Jaw's open - quite literally. They performed a dance that would rotate around each other in almost pure symmetry, then merging together - like a single force - then splitting away from each other, before disappearing into the deep dark of the night skies, as though they speeded away faster than sound itself. If their are doubters of my claims out their, which there inexorably always is, it wasn't just witnessed by my self and my family - but by quite a few people throughout the town. It was noted that week in the 'Local Dunoon Observer;' so, I’m not as eccentric as some might have assumed.

2. Now - the second reason extends from the first. Here, my scientific and mystical mind go hand-in-hand. First of all, if it wasn't a product of an earth air-craft, since i can deduct this from its sophisticated manoeuvres throughout the sky, then one might assume it was some light source, located miles away. However, an investigation occurred and found no results of any light activity from any of the surrounding towns - and since Dunoon is arched in by mountains, the major cities like ''Glasgow'', is simply far too much of a distance. If it was cast from Glasgow, it would have needed to be a very powerful, focused beam... and even beams that are seen from reasonable distances, can still be known to be from some torch light source - but these 'Luminiferous objects', as i said, where extremely vibrant, and did not look as though they where a by-product of some distant source... it might as well have been cast right from our back garden it was that bright.

3. But i hear Occam rolling in grave... What if it was but some kind of electrical phenomena? Well, I’m no expert on natural electrical phenomena, such as lightning, but i believe even lightning itself is not fully known how it operates. I heard a theory earlier this year, that it might be a product of ice frictions... but too long a story... but my point being, that if this is true, then it is quite possible actually that it could have all been a phenomenal electrical event... but when does the buck stop with knowledge, because eventually, logic becomes a lie, and everything falls down a disenchanted path, and lay's in scientific history as nothing but curiosity... In other words, not everything is governed by logic. Even the illogical assumptions bring with it its own type of legacy. So, might we turn to the fantastic, perhaps even the most incredible to discover the correct logical truth - no matter how illogical it may seem to be? Might the fantastic from time-to-time, be the most plausible assumption? Mathematics would state yes. But this is according to our calculations, highly improbable... However, is the improbable the most probable way to discover the truth about the mind-blowing, incomprehensible world we see around us?

I believe what i saw that night was of extraterrestrial origin - even though the scientific child inside of me is telling me 'no - don't be stupid!' - because, how could another race achieve such a task as deep as intergalactic travel without coming to us when we are long gone, due to the relative laws?
Of course - is this not the argument that is self-explanatory? After all, wouldn't aliens be more intelligent than us? Perhaps they discovered the mysterious ''Tachyonic Matter,'' and achieved great spacetime distances, without really taking any time at all? What if they have mastered the unified theory long before us, and came to our planet, 100,000 years ago - and they, as some conspiracists state, 'created us,' and, 'monitors us'... even though i don't believe in this theory, i can imagine some strange interpretations; one being that if they did genetically construct humans, they are then our gods... But - please - don't mistake me here - it is incredibly improbable... but that's the great thing about theories. If at least a statistical value of anything happening, whether that be 1 in 10^100, it is still possible.

Of course - other, more rational ''things'' can be brought into play here. First of all, aliens must exist, due to the high probability factor of infinite spacetimematter - thus out in that wide cosmos, we cannot be, according to these statistics, be the only ''life'' out there... whether that be intelligent life or not. There is simply far too much space and matter, and equally proportional to its infinite possibilities, that we cannot be the only life existent within this great expanding vacuum.
And, equally logical, is that if they are alien to us, what are we to them? I'm sure you guessed that we too would be aliens - thus, using this deduction, ask yourself again, 'do aliens exist?'

Yes... they do. I am one sitting here right now, as you are sitting there reading this.
I am one of them, including several others who witnessed strange objects in the sky.

This is proof, for fu*k sake.

This is not HARD evidence.

My biggest issue is despite all these reports coming in, why does our nation not consider this a matter of national security? Especially in this day of age, unless they had prior knowledge OR are operating them.
And, equally logical, is that if they are alien to us, what are we to them? I'm sure you guessed that we too would be aliens - thus, using this deduction, ask yourself again, 'do aliens exist?'

Yes... they do. I am one sitting here right now, as you are sitting there reading this.

Again the woo woo's simplified answer.
You are only an alien IF extra-terrestrial aliens exist...